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PNG in the News
PNG's national airline to buy new planes --
Beautiful Morning and Air Niugini --
Solomons, PNG gain improved shipping service --
Australian order Of Battle 1939-1945 --
$US20 million tuna cannery for PNG --
Landowners happy with new LNG deal signed in PNG --
Inspired to help others (Warwick Daily News) --
Criminals operating in Lae, Morobe province as a whole have more high-powered weapons than police --

PNG Blogs
Ken and Una in PNG - The Tokaut Aids theatre group --
Large fatal landslide in PNG --
Malum Nalu: Kalibobo Spirit is the perfect way to see PNG waters --
Jac & John's PNG Adventure - wine and weevils --
Diving PNG on the FeBrina; Kimbe Bay, Witu Islands, Kavieng and Fathers Reef --
Mass looting - a new pastime in PNG --
Lewis Family in PNG Trip to Rabaul and Kokopo --
Postcards A La Carte: Papua New Guinea - Madang --

Misc Links
The Independent Public Business Corporation of Papua New Guinea (IPBC) has launched its website to provide information about on-going projects and other development in the organisation to the public to keep them updated and informed. --
Three weeks in Goroka --
PNG Polymer Banknotes --
PNG Moni --

Images of PNG
Pat MacFadden has written to say his father served with the 20th Naval Construction battalion at Guasopa, Woodlark PNG in World War II.
He took many photos of the locals in the villages, many are quite clear. Do you think that the families there would be interested in copies of their parents and grandparents? I would be happy to copy and forward digital pictures to whomever you think would be interested on Woodlark.
Any assistance would be appreciated. Replies to the newsletter -- ../misc/ctc.html
Madang Coastwatchers monument --
Tribal Festival --
Riots and looting in Goroka on Flickr Photo Sharing --
Wewak photos --
Small island near Port Moresby --
Transport in PNG --

News Items
Operation Open Heart
Many of the Operation Open Heart team that arrived from Australia recently are "repeat offenders". They are the doctors who keep on coming back every year and our new staff are mostly nurses. They are all volunteers. The Australian team is also reducing its workload to 45-50 operations this year to allow more time for training of local doctors.
The OOH team said that here in PNG, the success of the programme was due to the eagerness of the national team and the hunger that they had for medical and clinical knowledge, adding that the Government and the people are also taking ownership of the programme.

Deni Hines
After a successful visit by Deni Hines to PNG to help promote Operation Open Heart the superstar of Australian pop music has offered her services free of charge for announcements on TV or radio, and to participate in any activities to raise awareness and boost fund raising.
Deni is expected back in PNG in July for a concert tour of the country accompanied by her own band. Visit Deni's site --

Christine Anu
It seems that Australian singers are getting behind various charities in PNG. Another singer, Christine Anu, has recently been appointed the patron of charity Buk Bilong Pikinini (BBP). With hard work and Ms Anu’s support, BBP hoped to open many more libraries throughout PNG
Visit Christine's site --

OOH Donations
Many organisations have contributed towards the successful running of the Operation Open Heart program. The Malaysian Association of Papua New Guinea (MAPNG) donated K30,000 towards the program. The National Capital District Governor, Powes Parkop, also made a pledge of K10,000 towards the program. Some of the major sponsors are the SP Brewery, Air Niugini, Airlines PNG and Gemini Jewellery.
see also - Children undergo OOH successfully -- -- and - OOH team from Aust optimistic --

Best Stamps
A stamp collector from Britain has rated Papua New Guinea postage stamps among the best in the world. The collector has been collecting PNG stamps since 1937 and is only missing four stamps plus one stamp booklet since that time. The British High Commissioner to PNG, David Dunn said "PNG stamps are amongst the most collectable in the world and with their vibrant colours and scenes depicting PNG life and the vast array of indigenous flora and fauna remain as popular today as this were in 1937".

Solomon Airlines Code Share
A code share agreement between Air Niugini and Solomon Airlines has been renegotiated and extended until further notice. The agreement is for a service operating between Port Moresby and Fiji via Honiara. Solomon Airlines says it is pleased with the outcome and while it continues the dialogue to further cement the future of the code-share agreement with Air Niugini, it is evident that both airlines need each other to maintain this link between Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Fiji.

Alvarion Ltd has been chosen to deploy the first Mobile WiMAX network in the country for Telikom PNG. Bringing services based on Mobile WiMAX to PNG will enable Telikom PNG to give its customers a complete new wireless broadband experience.
Full news item can be found at --

Newspapers Stats
The internationally-recognised Audit Bureau of Circulation has released figures saying the circulation of The National during the January-March period of this year averaged 30,439 copies, while the Post-Courier was about 30% less at 21,352

Kapal Haus
Kapal Haus in Mt Hagen burnt down last October (2008). The Western Highlands provincial government has announced that they have allowed almost K29 million to build a new one sometime next year. The five storey building, one floor more than the old one, will be shaped like a kundu drum. Funding for the building will come from various sources. K3 million will come from the insurance payments on the old building, K6.5 million from the National Government, and K7 million would come from district support grants from each of the seven districts in the province. The balance will come from other sources including banks and export credit facilities.

