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PNG News Links
Sailor from USA helps rescue child, others after ship sinks --
Prime Minister O'Neill Demands Investigation into Consular Support for Deceased Papua New Guinean in the United States --
Foreigners tarnishing PNG's reputation --
Prime Minister O'Neill Officially opens Taurama Sporting Centre --
U.S. Womens Sports Envoys Celebrate Pacific Games --
San Diego Hospital Ship, USNS Mercy's Opening Ceremony in Bougainville --
Australian Federal Police plan to use military drones to track down drug and people smugglers --
NZ weightlifter bows out over cannibal posts --

Misc. Links
Games Volunteer's - It's a family Affair --
PNG Road Viewer Application Technology launched --
Give the Gift of Life: Blood Drive Back for 2015 --
MSF -- A
Cricket Take flight --
Family pulling up stakes for PNG --
PNG Embassy in Canberra Australia --

PNG Images
Basket Weaving at Kosimbi --
Ambogo Sawmill Popondetta 1989 --
Papua New Guinea 1976 --
They say pictures tell a thousand stories: These contrasting pictures are of University of Goroka; the K20-million six-floor dormitory started in 2008, plan was for it to be completed in the 2010 academic year for over 300 students to live in --
Caritas Girls Technical School in Port Moresby cultural day photos --

News Items
Pacific Games Opening Ceremony
After years of preparation by PNG and hundreds of regional athletes, the 15th Pacific Games have been officially opened. Pacific Games events began on Friday, and will continue until the 18th of July.
Viewers watching the opening ceremony of the 2105 Pacific Games in Australia on NITV had it cut short with no apology from the broadcaster.
PNG Power Ltd will be on a 24-hour call to attend to the needs of the Pacific Games.
Many people have travelled from outside Port Moresby, with the major airlines recording an increase in passenger numbers to the capital city.

Moresby Public Holiday
The 13th of July has been declared a public holiday in Port Moresby "in recognition of the Pacific Games". Remembrance Day is usually held on the 23rd of July so it looks like Moresby residents will be lucky this month.

New City Hall
Prime Minster Peter O'Neill has officially launched the new NCDC City Hall witnessed by Members of Parliament and the general public. A car park and the front area of the office will be completed later bringing the total amount spent on the new City Hall to K54.4 million.

Air Niugini
Air Niugini is to purchase another Fokker F70 jet aircraft to boost its current fleet. The aircraft will service the direct Port Moresby to Vanuatu daily service replacing the current weekly service via Honiara in Solomon Islands.
Link PNG to introduce new fares --

Border Crossing Concern
PNG is concerned about people flocking into the country from neighbouring Indonesia to take up work without the necessary permits. 140 foreigners without work permits were recently picked up in a logging camp in West Sepik / Sandaun province not far from the border.

Exxon Mobil Electricity
ExxonMobil PNG Limited, operator of the PNG LNG project, has commenced delivery of up to 25MW of electricity from the PNG LNG plant to PNG Power.

Pacific Games Partner
St John's Ambulance has been announced as the latest partner of the Pacific Games, who will help with medical services throughout the event in the National Capital. The agreement will see St John's provide four vehicles at all of the main venues as well as 120 volunteers during the Games, scheduled to end with the Closing Ceremony on the 18th of July.
Around 3,000 athletes are expected to compete across 28 different sports during the 15-day event.

Pacific Games Relay
The Pacific Games Relay has finally reached Port Moresby after travelling on its journey around the country and to Cairns promoting the Games. Huge crowds watched as the Baton was run by the appointed runners through the suburb and then down along Waigani Drive.
Pacific Games will put Papua New Guinea on the map says Prime Minister --
Baton Relay comes to a close ahead of Opening Ceremony --

Mobile Phone Distracts Hearing
A leadership tribunal hearing investigating the Sohe MP's use of a mobile phone on board an Air Niugini flight has been interrupted by the MP's phone ringing during the hearing.

Prouds Duty Free Opens
One of Fiji's most well-established and diversified business houses has opened its Prouds duty free stores at Jackson International Airport in Port Moresby. The outlet was opened ahead of the 2015 Pacific Games by Prime Minister Peter O'Neill.

Gumine District Computers
Three schools in Gumine District, Chimbu province, will make history by becoming the first rural primary schools in the Province, and possibly in the country, to teach computer classes this year.

International Tennis
Heather Watson gave Serena Williams a run for her money at Wimbledon. Watson pushed the five-time Wimbledon champion to the very brink of a sensational Centre Court defeat, only to be squeezed out by the American superstar in a heartbreaking final set.
Heather was born in St Peter Port in Guernsey in 1992 to Ian, a Mancunian-born businessman, and Michelle, who was born in Maprik, Papua New Guinea, she took up tennis at seven at around the same time as she made her first visit to Wimbledon.

