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PNG in the News
PNG officials still trying to trace 179 people after ferry disaster --
Manhunt underway in PNG following death of a former top policeman --
'No talk, no texting, no grenades' --
Dreaming of a bright future! --
Two-month output halt costs NGG cash shortfall --

PNG Blogs
Somare 'failed to communicate' says Abal --
Malum Nalu: Somare: Stick to election schedule --
Wewak at standstill as 9 suspects nabbed --
Andrew's UKARUMPA: Back Into the Swing of Things --
Mt. Hagen - Travel With Olga --
Namah: Give me 12 months --

PNG Images
Somare seeks support as colonel charged --
Mount Hagen --
Mount Hagen --
Mount Hagen --

Misc PNG Links
PNG Sustainable Development Program --
Travel Air PNG --
Air Niugini --
Airlines PNG --
Solomon Airlines --

News Items

A nationwide immunisation programme aimed at reducing polio, tetanus and measles will be held between the 2nd of April and the 15th of May. The exercise, conducted by the Health Department, will target children under three and women of childbearing age.

A320 from Honiara
Solomon Airlines has launched its A320 return service from Honiara to Port Moresby with a return fare of K1799 including tax. Visit the flysolomons web site at for further information. The service commences from the 27th of March.

PNG National Census
Provisional figures for the 2011 census should be available this month. The provisional figures would be released once the remaining six provinces had their numbers entered before it the formal launching and release by the government national statistician Joseph Aka said.

Wewak Frozen
The town of Wewak was frozen on the 1st of March as police took control of the East Sepik capital. Police had to secure the business centre and advise people to go home and stay there for there own safety. The closure was caused by a row between families of two police officers. Police moved quickly to prevent looting of the business houses including three commercial banks.
Cabinet extends troops' call-out in Wewak by two months --

Kokopo Games
The 5th PNG Games has received a boost of K100,000 from SP Brewery to help in the preparations for the Games. The Games provides a good platform to help expose competitors to a higher level of competition than what is available at the provincial level. The sponsorship by the brewery also aims to promote major government initiatives.

Bridge Reopened
The Angabanga Bridge connecting the western parts of Central province and Gulf to Port Moresby has been reopened after being washed away a month ago. The bridge is an important link for many travelling to and from Port Moresby.

2012 Elections
Will the elections go ahead? It looks more like that the big event will not. The government is waiting for a decision by the Electoral Commission. Currently there are serious concerns over the updating being done to the Common Electoral Roll. Some reports have said there could be as many as 40 per cent of eligible missing from the Roll.
The Police have said they need an additional K25 million on top of the already allocated K105 million to be ready and be able to implement the necessary security operations for the elections.
Prime Minister O'Neill has said the elections will go ahead and will not be deferred but there are concerns by members of parliament that the Electoral Roll will not be ready in time.
Alarm grows at possibility of poll delay in PNG --
PM: Polls in June --
Aust urges PNG to go ahead with polls --

Eye Health
Serious eye problems are crippling thousands across the half-island Pacific nation of Papua New Guinea (PNG), say health workers. Almost 200,000 people nationwide have poor eyesight or no vision; many go without treatment due to inadequate eye-care facilities, specialists, surgical supplies and drugs.

Oral Health
Oral Health in PNG has been described as bad by a team of visiting health professionals from Australia and New Zealand. The team were shocked to find that many people had already lost their permanent teeth while others were losing them due the poor state of their gums. One of the main contributing factors was quoted as being the chewing of betel nut and lack of cleaning.

Leadership Trial
The court case to find the answer to "who is the real leader of PNG" will begin on the 2nd of April. The Supreme Court has set this date for the case to be heard. This is about 26 days before the issue of writs for Election 2012.

Passengers Rewarded
Passengers of a PMV ordered off the bus by thugs in Lae were rewarded an hour later when the men responsible returned and shared money and cigarettes with them. Passengers said the men had robbed an Asian store at the new Wantok Haus complex.

Free Education
The Post Courier has reported the government will release the next money allocated under the free education policy in June. An amount of K350 million has been earmarked to go into the relevant school accounts. The Free Education scheme will cover Grade 12 in 2014 and tertiary students in 2016.

