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PNG News Links
PNG Hunters still deciding on home venue --
PNG police misconduct to be held to account --
Explosive Device Goes Off at Top Cops Home --
Senior PNG cop wanted for questioning --
Australia Resumes Talks With Six Countries to Resettle Asylum Seekers: Report --
2016 Governors 7s Cup Attracts Many --
Woodside Petroleum to let PNG ambitions lie --
Zika virus test for patient from PNG in Townsville found to have dengue virus --
Westpac hosts "Walk for Life" --
Ramu Mine National Workers and Mine's Management to Sign MOA --

Misc. Links
Sepik Capital, PNG - Wewak Urban Local Level Government --
PNGDF Disaster Workshop --
Miss Pacific Islands Pageant PNG Pageant benefits 42 women with scholarships --
Swamp Ghost Tribute --
Kokoda Historical --
Exploring an elaborate gift exchange custom in PNG --
U.S. Ambassador Presents Credentials --
New freshwater turtle species discovered in PNG provides insight into Australia's ecological past --

News Items
Salvation Army Motel
The Salvation Army has launched its much anticipated new motel in Boroko (National Capital District) built at a cost of K3.4 million. Construction began in 2011 but with challenges and changes in the construction there were delays, however, they were still able to stick within the budget. The newly launched motel is equipped with 16 rooms. Five self-contained and 11 single rooms.

Bird Watching in PNG
The Conservation and Environment Protection Authority (CEPA) and stakeholders will promote bird watching activities in the Koiari local level government in Central province. A memorandum of understanding has been signed between CEPA, the Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority, the Pacific Adventist University and the Koiari local level government in Port Moresby recently.
PNG Bird Images --

Confiscated Weapons Handed Over
Over 2,000 weapons, confiscated by Vision City (VC) Mega Mall Security, have been handed in to Gordons Police Station in Port Moresby. The Mall Security Manager said the guards seized at least 20 to 30 weapons from the visitors to the mall every day.

PNG Not a Hopeless Case
Australia needs to stop treating Papua New Guinea like an "unfortunate illegitimate child" that it's ashamed of and beef up genuine engagement with its closest neighbour.
- PNG celebrated its 40th anniversary of independence in 2015.
- More Australians died in PNG in WWII than anywhere else in the world.
- Australian MPs with PNG connections: Foreign Minister Julie Bishop had a penpal from PNG as a year-nine student and has family members who have spent time there. Labor's immigration spokesman Richard Marles went there on a school trip at age 16.
- PNG is a country of 1000 unique tribes and 800 languages.
- Australian investment in PNG comes in at $19 billion and two-way annual trade is $7 billion.
- An estimated 30,000 Australian visitors go to PNG a year and more than 5000 walk the Kokoda Track.
- At its closest point the northern-most Queensland island in the Torres Straits are four kilometres from the PNG coast.
-- -- and --

Best Beaches in the World
Nemto Island in the New Ireland province has been named in the 50 best beaches in the world according to the UK online publication The Guardian. The Guardian writes that a four-day kayak paddle will get you to Nemto from Nusa Island off the north coast of New Ireland, 600 miles east of PNG.

Air Niugini B737
US aircraft manufacturer. Boeing. has reported it had won a $440 million deal with Papua New Guinea's flag carrier Air Niugini for four 737 MAX 8 planes.
The Enga Provincial Government has lived up to its commitment and partnership with Link PNG, a subsidiary of Air Niugini, by paying last years outstanding Airfare Subsidy --

BSP Warns Customers of Hackers
PNG's biggest bank, Bank South Pacific has warned its customers to be on alert and not to entertain hackers and scammers.
To avoid being scammed BSP has advised customers:
- Don't respond to suspicious email, letters, phone calls or sms messages. Stop the call, ignore the email or throw away the letters;
- Never accept an offer straight away, do your research and seek independent advice especially if it involves significant amount, time and commitment;
- Do not send money to someone you do not know or trust - it is difficult to recover your money from a scammer;
- Protect your identity - your personal details are private and invaluable;
- Awareness education is important, if you have spotted a scam spread the word to your family and friends; and
- Always be alert - Scammers will target you anyhow, anytime and anywhere;

Something Stinks!
Under Section 3 of the PNG Investment Promotion Regulations 1992 certain business areas are reserved for citizens, including 'Fast Food Take-away/Kai bars of all descriptions including mobile delivery food service'. This hasn't prevented many from overseas setting up and doing business in PNG.

Logging Companies Avoid Tax
Tax avoidance by foreign logging companies is costing PNG hundreds of millions of dollars, according to a new report by the Californian-based Oakland Institute. The revelations come as PNG faces its worst cash flow crisis this century with health and education services not receiving expected funding and politicians and public servants not being paid on time.
The Great Timber Heist: The Logging Industry in Papua New Guinea --

Forestry Minister Defends Log Tax
Papua New Guinea's Forestry Minister, Douglas Tomuriesa, says operations of the Malaysian logging giant Rimbunan Hijau in PNG are monitored closely.
Listen to a longer report about tax evasion in PNG's logging industry on Dateline Pacific (3 min 30 sec) --

Oil Search
Oil Search chief executive Peter Botten says the time is ripe for much closer ties between the company's two liquefied natural gas projects in Papua New Guinea, to help counter the collapse in oil prices that has clouded the prospects for even the most competitive of petroleum ventures.
Oil Search to seek PNG acquisitions --

CAA E-exam Centre
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has launched an E-exam Centre. The E-exam which will see aviation professionals sit for certified exams that will lift the standard of the industry as well as make it more conducive to carry out the exams in the country.

