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PNG in the News
Escaped prisoners from PNG's Lae jail still on run --
Deal gives de Young most of Oceanic art works - read more --
Allied Gold ordered to halt Simberi mine in PNG --
Supporting victims of violence in PNG --
PNG poised for a surge in growth --

PNG Blogs
The Frey's in PNG --
Jane Tompsett's diary from PNG --
Blog about Rabaul Creole German and other PNG languages: --
A troubled land of discrete ever-warring tribes --
Matt in PNG --
Christmas in PNG --
Jordan and Rachel Thompson in PNG --
A day in Kokopo --

Misc Links
Traditional Sailing in Milne Bay --
Jason South's best pics of 2009 --
Poverty in PNG --
Wantok Radio Light Coverage --
Ex Kiap Network --
CHM Super Sound --
Explore PNG --
Dive Milne Bay --
Picasa Web Album - Andrew & Lisa - Ukarumpa --
Kwila Insurance Corporation --
Lae Black Marlin tag and release video --

PNG Aviation Photos
Just a sample of PNG aviation photos
Air Niugini YS11 JA8780 --
Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero --
Fokker F27 P2-TFK Kieta 1973 --
Mt Hagen Kagamuga Airport --
Air Niugini Douglas DC3 P2-SBD --
Rock Star! --
Macair Cessna 402 P2-ELP --
Bell P-39 Airacobra. Rogers airfield, Papua, c.1972 --
Air Niugini Boeing 707-338C P2-ANB --
P2-MFT - Twin Otter Tekin --
Air Niugini Airbus A300 P2-ANG --
Papua Niu Guini CD-105 --
DC3 P2-SBG Pt Moresby --
SIL Aviation PNG fleet --
DC3 P2-SBL Pt Moresby --
Airlines of New Guinea DC3 P2-SBG --
Ansett Boeing 727-77QF VH-RMS at Port Moresby --
Air Niugini images --

News Items
Another Jail Escape
Over 70 prisoners, including 22 convicts and 51 remandees at the Buimo jail in Lae, have dashed for freedom by using the jail commander, Chief Superintendent Samson Jaro, as a human shield to stop tower guards from shooting them. Another 10 prisoners escaped earlier in the day just in time for Christmas. At least two have been recaptured and one shot dead.

Corruption Bill
Sam Abal, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Trade and Immigration, will introduce a Bill on Corruption in Parliament. Mr Abal said corruption was becoming a major issue of concern and has been discussed at international forums including the recent APEC summit in Singapore and the United Nations General Assembly and the World Trade Organisation Ministerial conference in Geneva.
See also -- PNG now gravely ill with the disease of corruption --

Kongara and Asikopan Roads
A memorandum of agreement (MoA) has been signed for two road projects from Aropa to Basikuna along the Kongara Road and the Java fuel station Road that runs through Paruparu and Tairomana in the Central Bougainville District of Bougainville. The MoA was signed between Department of Works secretary Mr Joe Luma, Office of Rural Development (ORD) director Mr Paul Sai and Mr Miringtoro to get the ball rolling.
See also --

Mt Hagen Vehicles
Local Hagen MP William Duma, with funds provided by the taxpayer, has donated 10 new vehicles worth K1.2 million to the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary in Mt Hagen. Mr Duma, who is also Petroleum and Energy Minister, said the vehicles would enable the police to move around and enforce law and order. Assistant police commissioner and Highlands Divisional Commander Simon Kauba told his men that the vehicles must be put to good use for the intended purpose.

Conflict of Interest?
Has the Chairman of the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) put himself in a conflict of interest situation by presiding over a PAC inquiry into the Civil Aviation Authority? The Chair of the meeting, Eastern Highlands Governor Malcolm Kela-Smith, is the owner or operator of Pacific Helicopters based in Goroka. There have been past reports of "issues" between the Civil Aviation Authority and Pacific Helicopters. Kela-Smith is a well respected member of parliament and the community and I assume he will be fair and impartial but shouldn't he stand down when there is even a slight hint of a conflict?

POM Airport Overcrowded
The domestic terminal at the Port Moresby seven-mile airport can not cater for the number of passengers that want to travel during the festive season. Drastic measures have been taken to try and put some form of order into the chaos that happens every year at this time. The Civil Aviation Authority has arranged for passengers to queue outside the terminal in flight number order until they are called to check-in. To help maintain order a security company has been engaged to control the crowd.

