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Welcome to the Sample Papua New Guinea Gossip Newsletter.
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If you have comments to make please send email to giaman@png-gossip.com
A look at some of the news items (and gossip) from around Papua New Guinea in recent weeks.
Welcome to the Papua New Guinea Gossip. If you have comments or suggestions to make then please email them to giaman@png-gossip.com
Remember that this mailing list is mainly meant for people who have an interest and already know a little bit about the people and geography of Papua New Guinea. The PNG Kina, which is mentioned from time to time, is currently worth about 45 to 47 United States cents but varies on a daily basis.
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Stamp Collector.
I have a plea from a young stamp collector called Bennie who is after used stamps from Papua New Guinea.
If you have any that you could pass on then please send them to Bennie Gorton at 8409 N.E. 140th Court, Vancouver, Washington 98682 USA
Crime in PNG
The Dean of the diplomatic corps has come out and publicly stated that diplomats are concerned about the crime problem in PNG especially the problems diplomatic personal and families have had to go through recently. The new Foreign Affairs Secretary responded by saying that it is very difficult for missions to perform their duties and that he would like to assure them that the Govt. of the country is doing all it can.
Allied Health Sciences Faculty
The Department of Health has injected K1.6million into the arm of the Allied Health Sciences which should be enough to keep the faculty running for at least a year.
Creative Arts Faculty
Meanwhile it has been decided to allow the final year students at the Creative Arts faculty will be allowed back for six months in which they are expected to be able to complete an intensive,compressed 12 month course.
Regional Air
The company has just taken delivery of a new aircraft to boost its fleet to four.
The captain of a fishing vessel which recently captured and sold turtles from the Torres Strait was fined K500 yesterday.
Opposition Leader
Bernard Narokobi has headed off to Africa to observe the presidential and national elections in Nigeria. He will be one of 30 eminent persons" from the Commonwealth countries who will observe Nigeria's first democratic elections.
The PNG Football Association has been challenged to help develop young players in order to produce better results at an international level.
OTC Grounds
For ex residents of Port Moresby - The area, on the diagonally opposite corner of Boroko Drive and Sir Hubert Murray Highway to the NBC, commonly called the OTC grounds has recently been graded and prepared for Telikom housing. (Telikom was PTC was Post and Telecom - Dept of Public Utilities etc) The transmitting equipment on site will be moved elsewhere.
Just for interest because it is also in the same area as the previous article. Ex residents should remember the small tuck shop on the opposite corner to the NBC where clubs such as the walking club met before going off on their adventures. The lucky squatter managed to claim ownership of the land some time ago and a Mobil Service Station was built on the site. To keep you all up-to-date - just recently the service station has been enlarged to become a mini-convenience store.
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If you think you have a PNG page worth mentioning then please send email to giaman@png-gossip.com.
* Articles for this newsletter
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This is only a sample of the PNG Gossip Newsletter.