New Smuggling Route Discovered
Amid all the accusations of indulging in the act of bribery to turn back the boatload of asylum seekers, Australia has a new issue to worry about. According to PNG police, smugglers are helping migrants to get to Australia via new routes from PNG.

Prince Andrew Arrives
Prince Andrew has arrived to a rousing welcome on touch down in Port Moresby for the 2015 Pacific Games. He was met by dignitaries including PNG Parliament Speak Sir Zurenouc, Sports and Pacific Games Minister Justin Tkatchenko.

Pacific Games Venues
The Pacific Games Council gave their thumbs up to the venues for the 2015 Pacific Games. PGC president Vidhya Lakhan said there had been scepticism about the venues being finished on time. He told Pacific Islands media in a press conference yesterday that the venues were the best in the region.
PNG slams NZ media critic on Pacific Games venues --
Games security just 'precautionary' --

Closing Ceremony Venue Confirmed
The Closing Ceremony of the Pacific Games here will be held at the Sir John Guise Stadium after Bisini Sports Grounds and the Sir Hubert Murray Stadium were both deemed not to be ready to stage the event.

Adventure Park
A major attraction for residents of Port Moresby and visitors to the National Capital is the Adventure Park located at 14 Mile, outside Port Moresby.

Immigration Blamed For Riots
A Madang-based woman says recent rioting and looting which forced the closure of businesses and schools in Madang town is a sign of resentment at the increased infiltration of recent Asian arrivals.
Madang chief laments lack of info about PMIZ --
Former Madang governor not surprised by riot --

Vaki Sentenced
Former PNG Police Commissioner, Geoffrey Vaki, has been sentenced to 3 years jail with hard labour. Mr Vaki was found guilty of two counts of contempt, the primary one being failing to effect the Warrant of Arrest against Prime Minister Peter O'Neill over allegations of corruption.
The head of the PNG anti-corruption unit, Taskforce Sweep, says the sentencing of the former police commissioner vindicates both him and his investigation. --

Elk-Antelope Joint Venture
InterOil Corporation and the PRL 15 joint venture participants have unanimously endorsed recommendations from Total SA for key project infrastructure sites for development of the Elk-Antelope gas field in Papua New Guinea.

Asaroka Secondary To Shut
Asaroka Secondary School in the Eastern Highlands Province is at the brink of being closed due to health risks posed by an excess of student enrolments.

Games Satellite Map
Download a recent Pléiades image of Port Moresby captured on 2nd June 2015 showing the 2015 Pacific Games facilities ready to receive the sportsmen and sportswomen and their supporters. The map produced shows the locations of the sports sites and tourism hotels.

Moresby Traffic
Police and traffic officials in Port Moresby will be working overtime to manage the flow of traffic in the capital city during the Pacific Games. Some roads will be closed during events such as the triathlon.

Challenge Accessing Remote Areas
The Anglican Board of Mission - Australia (ABM) has hosted a number of visitors from the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea throughout the first half of 2015. Many of them spoke about the challenges of accessing remote areas to deliver training, ministry and community development programs.

Improve Midwifery Education
Papua New Guinea has committed to improve midwifery education and register 500 new midwives by 2015; and increase the number of obstetricians from 17 in 2011 to 40 in 2020

Moresby Water Quality
Eda Ranu CEO, Henry Mokono, has refuted claims by Team Fiji about the water supplied to the games venues, by saying PNG's water through Eda Ranu is the best in the Pacific and rank 10th in the World standard. It's the safest water to drink during the Pacific Games. He said his company delivers safe, quality water to residents every day in the city brushing aside negative comments made by the Fijian Team.

Coming Events
Note: please verify any date mentioned as dates change and events can sometimes get cancelled. Of course I may also put down a wrong date.
MV Ammari visiting PNG -- Ship Locator --
Pacific Games - PNG 4 to 18 July 2015 --
Public Holiday for Port Moresby, 13 July 2015
Remembrance Day, 23 July 2015
National Day of Repentance, 26 August 2015
PNG Medical Symposium, usually held in September
Pacific Islands Forum meeting will be held in Papua New Guinea in September
Goroka Show, September 2015 --
PNG Independence Day, 16 September 2015
Morobe Show, October 2015
Alotau Canoe and Kundu Festival, November 2015
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, 25 November 2015
Christmas Day - 25 December 2015
Boxing Day - 26 December 2015
Trade Pasifika - 2016 in Port Moresby
2016 FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup will be the 8th edition of the tournament (Port Moresby) --
Pacific Mini Games - Vanuatu 2017
2018 - APEC summit to be held in Port Moresby.
Do you have an event that you want advertised? - Use the submission form located at --
PNG Media
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