West Taraka Elementary School
Lae's Rotary club, a non-government organisation, has helped build a classroom for an elementary school in one of Lae's oldest suburbs. The Club helped raise K20,000 to build the infrastructure at West Taraka. The Lae rotary club is slowly making it presence felt in the community.

Oro Donates to YWAM
Oro Province Governor, Honourable Gary Juffa, has presented a cheque for K150,000 to YWAM Medical Ships on behalf of the Oro Provincial Government, fulfilling a pledge toward 2015 annual operational expenses for YWAM's Training and Medical Ship, the MV YWAM PNG.
Medical Ship YWAM PNG goes to Gulf --

PNGDF Sign US$18 Million Deal
The Papua New Guinea Defence Force (PNGDF) has signed a US$18 million deal, equivalent to K52 million, for the manufacture of six new military aircraft. The aircraft will be used to provide border and sea patrols and security during the upcoming 2017 national elections and the 2018 APEC Summit.
The first of these aircraft are expected to be brought into the country by the end of the year.

PNG Parliament ICT
UN experts have visited the country to provide technical and strategic advice to the PNG National Parliament and the Bougainville House of Representative in improving Information and Communication Technology (ICT) use. Following the visit, the experts have begun to develop costed ICT Assessment Report with timetables, which will help to implement new ICT strategies.

Ombudsman Commission Staff Housing
The Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Paul Isikeli, has handed over house keys and titles to the Ombudsman Commission for its staff. Minister Isikeli said the handover was just the start of many housing projects in the country.

Travel Air Suspension
A court has ordered a local airline company to cease its operations, pending the hearing of a case relating to its alleged failure to pay lease fees for its aircraft totalling K21.2 million. Passengers who fly on Travel Air (Mangi Long Ples) have been told of the suspension of flights, and advised to get refunds for tickets already purchased.
The Fokker F50 aircraft were leased from the 28th of June 2011 for a period of 48 months. The owners have refused to extend the lease.
PNG Air assists stranded Travel Air passengers --

PNG Radioactive Law Planned
As PNG is a signatory to the Radiation Protection Act it has an obligation to implement it to protect human life and the environment from the harmful effects of radioactive materials. Work is underway to develop a law that will be used to regulate the use and disposal of radioactive or nuclear materials in the country.
In the health sector, this law will be needed urgently to be used to replace the radiation source for the cobalt machine at the National Cancer Unit in Lae, Morobe province.

National Museum Art & Gallery Merger
Minister for Sports and Tourism Arts & Culture Justin, Tkatchenko, has announced that the National Cultural Commission will be abolished and will come under the National Museum Art & Gallery.

Cybercrime Collaborative Platform
Law enforcement, legal officers and government officials, from across the Commonwealth Pacific region, are currently meeting in Nuku'alofa, Tonga for a three day regional meeting to tackle deepening concerns around cybercrime.

TruCare Brand Launched
After decades spent embodying the values and ideals of a proud PNG company, Trukai has set a new standard in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), with the launch of its TruCare brand. Focusing on health and strength within PNG, TruCare will incorporate both urban and rural sectors, with Trukai's existing framework forming the foundation of the company's CSR structure.
See also --

Send Me Back to Manus
One of the first refugees to be resettled in PNG has pleaded to be returned to Manus Island, saying life in limbo is better than living with fear, loneliness and poverty in the city of Lae.
New Zealand offers to take Australia's unwanted refugees --

Lae Homebrew
The production and sale of homebrew, or steam as it is commonly known, continues to be a major problem in Lae and surrounds. Despite the social havoc that has occurred over the last 10 years, particularly amongst young men, an increasing number of women are being arrested for producing and selling the illegal alcohol.

Villages Reconcile
A reconciliation ceremony has taken place between Dalam and Umun villages in Madang. The reconciliation ceremony, initiated by the Lutheran Church, was witnessed by the representatives of the Madang Provincial Government, the Correctional Service, the Officer in Charge of Criminal Investigations Inspector, Steven Yalamu, on behalf of the Provincial Police Commander, the Dalam and Umun village leaders themselves, and the Madang Open member, Nixon Duban.

Vale Steven Pirika Kama
Member for South Bougainville and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on Constitutional Matters, Hon. Steven Pirika Kama has passed away. He died while seeking medical treatment in Manila.

Bena Bridge Collapse
Almost 2,000 people have been stranded along the Bena section of the Highlands Highway after the Bena Bridge collapsed. To make matters worse another section of the road between Kainantu and Yonki collapsed cutting off traffic for much of the day. The damage bill for the Eastern Highlands alone, according to the works department, could reach K15 million. The districts affected say they don't have the money to replace the collapsed bridges.
Kaguel Bridge in Tambul collapsed --

Coming Events
Note: please verify any date mentioned as dates change and events can sometimes get cancelled. Of course I may also put down a wrong date.
41st running of the PNG Game Fishing Titles, hosted by the New Britain Game Fishing Club - 19 March to the 28 March --
3rd Trade Pasifika - 2016 in Port Moresby
12th Festival of Pacific Arts 22 May to 4 June 2016 (Hagatna, Guam)
2016 8th FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup tournament (November, Port Moresby) --
Christmas Day - 25 December 2016
Boxing Day - 26 December 2016
New Year's Day - 1st January 2017
Surfing Association PNG - World Surf League tour championship in January 2017
Pacific Mini Games - Vanuatu 2017
2018 - APEC summit to be held in Port Moresby --
Do you have an event that you want advertised? - Use the submission form located at --
PNG Media
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