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External links - while PNG Gossip Newsletter will not sell your email address to others many links on this web site lead to other sites that may may not have the same policy regarding your valuable email address. Be careful when handing over your email address.

PNG in the News
Gerehu suburb changes --
PNG must respond better to serious air incidents in the country. --
Authorities in PNG are investigating the death of more than 170 people in the Menyamya district of Morobe province attributed to dysentery and flu. -- -- and --
See also - WHO says PNG health system limited to cope with cholera outbreak --
State of Emergency declared --
PNG closes in on cause of flu and dysentery that's claimed 80 lives --
Va'a splashes in Alotau --
English to be prep language --
Aussie Rules (AFL) juniors to meet in feast of footy --
Aussie found dead in PNG hotel room --
Bougainville MP jailed for three years for sexual assault --
Bemobile Cup - PNG National Rugby League --
Air Niugini is ready to sign an order for two Bombardier Q400s --

PNG Blogs
No Fear or Loathing in Port Moresby --
A beautiful dive at Magic Passage near Madang --
The Nakui Jungle Beat: In Wewak --
Ken and Una in PNG --
Surfing on our Doorstep --
Becky's PNG experiences - Painting the new paediatrics ward --
What is a tree worth? --
The NASA Earth Observatory has a new image of the long, wispy plume from the Tavurvur cone at Rabaul --

Random PNG Links
Jiwaka - almost a province --
Maritime College --
Civil Aviation --
Department of Defence --
PNG Touch Football --
Solo travel on Sepik River --
Lissenung Island, Kavieng PNG - Trip Report --
PNG Customs Service of the Internal Revenue Commission --
Manus Island --
Research and Conservation Foundation of Papua New Guinea --
Conservation International Melanesia --
Centre for Environmental Law and Community Rights --
Papua New Guinea Eco Forestry Forum --
Chessell Adventures (Kokoda) --

Air Niugini Launches New Site
Air Niugini has launched an advertising campaign for its Destinations Loyalty Program with a series of press advertisements, a television commercial and a new web site. --
See also --

News Items
Snooker Titles
For the seventh consecutive year BSP, formerly Bank South Pacific, are sponsoring the PNG men's snooker titles. This is a premier event conducted by the PNG Billiards and Snooker Association. BSP public relations and communications manager Rosemary Mawe presented a K10,000 cheque and commended the association for this well organised tournament. The major part of the tournament will start on the 18th of September. The B grade event will be commencing prior to this on the 10th of September.

Oil Slick
It has been suggested that an oil slick from a spill off Australia's north-western coast has reached 8 km (5 miles) in length will eventually depending on wind and tidal movements pollute the ocean around PNG. The slick is currently drifting further out into the Timor Sea. The oil rig, allegedly operated by a Thai Government-owned company (Thailand's PTT Exploration and Production PCL ), is thought to have been leaking about 470,000 litres of oil a day since an accident caused the rig's evacuation on the 21st of August.

Business Against HIV / Aids
PNG BAHA (Business Against HIV / Aids), a not-for-profit organisation representing the PNG Business Community has received a cheque for K50,000 from BSP -- PNG's largest Bank. This is BSP's third year of continuous sponsorship. For the past two years BAHA has successfully organised, educated and assisted numerous PNG Businesses to develop, support and implement sound policies and programmes aimed at the prevention, care and treatment of HIV / Aids throughout the country.
see also - HIV on the rise: BAHA --

Old Computer Request
Hope Charities is looking to empower citizens and students via the use of donated computer systems.
This is where you come in. If you're business recently upgraded its computer systems and you have older (but still in good condition) computers, consider donating them to Hope Charities where they will be put to very good use.
This an ongoing effort by Hope Charities which is scheduled to last for 12 to 15 months, so if you're currently not ready but plan to be in the coming months ahead, feel free to donate when ready within the allotted time frame.
This is a great way to be environmentally-friendly as well. For more information on where and how, contact Dr Graham Ogle at Hope on (02) 9868 1980 or email
About 60 PCs powerful enough to run Windows 2000 and Office are needed.
full news item --

Mobile Coverage
Bemobile coverage is about to be boosted with a total of 44 towers to be erected at several sites around the country. 16 of theses new towers would be erected in the Highlands, 16 in Central while 12 will be built in Morobe Province. This will allow enhanced coverage in the near future especially in rural areas. The towers will link signals to and from other bemobile locations in PNG. The current rollout program is one of the biggest ever in the local mobile phone company's brief history.

