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Welcome to the Papua New Guinea Gossip. If you have comments or suggestions to make then please e-mail them to giaman@png-gossip.com
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To send a message for submission to the PNG Gossip Newsletter queue -- please e-mail your contribution to pngnews.queue@png-gossip.com
Remember that this mailing list is mainly meant for people who have an interest and already know a little bit about the people and geography of Papua New Guinea. The PNG Kina, which is mentioned from time to time, is currently worth about 36 to 38 United States cents but varies on a daily basis.
For those who are not so familiar with the geography of Papua New Guinea I suggest taking a look http://maps.google.com
Also remember that the accuracy of the information in this newsletter should not be relied upon - it is, after all, a gossip newsletter.
If a longer URL in this newsletter appears to be broken, please manually cut and then paste the link into your browser.
Enga Show
From all reports the Enga show was a success this last weekend.
Engan Roads
The Minister for Works has announced that the government has committed more than K9 million for the maintenance and upgrading of the Wabag / Kompiam and Londo / Yambu highways in the Kompiam / Ambun district of the Enga Province.
Goroka Show
The world famous Goroka show is on again from the 15th to the 17th of SeptemberThe highlights of the show will be traditional dancing from all over PNG, salt making, initiation rights, courtship rights, cane walking - similar to tight rope walking, wood chopping, boxing, martial arts, greasy pole and a whole lot more. If anyone is interested in obtaining more information then the phone the Eastern Highlands Provincial Government on 732 3366 or 732 3079 or facsimile 732 3681. If calling from overseas then the country code for PNG is 675. That is to call the first number you would need to dial your ISD code then 675 732 3366.
Census 2000
The census papers are beginning to filter back into Port Moresby for processing. It is reported that 1000 Kilogram (1 tonne) of census papers have arrived in Moresby with more to come from the Southern highlands. The latest gossip for the population of PNG has it in excess of five million or maybe closer to five and a half million.
Rural Health
According to the PNG Churches Medical Council the health of many people in the rural areas of PNG is not improving. Many things are causing this such as lack of roads, airstrips and communications. On top of this was the lack of aid posts, clinics and health centres in the rural areas.
Finger Prints
The police force is having trouble with the current antiquated finger printing system. This has lead to difficulties in identifying repeat offenders. Members of the force outside Port Moresby often have to wait for a year or more whilst the non computerised database of finger prints is searched.
PNG and New Caledonia have recently signed an agreement to allow the two countries to explore further commercial fisheries development in PNG. The signing of the agreement would allow New Caledonian fishing boats into PNG waters.
Cheap fares
If anyone is willing to get out of bed early Air Niugini is offering a Monday morning 6:45 am service to Brisbane for a limited time. The cost of being allowed to get out of bed early is K699.00 for an economy return class ticket. Port Moresby to Brisbane is about 1300 miles which is roughly 2,100 kilometres. If you have money then a Business class fare will set you back K1,599. Be quick because the fare is only on offer until the 18th of September for travel to Brisbane and the return sector must be completed by the 30th of September.Now - why is Air Niugini being so generous? Because they are using their only remaining Airbus to fly to Japan and pick up tourists on Sunday making it impossible for them to fly to Brisbane Sunday afternoon.
Defence Force - Air wing
Like most state run organisations the PNG Defence Force air element is having difficulties surviving. It is effectively grounded with only two helicopters capable of flying. The rest of the fleet, consisting of two more helicopters, and five planes, is grounded in the hanger. The air wing owed K51 million but this has been reduced to K6 million.
Old House of Assembly
For one month from the 13th of September the shell of old house of assembly will be used to display the history of PNG. Three rooms will depict pre-contact with European history, contact with European history and modern day history.Air Niugini will provide a history and development of aviation in PNG whilst the Bank of PNG will provide a display of the history of currencies in PNG from pounds, shillings and pence to dollars to Kina and Toea.
The displays will also be used as a fund raising activity to develop the old house of assembly into a national monument.
Health Department and Lands Department
Both government departments were recently locked out of their office accommodation due to a substantial amount of rent being owed to the building owners.
Internet Cafe
Two enterprising individuals have set up the first Internet cafe in PNG. The Cafe has been set up on the ground floor of the United Church building in down town Port Moresby.Greenpeace
Greenpeace has backed a plea by a senior government official for international aid to support the fragile eight month old moratorium on new logging in PNG age old forests.
Chimbu Communications
A K2 million satellite dish has been installed by Telikom in Chimbu. It is hoped that vandalism will not be a problem due to the location of the dish in the middle of Kundiawa town.
Boroko Food World at Gordons
It looks as if Garamut trading (Boroko Food World) has lost the bid to continue trading at their new location. The Supreme court has ordered the closure.
Public Holidays 2001
The following days have been declared public holidays for 2001.
New Year's Day 1 Jan
Good Friday 13 April
Easter Saturday 14 April
Easter Monday 16 April
Queen's Birthday 11 June
Remembrance Day 23 July
Independence Day 16 September to be take on the 17 September
Christmas Day 25 December
Boxing Day 26 December
The Post Courier when advertising these dates has made Easter Monday fall on Sunday the 15th of April.
The properties division of Steamships has advertised the following properties for rent. PCM = per calendar month
Port Moresby Town Area
2 bedroom house K3,200 pcm
3 bedroom house K3,300 pcm
3 bedroom apartment K3,150 pcm
3 bedroom house K1,700 pcm
Computer Companies in PNG
Note:- Most of these companies offer information about PNG as well as selling computer products so if you are after info on PNG then take a visit to any of the following url's..
- Able Computing - http://www.able.com.pg
- Daltron - http://www.daltron.com.pg has advertised a Sony MVC FD73 colour digital camera for K1,590.
- Data Nets - http://www.online.net.pg has advertised Toshiba Satellite notebook computers starting from K5,250 plus VAT
- Datec - http://www.datec.com.pg
- HT PNG (formerly High Tech Industries) -- http://www.hightech.com.pg/
- Global Technologies - http://www.global.net.pg
Links to visit.
Laurie Boudreaux and Steve Hensel have put the following link together as a school project. The information has become slightly dated but still, the majority is correct so take a spin to http://mypage.goplay.com/internet2557/papuanewguinea
Take a look at DIVErsion Dive Travel & Training in Cairns, Australia at http://www.diversionOZ.com/epngdive.htm
Blue Sea Charters - http://www.blueseacharters.com
Some photos of Papua New Guinea can be found at http://www.worlddive.com/phgal/png/pngpix.htm
looking for Aviation Websites - then look at last weeks newsletter
Mining Websites
- Highlands Pacific http://www.highpacific.com.au
- Lihir Gold Limited http://www.lihir.com.pg
- Oil Search http://www.oilsearch.com.au
- Ok Tedi http://www.oktedi.com
- Orogen http://www.orogen.com.au
- Placer Dome http://www.placerdome.com
PNG newspaper sites
Post Courier
http://www.postcourier.com.pgThe National
This site has recently undergone a revamp and is looking much better. The old site was deliberately kept simple so that it could be effective in getting the news across. The "new" National on-line is in full colour with plenty of pictures and graphics. The existing sections have been expanded and additional sections have been added. Take a look at the "new" site and watch out for their online poll which will be on various topics of interest.
Articles for this newsletter
To send a message for submission to the PNG Gossip Newsletter queue please e-mail your contribution to pngnews.queue@png-gossip.com