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Welcome to the Papua New Guinea Gossip. If you have comments or suggestions to make then please e-mail them to giaman@png-gossip.com
Articles for this newsletter
To send a message for submission to the PNG Gossip Newsletter queue -- please e-mail your contribution to pngnews.queue@png-gossip.com
Remember that this mailing list is mainly meant for people who have an interest and already know a little bit about the people and geography of Papua New Guinea. The PNG Kina, which is mentioned from time to time, is currently worth about 38 to 40 United States cents but varies on a daily basis.
For those who are not so familiar with the geography of Papua New Guinea I suggest taking a look http://maps.google.com
Also remember that the accuracy of the information in this newsletter should not be relied upon - it is, after all, a gossip newsletter.
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Olympic Torch
The Olympic Torch made a nine-hour stopover in Port Moresby and parts of Central Province on its journey to the Sydney Olympics.
The successful staging of the Papua New Guinea leg of the Olympic Torch relay will be long remembered as one of the most historic moments for sport in the country.
Crime in PNG
Sir Mekere Morauta has said that crime is rife in PNG. I was wondering when the politicians would wake up to that fact and his comments come from a study taken last year by the National Research Institute.
Parliament House
It will now be tougher to get into Parliament House after the recent installation of a security key system and closed circuit television surveillance system.
Foreign Affairs
The department of Foreign Affairs is in for a major revamp following a recent foreign policy review.
Australian Aid
The Australian High Commissioner to PNG has said that Australia would announce a further set of measures to assist PNG's structural reform program after the World Bank board meets next month.
Local Level Government
The National Government plans to reduce the number of Local Level Governments within the country in a bid to save money.
A sister province relationship has been signed between the Fujian Province of China and PNG's Eastern Highlands Province. It is said that the friendship agreement would not only benefit the Eastern Highlands in the long run but also other Highlands provinces and the country as a whole
Now on to some Gossip
The following are a few segments of anonymous comments currently floating around Port Moresby.
Can anyone confirm that a senior Telikom representative has taken an entourage to Mexico to a conference related to spectrum and there are NO Pangtel representatives.
It would appear that the Swire group is dissatisfied with an arm of Steamships beginning with a d. This has apparently led to a few staff re-arrangements.
Have a look in the new Yellow Pages for 2000-2001; there is a new company NIUCOM-GSM and NIUCOM-Internet.
Looks like Cellnet have changed their name but just forgotten to tell anyone!!
More on the GSM Saga
Have you any news on Mr / Dr Mua who was suspended last week? Suspicious me thinks of Israeli pounds appearing in his hand after the trip to Singapore when it all went so wrong for Ericsson's who had the GSM contract sewn up!!
Having been in Israel more than a few weeks, it reminds me of how business is done there, very reminiscent of the Arab states. This love of greasy palms they both share. Looks like the team is back although I don't think the price can have changed. We will still be in a K40 million hole after it is running with no hope of trading the debt away in less than 30-40 years. Excellent financial advisers these people have !
What about the trip by 10 yes 10 Telikom personnel to the world radio conference in Mexico. Not one was a PANGTEL man and several took their wives!! I am reliably told the fares and accommodation added up to K240,000. This waste worthy of a jolly by a previous government. I thought all this sort of thing was to be stopped? Surely Mekere realises that he must stop signing the checks to halt the waste.
Orogen Shares
Who is the politician who has personally taken over a huge amount of Orogen shares that must be an act without precedence? Of legal correctness too I would say as MRDC should surely be the organisation holding these sort of assets?
PANGTEL is struggling to make ends meet now, is there no other piggy bank to raid? Now that Telikom is broke and being re-organised, it looks like the souls within will stop at nothing to maintain their high lifestyle.
Send them to Bomana or better yet the Wewak jail.
How can anyone complain about Singirok when these people carry on the way they do with total impunity??
There is no comparison between the two sides.
Greetings Listers!
Does anyone on the List have Museum or Ministry email contacts in Papua New Guinea? Please reply off the list and any help would be appreciated.
With best wishes
The contributor of the above article can't vouch for the validity of the request or the integrity of the contact.
Sites worth visiting
If a longer URL in this newsletter appears to be broken across a line of text then please manually cut, rejoin and then paste the link into your browser.
Diving PNG on the elegant liveaboard MV Golden Dawn offers the finest dive sites and diving in Papua New Guinea. PNG dive itineraries include the Eastern fields in the Coral Sea, Milne Bay and Northern PNG, Wewak. Wreck diving and technical diving opportunities abound with nitrox and rebreathers aboard
This site -- http://enterprise.powerup.com.au/~billpurc/index.htm -- is owned by Bill Purcell a pilot who has flown many hours in Papua New Guinea. For all of you who have lived in PNG and dealt with Pidgin he has a short article on that very subject at http://enterprise.powerup.com.au/~billpurc/tokpisin.htm
http://www.anu.edu.au/people/Roger.Clarke/WM/Kai.html leads you to the Kai kai the buai - A pidgin English parody of Waltzing Matilda
If anyone is considering a bushwalking / hiking trip to PNG then I suggest you take a read of the following site "A Papua New Guinea Story" by Ehud Reiter located at http://www.travel-library.com/pacific/papua_new_guinea/trip.reiter.html
The story consists of three parts
Part 1: On how I spent two days waiting for an airplane in a small "end of the road" town in PNG
Part 2: On how I spent a week in the PNG "cities" of Mt Hagen and Wewak, trying to track down my lost companions
Part 3: On the sad tale of a truly "buggeredup" trek through the PNG Highlands
For some nice pictures of PNG pay a visit to United Pentecostal Assemblies web pages at http://www.upcpng.org/index.htm and click on the slide show option.
http://www.nationwidepngpages.com/ is the site of a business directory for Papua New Guinea. This site has an overview of PNG as well as a classified business listing.
PNG newspaper sites
Post Courier
The National
Articles for this newsletter
To send a message for submission to the PNG Gossip Newsletter queue please e-mail your contribution to pngnews.queue@png-gossip.com