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PNG in the News
Floating brothels raise concern in PNG -- -- also --
PNG mums told breast is best -- -- see also --
Rugby match marred by police action in Papua New Guinea --
The Age -- PNG PM Somare's office attacked -- -- and see the tok pisin report here --
In Memory of Aitape 10 Years On: Sissano Lagoon 1998 --
Malum Nalu - PNG can save millions by using Open Source Software --
Mass suspension of teachers' college students in PNG --
ASOPA - PNG sitting on corruption time bomb, says leader --
System reform to come from provinces not Moresby --
Rights group urges Papua New Guinea to control police abuses -- -- and --

Misc Links
A new security company called Security Plus has started up in the country --
Alotau International Hotel --
PNG Cultural Commission --
Kokopo Village Resort --
The Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce website is being redeveloped --
The Web Site for the PNG Institute of Directors gives an excellent introduction to PNG company law and related governance issues it can be found at --
Papua New Guinea Institute of Accountants --
Rotary Club of Boroko and Papua New Guinea --
The Lonely Planet Guide to PNG is located at --
The CIA World Fact book about PNG --
Pacific Disaster Net --

Consular Information
The British High Commission in Port Moresby --
Contact information for the Consulate of Switzerland in Port Moresby --
The Official Website of the Papua New Guinea (PNG) High Commission in Australia --
Embassy of Papua New Guinea to the Americas in Washington, DC --
Royal Thai Consul in PNG --
Australian PNG Information --

PNG Blogs
Lukim narapela wa - Rabaul Daily Photo --
News from Vanimo, West Sepik --
Matt in PNG working for MAF --
The Nakui Jungle Beat --
Tubuans and Dukduks --
Madang - Ples Bilong Mi --
Serving an Awesome God... in Lae, PNG --
Islandmon's Blog has touched on items about PNG --
From time to time Quake Watch has items about PNG. For example here is an article here --
PNG Moments with the Myers --
Posey's Path --
Max and Kaure in Alotau --

Sports Sites
PNG Aussie Rules --
South Pacific Motor Sports Club --
The Motor Sports Club also has sub-pages dealing with -- go karting, snooker, game fishing and speedway. Visit the -- -- web site and navigate from there.
Game Fishing --
Royal Papua Yacht Club --

News Items

Your Email Address
The PNG Gossip Newsletter has taken on random advertising that may or may not have PNG content. The advertising is clearly marked. Feel free to click on these links but please note that if you click on any link that leads away from this site you must be careful if requested to supply your email address. I suggest never ever divulging your main email address. Sign up with,, hotmail or any of the other free email providers and use this address for signing up for games, surveys, promotions etc. Your email address will never be sold or given away by this newsletter but I can not guarantee what other external sites will do with it.

World War II Search
A Royal Australian Air Force team has arrived in the country to search for the remains of four airmen shot down during World War Two in New Britain. Any discovered remains will be returned to Port Moresby before a future official burial ceremony in the Bita Paka war cemetery, near Rabaul.
see The Melbourne Age report --

Defence Force Debts
The PNG Defence Force owes over K20 million for water, electricity and telephone bills. Only K18 million was budgeted for the year and K6 million of that was used to pay bills from previous years.

Phone Woes
Telikom has reported problem with equipment at its Boroko telephone exchange that interfaces to Private Automatic Branch Exchange (PABX) equipment. Callers making direct calls to trunklines and extensions of certain offices have been reporting frequent busy signals, while some of the incoming calls have been cut off after a few seconds.

Methanol Death
Three people who are employed as cleaners at the Port Moresby General Hospital have been affected by drinking alcohol mixed with methanol. Two people are dead and the third is blind as a result of drinking the deadly concoction.

Lost Brother
The following request has been placed on the Professional Pilots Rumour Network (PPRUNE)
would you pls help me to find my elder brother who is a pilot, his name is Semmie; he's from Goroka [Eastern Highlands Province] Papua New Guinea. He used to fly small planes that go in and out of the mining site.
See --

PMV Fare Increases
The ICCC (Independent Consumer Competition Commission) has announced an increase of 9.7 percent for non-urban routes on Public Motor Vehicle fares in Central province from the 15th of October. Fares for Port Moresby urban PMV routes will remain unchanged.