Amazing Woman
Read about Dr Lin Calvert an amazing woman serving the remote Kapuna area of Baimuru in Gulf Province since 1954. She works from sun up to after dark at the Kapuna Christian Hospital, situated on the banks of a river in the Purari delta river system.

National Pledge Tweak
Here is a contribution by Peter, Melanesian Foundation Director, regarding tweaking the National Pledge.
I am appealing to those responsible for our national pledge to make changes to some of the words used.
1. Change Cultural Heritage to Christian Values
2. Add God Trinity as our source of strength
3. Add Christian again in the front of Democratic
1. We have over 800 languages and who knows how many cultural heritages, Are we referring to the Sepik's, Gulf or Highlands cultural heritage? please specify which ones....they are all different to one another.
2. We are a Christian nation and therefore must acknowledge it in our pledge
3. When we ask God to bless PNG in the end of our pledge then we must first acknowledge Him as our source of strength
This is what I am proposing with the small changes
We, the people of Papua New Guinea,
pledge ourselves united in one nation.
We pay homage to our Christian values,
God Trinity as the source of our strength.
We pledge to build a democratic Christian
Society based on Justice, Equality,
Respect and Prosperity for our people.
We pledge to stand together as
One People, One Nation, One Country
God bless Papua New Guinea

Kainantu Water
The city of Kainantu in the Eastern Highlands, faces a water problem due to a compensation demand by landowners. The landowners have been demanding compensation for the past 20 years and have now stopped the flow of water into Kainantu. Some of the local villagers have been cashing in on the situation by selling water from creeks for K1 a bucket.
see also - New source for Kainantu water supply --

Taurama Barracks Water
At a cost of K2.5 million to the taxpayers of Australia the Australian Defence Force has been able to fix the water supply at Taurama Barracks using C and M contractors and Niugini Plumbing Service. Taurama Barracks Commanding Officer Lt Col Siale Diro thanked the Australian Defence Force for their help in supporting the PNG Defence Force (PNGDF). Head of Australian Defence Force (ADF), Lt Col Luke Foster, said the Australian government and the ADF were happy to help the PNGDF.

Shot Fired at Twin-Otter
A shot was fired at a Mission Aviation Fellowship Twin Otter aircraft as it was landing at a remote airstrip in PNG just one day after the tragic Airlines PNG crash near Kokoda that claimed the lives of all on board.
full story --

PNG Power Easi Pay
PNG Power and BSP have signed an agreement so that electricity consumers will soon be able to top up their pre-paid electricity credits at the closest BSP automatic teller machine. BSP has over 150 ATMs around the country and plans to increase this to over 200 by the end of the year. BSP has also installed an ATM at PNG Power's headquarters in the Port Moresby suburb of Hohola.
see --
see also - -- for online payments

Way Back Machine
Over the years there have been many web sites dealing with PNG mentioned in this newsletter and going back through the newsletter archives you will find some have simply disappeared. If the web site was around for any length of time there is a very good change that it will be in the "wayback" machine. Even archived copies of current web sites are there. For most sites you will be able to choose a "version" of the site.
Want to take a look at the 1999 version of the Air Niugini web site? - then visit the Way Back Machine -- -- it does try to drag in information from the current web site if that site is still around and style sheets don't appear to be supported.*/ -- the PNG Church Partnership is an example of one site about PNG that can be viewed. The site was unceremoniously dumped when AOL decided to drop many of its customers. I have heard a rumour that this site may be back in the future at a new location but in the meantime, yep, see what it covered in the Way Back Machine.
Archived copies of the PNG Gossip going back to 1998 are available by navigating to --

Angels Receive Medals
Australian High Commissioner, Chris Moraitis, has presented medals to Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels who took care of Australian soldiers during World War Two. The medal recipients included Nepe Kumanyal, 93, an interpreter from Simbu, and Naime Raga, 95, a carrier from Central. The widow of John Boino received the medal on her husband's behalf.