New Lawyers
Eight new lawyers have passed the requirements under section 25(3) of the Lawyers Act. The graduate law students have been admitted to the PNG bar as lawyers. The new lawyers have attained their Bachelor of Law degrees at the University of Papua New Guinea in 2007 and moved to the Law Training Institute so that could pass their bar admittance requirements.

Smoking Policy
The PNG Medical Society (PNGMS) has called on Government and private institutions to implement the existing tobacco legislation into work place policies at their work places. PNGMS president Dr Mathias Sapuri said "the more you smoke, the more you damage your lungs".

Horror Accident
A motor vehicle accident between two Public Motor Vehicles (PMV's) has resulted in over 40 people fighting for their lives in hospital after one of PNG's worst road accidents on the Hiritano Highway near Bereina in Central province. It is believed that as many as 21 people were also killed in the accident.
Three people have also died when their dinghy capsized in Kerema Bay. Provincial Police Commander, Inspector Giusu, said the dinghy mishap occurred when the operator of the 23 footer dinghy powered by 75 horsepower motor engine ignored the weather warning and over loaded the dinghy with 47 buai bags and seven passengers.
see - Gulf mourns --

POM General
The recent PMV accident along the Hiritano Highway has showed up weaknesses at the Port Moresby General Hospital. The premier PNG hospital could not cope with the large numbers of injured people admitted to its emergency ward all at the same time. The Post Courier reported that an anonymous senior officer within the hospital has said the emergency ward was not equipped to full capacity to handle so many victims at the same time.

Logohu Awards
Members of the Operation Open Heart (OOH) team have been awarded various medals of the Order of Logohu awards. Some of the OOH doctors and nurses have received awards for "voluntary services to Papua New Guinea's public and community health". Among those awarded were Dr Lee, Drs Graham Roland Nunn and Darren Lindsay Wolfers, and nurses Suzanne Bedford, Margaret Bresnahan and Kym Robina Stuart.

Modilon Hospital
Management and staff of Cabrini Hospital in Melbourne, Australia in association with the PNG Department of Health and Divine Word University are helping to build a new operating theatre at the Modilon General Hospital in Madang. Cabrini will supply most of the equipment for the operating theatre, as well as other medical supplies and will offer training to the staff at the hospital.
A surgical team from Cabrini Hospital have been providing specialist care to patients needing bone surgery on a regular basis as part of the Cabrini outreach program.

Vanimo Shop Looted
A shop in Vanimo, Sandaun province, near the PNG-Indonesia border, was cleaned out by looters recently. It is believed the looting caught police officers off guard when the shop was completely ransacked and left with virtually nothing on the shelves. The looting may be connected with the looting of some shops in Goroka, Lae and Madang last month.

Barramundi Fingerlings
A K28 million commercial barramundi hatchery currently being constructed in the Western Province is expected to be able to produce 400,000 barramundi fingerlings a year to help restock the depleted Fly River system and other waterways in the province. Western Province Sustainable Aquaculture (WPSA), a subsidiary of PNG Sustainable Development Program (PNGSDP) will look after the hatchery.

Ramu Pipeline
Worries have been raised about a 134 kilometre pipe line being built from the Ramu nickel mine to a tailings dam and wharf in Basamuk Bay, Madang province. One of PNG's leading engineers Professor Simon Saulei said the pipeline did not have proper foundations, was constructed just metres above waterways, cut through villages and was too close to the highway. Locals fear an environmental disaster is waiting to happen as during production Metallurgical Group Corporation (MCC) plans to pump 100 million tonnes of what they call "neutralised" slurry waste into a deep sea canyon in the pristine bay.
See also - Slurry pipeline risks minimised, says MCC --

Coming Events
Operation Open Heart - On now at the Port Moresby General Hospital
The International Cricket Council (ICC) East Asia Pacific (EAP) Under 19 Cricket Trophy tournament On Now.
2009 Pride of PNG Awards - celebrating the power of women -- nominations close on the 12th of June. This is sponsored by City Pharmacy but their website is out of date --
Walk against corruption - Port Moresby and Kokopo - 14th of June. The Governor General, Sir Paulias, a grand champion in the fight against corruption will lead the Walk Against Corruption in Kokopo, East New Britain province.
5th National Tourism Conference - June (date to be confirmed) - to be held at Madang Resort Hotel.
Tolai Warwagira from 8th to 14th July and Mask Festival from 15th to 18th July at Kokopo East New Britain.
Trukai Olympic Fun Run - 12th of July.
PNG Remembrance Day - 23rd of July.
45th Medical Symposium - Port Moresby - sponsored by the Pacific International Hospital from the 30th of Aug to the 4th of September.
31st October and the 1st of November - Morobe Show - see -- -- and --
6th to 8th of November - National Canoe and Kundu Festival, Milne Bay --
25th April 2010 - World Malaria Day. Malaria affects 90 per cent of the PNG population.
National Elections - Scheduled for June 2012.
Do you have an event that you want advertised? - Use the submission form located at -- ../misc/ctc.html.
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