March Against Drugs
It is estimated that over 10000 people, including schoolchildren, public servants, hospital patients, police, correction officers and prisoners, women and youth equipped with placards marched in Kundiawa, Chimbu Province recently to protest against drug and homebrew dealers. The march shut down Kundiawa. Chimbu is one of the provinces that is badly affected by marijuana abuse and home brew consumption.

Wewak Overseas Wharf
The Port of Wewak has had an annual growth of between 25-35 percent and this has put a strain on the deteriorating, existing infrastructure. The PNG Ports Corporation Limited (PNGPCL) has scheduled an upgrade to the port but is waiting on the National Government to release funds. The project is now waiting for a public tender pending release and availability of funding.

Wasted Reports
Since PNG gained independence in 1975 from Australia there have been many Commissions of Inquiry into various subjects. It would seem that the inquiries have been an utter waste of time because most of the recommendations from these inquiries have never been implemented by the respective leaders and designated officers especially the bureaucrats and public servants. Many are simply gathering dust.

Aussie Feds Return
Members of the Australian Federal Police Force have returned to PNG after an absence of three years but this time limited to advisory roles. 150 officers were sent to the country in 2003 to help tackle corruption and violent crime but these officers were withdrawn after immunity from prosecution was deemed to be unconstitutional by the PNG Supreme Court.
The Australian and PNG police will work together under a memorandum of understanding signed at a meeting between Australian and PNG ministers in April.

Kapis to Sue
The prime suspect in the BSP Madang robbery, William Kapis, has instructed his lawyers to begin legal proceedings against the State for the gunshot wounds he sustained during his arrest on the 18th of July.

Digicel Home
A mother from the Southern Highlands has won a kit home from Mobile Telephone company Digicel. --

Wet Season
It appears that an early wet season has come for Central, Morobe and the Milne Bay provinces. October is considered the transitional month for the country to move from the dry to the wet season but heavy rain has already fallen in these provinces. The weather bureau has advised people who are planning outdoor activities to reconsider their plans due to the weather situation.

Medical Symposium
The 44th PNG Medical Symposium was held recently and here is a report by Dr Dale Frank available on the Goroka General Hospital Website --

Hoskins Upgrade
The Civil Aviation Authority's plan to extend the Hoskins (HKN) airport in West New Britain province is on hold while traditional owners of the airport land have claimed K20.3 million in compensation. The landowners received an amount of K33,642 from the government in 1991 but now say that was not enough.

Land Agreement
PNG and the Australian state of Queensland have come to an agreement to help open new doors for collaboration in land matters. The agreement would strengthen the existing ties between the two governments, especially in the areas of land administration and management.

Drugs Confiscated
21.7 kilograms of cannabis was recently confiscated from two Eastern Highlands women at Jackson's airport in Port Moresby.
See - Drug smuggling rife -- -- where it has been reported that for the first nine months of this year, 176kg of marijuana had been seized in Port Moresby, including plants uprooted from gardens.

Coming Events
Morobe Show -- 18th and 19th of October -- the Show is held on the weekend closest to the full moon in the month of October each year in Lae, Morobe Province. The show is expected to be full of colour and you can read more about the Morobe Show by visiting their website -- -- and --
3rd National Arts and Craft Exhibition 26th to 28th of October in Port Moresby, National Capital District. See --
Sprint Triathlon -- 1st of November at Ela Beach, Port Moresby.
Milne Bay Canoe Festival -- -- always held during the first weekend in November.
International Conference on Deep-Sea Mine Tailings Placement (DSTP): Madang Resort between the 4th and 7th of November, 2008.
The Greatest Adventure Challenge - Coast to coast challenge. Bike ride, walk, bike ride. Buna to Port Moresby via the Kokoda Track from the 6th to the 14th of November 2008.
2008 Kokoda Reunion Dinner - Friday, 7 November 2008 - Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney.
Hiri Moale Festival -- Chairman of the Motu Koitabu Assembly Miria Ikupu said the festival which is the premier cultural event of the city and coincides with the country's Independence celebration in mid September was deferred to between the 7th and 9th of November, to allow proper planning and preparation due to the recent Motu Koitabu elections.
Anti Corruption Day - 9th December 2008
Inaugural Madang Golf Classic February 2009 sponsored by Airlines of PNG.
34th Games Fishing Association PNG National Game Fishing Titles - Madang - from the 3rd of April to 13th of April 2009.
see --
Arafura Games - 9 to 17th of May 2009 --
Do you have an event that you want advertised? - use the submission form located at -- ../misc/ctc.html.
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