Madang Diving
The ship wreck called BOSTON mentioned in this the article at -- -- has since been identified with a slightly different name - recent research says that the real name seems to be FS-172 Boston, a US army freight and store ship. This ship seems to be lost in July 1946, when its propeller became entangled in minesweeping cables, causing it to create a hole in its own hull.

Modern Lifestyle Killing People
The adoption of a modern lifestyle has introduced life threatening diseases to the general population especially the "elites" of the community. The common diseases are diabetes, high blood pressure, hypertension and heart-related diseases caused by a poor diet and a lack of exercise.
see --

Library Burns
The Malaguna Technical High School library in Rabaul, one of East New Britain's best stocked school library, was destroyed by fire recently and the damage was estimated at more than K1 million.
Full story --

Harmony Gold
Harmony Gold Mining Co., Africa's third largest producer of the metal, has reported it was expanding its PNG exploration portfolio with the acquisition of two projects.
Full story --

2015 Pacific Games
National Capital District (NCD) Governor Powes Parkop has told delegates from the various Pacific Games Associations countries that Port Moresby is ready to host the 2015 Pacific Games. The delegates are in the country to see for themselves what Port Moresby can offer in the bid to host the 2015 Pacific Games. Solomon Islands and Tonga are also bidding for the Games. A vote will be made on the 27th of September in the Cook Islands. The bid by Port Moresby is supported by Minister for Sports Dame Carol Kidu and has bi-partisan support from both sides of Parliament.
The University of Papua New Guinea has launched its 2015 Pacific Games bid as the official games village - should PNG get the vote.

The National
The National Newspaper is back online after serious problems -- -- It looks like the site is still being reconstructed.

Foreign Languages
PNG has over 800 languages and I do not know of any site that is devoted to any of those languages however here are some foreign language web site about PNG.
Russian --
Japanese --
German --
There are others but I can not remember what they are. Can any one help?

Coming Events
8th National Garamut and Mambu Festival - Wewak - 5th - 6th of September.
BSP PNG Billiards and Snooker Association men's titles - commencing 19th September
5th Bilasim Skin Festival - Goroka - 12th, 14th and 15th of September.
Goroka Show 2009 - 12th and 13th of September -- --
Hiri Moale Festival -- September.
PNG Independence Day Celebrations -- 16th September.
Mt Wilhelm Walk for Life - 18th to the 20th of September.
AFLPNG National Championships -- 21st - 23rd September 2009
World Heart Day - 28th September.
Pacific Mini Games in Rarotonga, Cook Islands from the 29th of September to the 2nd of October.
AFLPNG Talent Search. AFL Queensland side Coolangatta, a regular host of PNG talent, will travel to take on the PNG Mosquitoes in Port Moresby. -- 24th October 2009
PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum 2009 Seminars 27th to the 30th of October -- -- or --
31st October and the 1st of November - Morobe Show - see -- -- and --
6th to 8th of November - National Canoe and Kundu Festival, Milne Bay --
National Arts and Craft Exhibition - 13th - 15th of November.
World Aids Day -- -- 1st December 2009.
AFLPNG Talent Camp will be held in Goroka with 120 Under 17's, 15's, 13's present -- 4th to 6th of December 2009
AFLPNG - PNG Scholarships/Under 18 Trials will be held in Australia. 8 x U18s are hoped to be provided with Country Queensland, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast Scholarships. -- February 2010
Women in Mining and Petroleum Conference - 22nd - 24th March 2010 - to be held at Divine Word University in Madang.
25th April 2010 - World Malaria Day. Malaria affects 90 per cent of the PNG population.
World liquefied natural gas (LNG) summit - Mid 2010
11th Mining and Petroleum Investment Conference - 6th to 8th December, 2010 - Hilton Hotel, Sydney - -- This web site is out of date showing information abut the 2008 conference.
National Elections - Scheduled for June 2012
Do you have an event that you want advertised? - Use the submission form located at -- ../misc/ctc.html.
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