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PNG in the News
Duchess meets with Kokoda diggers --
The head of Médecins Sans Frontières in PNG --
Rabaul Queen Survivors begins class action step --
PNG looks to ban TB spreading pastime --
Independence - ARB not ready --
PNG policeman gets jail for triple murder --
Disease threatens Pacific coconut gene bank --
Fiji's throws coach, Goulding to train PNG athletes --

Misc PNG Related Links
Wewak: The Australian Advance --
Milne Bay: Breaking the Japanese Spell --
How does PNG really feel about the Royals? --
PNG Workforce --
Paradise Cinema at Vision City in Port Moresby --
Wali Hits- Hai yau we --
how to speak pidgin English like a royal --
Rabaul Caldera --

PNG Images
New PX 737 800 --
Goroka Show 2012 --
A man in traditional dress prepares to greet Britain's Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, in Sir John Guise Stadium after a cultural performance in Port Moresby --
From Team Fresh to the Bomana gaol --
Bogdan Cofalik Goroka --
Royal car breaks down during recent PNG tour --
Betelnut sales in Port Moresby back after Royal visit --
The Climate Challenger Voyage: Bobo, Buka and the Solomon Islands --
Sunset on Kimbe Bay --
Troops unloading, Port Moresby, 1942 --
The Battle of Milne Bay remembered in stained glass --

PNG Blogs
Fish farming in Madang --
(Not) Walking in Port Moresby --
My new romance: SCUBA and the road from Madang to Bogia --
Oamaru wheelchair makes life easier in Kokopo --

News Items
Deep-sea Mining
A debate has erupted over the scientific validity of the environmental impact statement (EIS) of the world's first deep-sea mine, located off the coast of PNG. The furore may push the PNG government to convene a further roundtable meeting for experts, before the mine becomes operational next year.

Aussie PM to Visit
The Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, has revealed that she would travel to PNG in the first three months of next year.

EU Visas
The European Union has excluded Fiji and Papua New Guinea from its plans to drop visa requirements for Pacific Island countries. A senior EU official in Suva says because Fiji and PNG are larger nations, the European Commission considers they are in a different league to the region's small island states set to get better access.

Aussie Visas
Australia has agreed to introduce electronic visa applications for Papua New Guineans to ease long waiting lines for applicants in Port Moresby.

Kerowagi Landslide
50,000 people in the Kerowagi district of Chimbu province have been affected by a recent landslide in the area caused by a recent heavy downpour. The road from the Koronigle Bridge to Kerowagi Station has been cut off as a result.

Airlines PNG
Airlines PNG have introduced a new daily service from Lae to Hagen as well as a Port Moresby Goroka Service. The airline now has 13 flights per week from Port Moresby to Mt Hagen and return. Four of the flights from Moresby to Hagen continue on Wewak.

Literacy Survey
The PNG Education Advocacy Network (PEAN) has commenced a UNESCO funded literacy survey in six districts of Madang to explore the educational, language and literacy experience of people aged between 15 to 60 years and aims to produce an up-to-date assessment of literacy in the province.

Orchid Show
The ninth PNG Orchid Society Show, held recently at the Sir Rabbie Namaliu Orchid Garden in the grounds of National Parliament, has been deemed a success with many visitors visiting over the two days of the show. The National Parliament plays a major role in the Orchid Society by hosting the event. The Society takes part in an annual international show held in Singapore where different countries come to showcase their various orchid species.

Mendi Airport
Plans to relocate the Mendi airport will see it grow to have a runway stretching 3.4kms from one end to the other. It will be able to cater for the Fokker F100 as well as a Boeing B737 and Airbus A319 aircraft. The relocation will cost an estimated K500 million and will be funded by the Tax Credit Scheme through the PNG LNG project. The present airport is located on prime retail land in the heart of the town. The new airport will be at Yagen.

Aussie Deputy Visits
Julia Bishop, the Deputy Opposition Leader of the Australian parliament has paid a visit to the Highlands visiting Goroka who was interested in seeing the condition of the Highlands Highway due to the millions of Kina being spent on it by Australian taxpayers. Bishop was driven along the Highway from Goroka to Lae so she could see the condition herself. The highway is the only road link to the Porgera gold mine and the multi-million Kina LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) project.

Debate Competition
The Governor of the National Capital District, Powes Parkop, has launched the 2012 Institute of Business Studies debate competition. Seven schools have taken part speaking on the theme "Developing our young leaders".

