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PNG in the News
Sir Michael Somare says PNG needs immediate election to end unconstitutional acts --
Carr says he was wrong on PNG --
PNG MP commends Carr over comments --
Carr has "white man's burden", says Mundine --
A quake hit about 62 kilometres from the Eastern Highlands provincial capital Goroka and 324km from the national capital Port Moresby at a depth of 105km. Goroka resident Stanley Gareke says traffic came to a halt and panicked workers fled from buildings as the ground shook strongly for around a minute. --
PM O'Neill indeed in Gulf Province; Kerema --
Alcohol abuse growing in PNG Western Highlands --
PNG too strong for Danes --
Over the wicket: Cricket no longer a strange sport --
Port Moresby's growing pains --
PNG team in NRL could be a better bet --

Misc PNG
Trans Marine --
Port Moresby Forecast --
PNG Namba Wan Trophy Limited (NWTL) was established in October 1989. They have a web site located at --
NASFund --
Lohberger Engineering --
Hotel Poroman --
Bank of Papua New Guinea --
PNG School Books --
Double anguish for landslide survivors --

PNG Blogs
Stamp my passport - please --
Why are we building a Korean Hotel in residential Madang? --
PNG Photo Blog --
Andrew's UKARUMPA --
Moresby's giant potholes disrupt everyday living --

PNG Images
A game of cricket in Port Moresby --
Officers at a tea party in Rabaul --
Wewak VSAT Install --
Photos near Lae Creek on the island of New Britain --

News Items
Judiciary Bill
A bill introduced into Parliament to allow for the suspension of senior Supreme and National Court judges has been controversially passed. Only seven MP's voted against the bill including Opposition Leader Dame Carol Kidu. Deputy Opposition Leader, Sam Abal, said the "Judicial Conduct Bill 2012" threatens to damage the democratic principle of the independence of the three arms of government.
Prime Minister Peter O'Neill has given a Sunday night address to the nation to explain his government's controversial new powers to suspend judges, after several thousand demonstrators took to the streets in Port Moresby. The university students say they are prepared to defy police orders in their protest against the Judicial Conduct Bill. --
Namah calls for PNG chief justice to resign --
PNG students demand axing of judge-ban laws --

Locust Attack
The outgoing moderator of the United Church, Sir Reverend Samson Lowa, has said PNG is being stripped of wealth by locusts saying "you all know what they are" despite PNG being a land of milk and honey.

Pirates in POM
Water police have said they are unable to respond quickly to any report of pirate activities in Port Moresby's Fairfax Harbour. The police do not have port facilities and need to moor their boat off the coast causing delays when responding to distress calls. A small Royal Papua Yacht Club vessel was recently terrorised by a group of armed men in a dinghy. Police have warned sailors to be cautious in and around the harbour especially at night.

IEA TAFE Website
The International Education Agency has launched a new website that will provide access to information about all the courses offered and relevant application forms etc. The site will have updated information about what is taking place at the four TAFE campuses located at Port Moresby, Lae, Mt Hagen and Kimbe.

Digicel Towers
Digicel has received a first payment of K500,000 from local Alotau MP, Charles Abel, to help toward the construction of two telecommunications towers to serve communities outside of Alotau Milne Bay province. One tower will be built at Bonarua on the Suau coast and the other at Rabaraba sometime later this year.
Digicel has helped with the funding of a double classroom valued at K85,000 for the Kanampa Elementary School in Goroka, Eastern Highlands province.
Digicel claims to cover over 4.5 million people in PNG and aims at constantly improving on this figure. It also has over 700 mobile fone towers around the country.

PNG Power
A new PNG Power board of directors has been sworn in. The new board was welcomed and congratulated by Tony Koiri, the Chief Executive Officer of PNG Power.

Ships Set on Fire
Bougainville ex-combatants off the coast of Buka recently set several ships alight. The MV Kopra I, MV Kopra II and Solomon Queen were recently impounded a month ago after the sinking of the MV Rabaul Queen and subsequent loss of many lives off the coast near Finschhafen in Morobe province. The Solomon Queen was the first vessel to be set alight followed by the other two. --
According to ex-combatants the three ships will now be sold as scrap metal to cover loss of lives from the MV Rabaul Queen.
PNG releases funds for ferry disaster inquiry --
Bougainville leader says ship owner ignorant in not meeting compensation demand --

Women in Business Summit
Four prominent Cairns businesswomen have been selected to be guest speakers at the Women in Business summit in PNG. As a new generation of PNG women continue to step into the business world, the Cairns contingent will be on hand at the three-day summit to offer guidance, share their personal success stories, answer questions and help kick start business ideas.