Cops Bashed in Nightclub
Two off-duty policemen were beaten by a group of men in a nightclub in Port Moresby recently. The men were reportedly under the influence of alcohol. The officers were members of the National Capital District task force unit.

Prepaid Water
Everyone has to drink water and in Port Moresby everyone relies on Eda Ranu for drinking water. Eda Ranu has the equipment available to introduce prepaid water in Port Moresby. Prepaying for water will mean no large bills appearing in your mailbox requiring payment at an inappropriate time. As a gesture of goodwill Eda Ranu will fix any current leakages free of charge to properties getting a prepaid meter installed.

Caritas Tech School
The Caritas Technical School has received K50,000 from the Malaysian Association of PNG. The donation was part of K650.000 raised during the Malaysia Business council charity golf challenge.

Cancer Drugs
The Australian Government through AusAID has donated 280 boxes of drugs worth over K2.8 million to help in the treatment of cancer. The drugs include a range of chemotherapy supplies required to fight many types of cancer and the associated drugs to counter the side effects. The supplies will go to the National Oncology Services at Angau Memorial Hospital in Lae and the Oncology Day ward at Port Moresby General Hospital.

Hagen Battle Ground
Hagen city turned into a battlefield recently as two clans fought each other with bush knives, stones and sticks at the main bus stop and market. Many were believed to be injured but attempts by The National made to confirm this with the Mount Hagen provincial hospital yesterday morning were unsuccessful.

Dying Languages
Languages from the world's greatest linguistic reservoir are disappearing in a tide of indifference. It has been claimed New Guinea (PNG and Indonesian Papua) have over 1000 different languages with many having less than 1000 speakers. PNG alone claims over 800 languages. Many of the newer generation do not speak their traditional language preferring to use a language that they can communicate with people outside their village. Languages are dying out as the older generation dies. It is difficult to document some of the languages, as they are purely oral and not readily able to be documented.

Seasonal Work
The first batch of six seasonal workers from PNG will leave soon for New Zealand as part of a pilot project. PNG Seasonal Worker's Coordination Office interim coordinator John Yamin said only six workers were being sent because previously several people from PNG who took part in the workers scheme on their own had tarnished PNG's reputation by engaging in unethical behaviour while in New Zealand.

Fibreglass Boats
A man from Enga - a non-maritime province - is making and repairing fibreglass boats for sale in Ensisi Valley, Port Moresby. There is always a demand for dinghies in Port Moresby and surrounding coastal areas. Romane Yangomina was retrenched from the Defence Force in 1985 and put his payout from the army to good use.

PNG Power Robbed
The PNG Power office within the Datec complex at Gordon's was robbed recently and this has prompted PNG Power to let customers know that it will no longer accept cash at any of its business offices as of this coming week. Customers are urged to use EFTPOS. Police confirmed the incident and said the armed robbery squad were investigating.

Coming Events
Note: please verify any date mentioned as dates change and events can sometimes get cancelled. Of course I may also put down a wrong date.
Ride the Rivers Enduro - 24 and 25 March 2012
Olympic boxing qualifying tournament - April 2012
2012 Milne Bay Critter & Adventure Expeditions with Bob Halstead & Graham Abbott
Milne Bay-Critters-Milne Bay: 17th April 2012 to 29th April 2012
Milne Bay-Critters-Milne Bay: 1st May 2012 to 13th May 2012
Alotau-Adventure Diving-Kimbe Bay: 15th May 2012 to 30th May 2012
South Pacific Export PNG Golf Open - May 2012?
National Elections - Scheduled for June 2012 - will they be postponed?
Solomon Islands welcomes you to the 11th Festival of Pacific Arts --
From 1 to 14 July 2012,
Mt Hagen Show - 11th and 12th of August 2012
Samarai and Milne Bay Reunion - Rydges Oasis Resort, Caloundra, Australia between the 7th and 9th of September 2012 -- --
Fifth PNG Games, Kokopo, East New Britain - 17th to 30th November 2012
Pacific Mini Games - Wallis and Futuna 2013
2013 Pacific Netball Series (hosted by Fiji)
Full Pacific Games - PNG 2015 --
Pacific Mini Games - Vanuatu 2017
Do you have an event that you want advertised? - Use the submission form located at --
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