PNG Web Hosting
Interested in creating your own PNG Web Site or any web site for that matter? Worried about the cost? It may be cheaper than you think. Take a look at pricing at the PNG Web Hosting site -- -- All plans offer unlimited space for data, unlimited transfers per month and 24 hours a day / 7 day a week ticket / phone support. The cheapest plan offers all this for less than US$5.00 per month. All plans come with a web site builder to make web site building easy! As an added bonus several PHP and MySQL options are available. Visit the web site and see for yourself. Oh, and by the way, DOT COM Domain Names are as little as US$9.00 per year.
Remember there is no need to spend hours learning HTML code or graphics editing. No need to worry about details with PNG Web Hosting. Let the built-in tools help you on your way.

Air Niugini - Manus
The National Flag Carrier has expanded its services to Manus to meet the growing number of passengers by scheduling the Boeing B737 to visit once a week. --
A second B737 has been seen painted in PX colours --

Asylum Centre Protest
Landowners have staged a protest closing the Momote Airport and blocking access to the Asylum Centre. The Landowners have presented a petition to the provincial administration protesting over their initial demand of K100 million. The locals have been reported as wanting contracts associated with the detention centre to be awarded locally so that they can benefit.
Asylum seekers expected at Manus 'soon' --
PNG landowners blockade Manus processing centre --
Landowners reopen Manus Island airport --

LNG Costs Balloon
Exxon Mobil said the cost of its gas export project in PNG will soar to $19 billion from $15.7 billion due to foreign exchange impacts and delays from work stoppages and land access issues. Australian partner Oil Search said it expected the cost increases would be funded by 70 percent equity, 30 percent debt.

Foreign Ownership
It has been reported 90 per cent of businesses in PNG are owned by foreigners yet 60 per cent of people rely solely on the informal sector. A baseline survey has shown only 11,554 micro, small and medium enterprises exist among these 8,500 are micro businesses meaning that they employ less than five people.

NCD Police Fleet
The National Capital District police vehicle fleet has been strengthened by six brand new vehicles. The Commissioner of Police said more vehicles and other resources would be purchased and allocated throughout the country from the recurrent budget before the end of the year.

Drug Seizure
Methamphetamine which was seized on its way to PNG could have been destined for other countries in the region, including New Zealand. Three men appeared in court in Port Moresby recently charged with conspiracy to import 50 kilograms of methamphetamine. The drug bust has once again shown that international drug traffickers will be using PNG as a supply point for other international markets because the country's laws on importation of illicit drugs and sub stances are too lax and lenient.
A suspect has appeared for mention at the Waigani Commital Court. His case has been adjourned to the 13th of December.

Garnaut Banned
PNG Foreign minister Rimbink Pato says his department has been directed to ban Australian climate change adviser and OK Tedi Mines chairman Ross Garnaut from entering the country. He said "There is no deportation of Prof Garnaut, but our position is he is not welcome in PNG at this time anyway".

Education Related Links
A sample of some of the Education Sites in PNG.
Divine Word University --
Ela Murray International School --
Institute of Banking and Business Management --
Institute of Business Studies --
International Education Agency --
Korobosea and Boroko East School --
Pacific Adventist University --
PNG International Training Institute --
PNG Maritime College --
PNG University of Technology (Lae) --
POM Institute of Matriculation Studies --
Tabubil International Education Agency School --
The International School of Lae --
University of Goroka, Eastern Highlands --
University of PNG --

Solwara Project on Hold
Aspirant marine miner Nautilus Minerals has placed its plans to be the first seafloor copper/gold miner off the coast of PNG on ice by terminating its equipment build programme, as a dispute over contractual obligations with the government dragged on.

Coming Events
Note: please verify any date mentioned as dates change and events can sometimes get cancelled. Of course I may also put down a wrong date.
Fifth PNG Games, Kokopo, East New Britain - 17th to 30th November 2012
PNG Australia Alumni Association (PNGAAA) annual dinner 23rd November 2012 - Dynasty Seafood Restaurant, Port Moresby
Financial Inclusion Expo - 30th November to 1st December at Sir Ignatius Kilage Stadium, Lae.
World AIDS Day - 1st December. The Theme for this year is the same as last year and will be the same until 2015. The theme is "ZERO HIV IN PNG - Protect Yourself, Protect Your Family" - Test Your Blood Today, Know Your Tomorrow.
12th PNG Mining and Petroleum Investment Conference, Sydney Hilton Hotel - 3rd to 5th December 2012
Ahi Festival, Lae - 13th - 16th of December (includes Miss Ahi Quest)
Christmas Day - 25th December 2012
New Year's Day -- 1st January 2013
Rabbitohs to play PNG Kumuls -- 9th of Feb 2013
Pacific Mini Games - Wallis and Futuna 2013
2013 Pacific Netball Series (hosted by Fiji)
Goroka Show 2013 --
Full Pacific Games - PNG 4th July to 18th July 2015 --
Pacific Mini Games - Vanuatu 2017
Do you have an event that you want advertised? - Use the submission form located at --
PNG Media
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