Amelia Earhart
Clinton vows search for 'heroine' Amelia Earhart. In one of aviation's most enduring mysteries, Earhart took off from Lae, in what is now Papua New Guinea, while attempting to circumnavigate the globe via the equator in 1937 and was never seen again.

Lutheran University
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of PNG (ELCPNG) has been granted permission to operate a private University similar to the Divine Word University operated by the Catholic Church and the Pacific Adventist University run by the Seven Day Adventists.

Wewak Petrol Outlet
InterOil has opened an ultra-modern service station in Wewak, East Sepik province. East Sepik has become the first province to receive a state-of-the-art service station from InterOil Products Ltd under a partnership arrangement with a local company Hungo Ltd. InterOil general manager Peter Diezemann said with the economy booming in all parts of the country, they were proud to have established the best service station in Wewak.

A320 from Honiara
Solomon Airlines will launch its A320 return service from Honiara to Port Moresby tomorrow (27 March) with a return fare of K1799 including tax. Visit the flysolomons web site at -- -- for further information.

Kokopo Stadium
Plans are in place for a state of the art sporting complex to be built for the Niugini Islands (NGI) region in East New Britain province at Kokopo.

PNG Web Hosting
Interested in creating your own PNG Web Site or any web site for that matter? Worried about the cost? It may be cheaper than you think. Take a look at pricing offered at the PNG Web Hosting site -- -- Sites with 24 hours a day / 7 day a week ticket / phone support for less than US$5.00 per month. The larger web-hosting plan at US$9.75 per month offers the best value for money. All sites come with a web site builder to make web site making easy! As an added bonus several PHP and MySQL options are available. The best way is to visit the web site and see for yourself. Oh, and by the way, DOT COM Domain Names are as little as US$9.00 per year.
Remember there is no need to spend hours and hours learning HTML code or graphics editing. No need to worry about details with PNG Web Hosting. Let the tools such as the Joomla! or Mambo Content Management System, help you on your way. If that seems too much effort then there is also a "fill in the gaps" html web site builder available free of charge. So if you are looking for a permanent home for even just your email address then take a look at -- -- Just think, if it is available, you could have -- you @ yourwebsite . com -- as your email address.

Arms Build Up
Police chief from the Highlands, Teddy Tei, has said he is concerned over the build up of arms on the eve of the 2012 elections. He said he was not aware of any immediate conflict in the highlands but intelligence suggested people were buying illegal firearms mostly to defend themselves from attack. Tei is confident of a peaceful 2012 election.
Former Police Commissioner, Gari Baki, has cast doubts on the overall security prepartions for the National Elections saying they are lagging behinbd the prearations for the 2007 Elections.

First TB Forum
PNG has held its first ever tuberculosis forum in Port Moresby. The theme of the meeting was that no one should die from TB and called on people to help stop the disease. The forum was attended by provincial health advisors from across the country and was hosted by the Minister for Health and HIV AIDS Jamie Maxtone-Graham.

Electoral Rolls
Waka Goi, the Minister assisting Prime Minster O'Neill, has told Parliament the Government is expecting the release of the Preliminary Electoral Rolls by the end of this month.

Coming Events
Note: please verify any date mentioned as dates change and events can sometimes get cancelled. Of course I may also put down a wrong date. :(
57th UPNG Graduation - 30 March 2012
44th UniTech Graduation - 13 April 2012
Olympic boxing qualifying tournament - April 2012
2012 Milne Bay Critter & Adventure Expeditions with Bob Halstead & Graham Abbott
Milne Bay-Critters-Milne Bay: 17th April 2012 to 29th April 2012
Milne Bay-Critters-Milne Bay: 1st May 2012 to 13th May 2012
Alotau-Adventure Diving-Kimbe Bay: 15th May 2012 to 30th May 2012
South Pacific Export PNG Golf Open - May 2012?
Walk Against Corruption -- 27th May 2012
National Elections - Scheduled for June 2012 - will they be postponed?
Solomon Islands welcomes you to the 11th Festival of Pacific Arts -- --
From 1 to 14 July 2012,
Mt Hagen Show - 11th and 12th of August 2012
Samarai and Milne Bay Reunion - Rydges Oasis Resort, Caloundra, Australia between the 7th and 9th of September 2012 -- --
Fifth PNG Games, Kokopo, East New Britain - 17th to 30th November 2012
Pacific Mini Games - Wallis and Futuna 2013
2013 Pacific Netball Series (hosted by Fiji)
Full Pacific Games - PNG 2015 --
Pacific Mini Games - Vanuatu 2017
Do you have an event that you want advertised? - Use the submission form located at --
PNG Media
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