EHP Budget
The Eastern Highlands Provincial Budget has been passed by the Eastern Highlands Provincial Assembly. Provincial finance chairman, Malcolm Kela-Smith, handed down the K84,871,500 budget with more focus on road infrastructure development. The 2010 budget is K36 million less than the budget this year (K121 million).

Teachers - Every Year
Teachers. Every year there are stories of teachers being hard done by while trying to get home for Christmas. This year is no different. The National has reported teachers from remote parts of Central province being stranded in Port Moresby while they wait for their leave fares to go home.

PNG Power
The Independent Consumer and Competition Commission has approved a decrease in the electricity tariff by PNG Power for credit meters and Easipay domestic and business users as well as public lighting customers. The tariff will be decreased by 2.7 per cent from the start of the new year. The reduction in tariff has been attributed to the drop in the price of fuel used to generate power. PNG Power is, however, increasing some other charges and there is guarantee the cheaper tariff will remain for the whole of the year.

Rival LNG Projects
Canadian energy company, InterOil has said it expects to build a liquefied natural gas (LNG) venture at less than half the cost of the Mobil Exxon project in PNG. InterOil estimates its project development will cost between US$5 billion and US$7 billion, compared with a US$15 billion for the Exxon Mobil project. The two ventures are among more than a dozen in Australia and the South Pacific nation seeking to meet Asian demand for cleaner-burning fuels.
Interoil shares have risen over fivefold in 2009.
See also - Two LNG projects for PNG --

Rainfall Prediction
The National Weather Service is predicting the wet season may be shortened and the country may prematurely head into a longer dry period between March and May.

Another Highway Crash
A crash along the Magi Highway in Central province has claimed the lives of two people. The accident happened on a curve at the Sivitatana junction. Eight others were injured and were all rushed to the Port Moresby General Hospital soon after the accident for treatment.

PNG Defence Force
The new commander of the PNG Defence Force, Francis Augwi, has been sworn in at a formal ceremony held at the Murray Barrack's conference room.

Buri Kidu Heart Institute
The Buri Kidu Heart Institute located at the Port Moresby General Hospital has received a donation of K30,000 from the Malaysian Association of PNG. The Port Moresby City Mission also received K30,000
Full story --
Sue Mooney through McGraw Hill Education Australia and New Zealand has donated medical text books and reference books valued at AUS12,000 to the Tusa Private Hospital in Lae.

Port Moresby Hospital
The Labour Ward at Port Moresby General Hospital (PMGH) has received an incubator as a donation from twins Jacqueline and Michelle Seeto who were born prematurely at the hospital 19 years ago.

Crash Investigation
A team of Australian Transport Safety Bureau officers are preparing to fly into the country in January for a four-week stint sifting through the wreckage and forensic evidence of the recent crash that killed all 13 onboard, as families of the victims still wait for answers. Any findings will remain confidential until the report is completed and formally released by the Minister responsible for Civil Aviation in PNG

Institute of Medical Research
The PNG Institute of Medical Research (PNGIMR) and Melbourne (Australia) based Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI) have agreed to collaborate on more medical research. -- and --

Indonesian Border Agency
Indonesian President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, has been reported as saying he will establish, by a presidential decree, the National Agency on Border Management (BNPP) to better manage the country's border areas with neighbouring countries.
Indonesia shares a common land border with Papua New Guinea as well as sea borders with Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, India, Palau, Australia and Timor Leste.

Coming Events
New Year's Day - 1st Jan 2010
AFLPNG - PNG Scholarships / Under 18 Trials will be held in Australia. 8 x U18s are hoped to be provided with Country Queensland, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast Scholarships. -- February 2010
Women in Mining and Petroleum Conference - 22nd - 24th March 2010 - to be held at Divine Word University in Madang.
25th April 2010 - World Malaria Day. Malaria affects 90 per cent of the PNG population.
World liquefied natural gas (LNG) summit - Mid 2010
16th September - Independence Day
11th Mining and Petroleum Investment Conference - 6th to 8th December, 2010 - Hilton Hotel, Sydney -- -- This web site is out of date showing information abut the 2008 conference.
Full Pacific Games - New Caledonia 2011
National Elections - Scheduled for June 2012
2012 PNG Games -- Kokopo, East New Britain
Pacific Mini Games - Wallis and Futuna 2013
Full Pacific Games - PNG 2015
Do you have an event that you want advertised? - Use the submission form located at -- ../misc/ctc.html.
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