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PNG in the News
K5.8m for seasonal workers --
Drunk MP bashed up --
"Black Jesus" guilty of rape --
Sir Mekere: Sell the Falcon and help our hospitals --
Mercy Mission from Bega to PNG --
Only one NRL player in PNG squad --
Education Development Framework Captures Challenges --
No funds to protect Kapris --
TB cases go undiagnosed in Asia-Pacific --
New PNG Ramu plaintiff warns of further legal action if threats don't stop --
PNG - where fish is cheaper than chicken --

PNG Blogs
Court battle over Ramu mine waste dumping resumes --
Jane Tompsett's diary from PNG --
Ten years too late govt still doesn't know the real Ramu landowners --
PNGexposed Blog --
PNG Buggy --
Three Months in Moresby --
Back to Ukarumpa --
Le Mahieu Letters From PNG: In Madang --
Perspective on PNG --
Chad Wells Family Blog --
Papua New Guinea Blogs --
New Dawn On Bougainville --

Misc PNG links
Helifix group of companies --
Pacific Helicopters --
PNG Ports Corporation --
Why Many Have Fallen in Love With PNG and its Wonders --
Lae War Cemetery in Morobe Province --
Travel destinations: Mamba River --
Papuan shells and pots from 1800 years ago --
Trekking The Pathways of PNG --
The Montevideo Maru --

PNG Images
Orohaven Kokoda Retreat - Latest Photographs --
Air Niugini -- -- Bombardier DHC-8-402 P2-PXT msn 4329
YouTube - Goroka Sing Sing 2010 --
YouTube - Madang --
How to chew betel nut (Kavieng) --
Giant Taro in Alotau --
Kavieng --
A Bigfin Reef Squid with a fish in its mouth in Kimbe Bay --

News Items
2010 Commonwealth Games
The Commonwealth Games have finished until the next one in Glasgow 2014. Ryan Pini, representing Papua New Guinea, won silver in the 100m Butterfly.
Video of final --!/pages/Ryan-Pini/153637921686

Experts from Tasmania (Australia) are helping to revive the PNG pyrethrum industry. Pyrethrum was once a thriving industry in PNG, with around 80,000 growers in the 1980's. Unfortunately the industry ground to a halt in the 1990s and a processing factory in Mt Hagen closed. Thanks to the help from Tasmania there are now more than 2,000 farmers growing pyrethrum in the Enga province. The trend is gradually expanding to Chimbu and the Western Highlands provinces.
Tasmania grows 80% of the world pyrethrum crop. Pyrethrum, in PNG, is grown at between 1,800 and 2,700 metres, an area which is home to 15 per cent of the population, or about 880,000 people.
See - Tassie know-how helping PNG farmers --

Purari Hydro
New technology has made the proposed Purari river hydro-electricity project viable. Origin Energy and PNG Sustainable Development Limited would like to build an 1800 megawatt power plant on the Purari River, a project that was first investigated 30 years ago but abandoned as impractical.
The Purari is a river that originates in the south central highlands of PNG, flowing 470 kilometres (292 mi) though the Gulf Province to the Gulf of Papua.

Mangrove Conservation
Communities have been urged by Josephine Tamarua, a teacher from Barakau Primary School in Central province, to conserve and repair mangroves in the country. Tamarua, 38, was among nine school teachers in Central who attended a weeklong train-the-trainers course jointly facilitated by conservation group World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and University of PNG (UPNG) through its Motupore Island Research Centre (MIRC).

Ambulance Service Increases Fees
The operator of the Port Moresby ambulance service has increased the cost of transportation for patients to K60 a trip. The last time a fee was set was in 1992 when it was decided to charge patients K10 a trip. The ambulance service is operated by St John who say the increase is due to a lack of funding by the Department of Health and the National Capital District Commission. St John's chief commissioner for operations, Tim Williams said they had a K1 million deficit to provide ambulance services to city residents. He said the total cost of fuel to run the ambulance was K170 per patient.

Sunbird Aviation
Sunbird Aviation has purchased a Short Take Off and Landing, Britten Norman Turbine Islander aircraft with multi engine and IFR capability to service and support the rural and remote communities of PNG and in particular the Koiari; Goilala districts of the Central Province, and Kokoda in the Oro Province. They will also support all airports along the Kokoda Trail and other areas of the Oro Province.
Sunbird Aviation has been formed to assist in the provision of services to the remote areas recently abandoned by Airlines PNG and rarely serviced by other operators.
It is expected that limited operations will commence by mid October and be fully operational by late October.
For any information please contact Captain John Thomas on +675 7224 4054

Sunbird Aviation

Australia to Cut Aid
It has been rumoured for sometime that Australia will cut technical aid to PNG. Keith Jackson's PNG Attitude says that an announcement is due shortly to say that Australian technical assistance will be cut by one-third which was signalled last year in talks between the PNG and Australian governments.
Full news item --
Also -- -- and -- Toe the line, donors told --

BSP School Kriket
The Bank South Pacific (BSP) School Kriket program has been officially launched in Madang. The BSP School Kriket Program will be running its first phase in Madang for the remainder of 2010 and aims to reach approximately 10 schools and just over 3000 students. With the official launch of the program in Madang, BSP School Kriket is now operating in 10 provinces across the country. Reaching deep beyond the boundaries of traditional cricketing areas such as NCD, Central, Morobe and Milne Bay provinces, the program now operates in the Eastern and Western Highlands provinces, New Ireland, West New Britain, Oro and now in Madang.

Morobe Drought
Morobe Province is making plans to cope with an expected drought. The Provincial Administration is striving to save about 3.8 million US dollars to invest in preparations for a drought predicted to hit in 2012. Scientists have warned the drought could last for up to 18 months, posing major health risks and causing food shortages around the country.
Officers to be deployed to drought-stricken area --
Drought-starved children die --

Goilala Drought
A prolong dry spell in the Kunimaipa, Woitape and Fane areas of the Goilala district of Central province has caused a shortage of food. The drought has destroyed food gardens and villagers are having to resort to living off the land eating what ever they can find. A similar problem is also being experienced in the Tapini area.

PNG Health
Health secretary Dr Clement Malau has said PNG has the worst health indicators in the region and the world. Malau said malaria was still the leading cause of deaths in most provinces followed by pneumonia and tuberculosis. In the National Capital District the main cause of death was attributed to motor vehicle accidents.

Orohaven Kokoda Retreat
Orohaven Kokoda Retreat is located less than a 5 minute walk from the Kokoda airstrip in Oro Province just a short flight from Port Moresby. It can accommodate over 100 tourists at any one time in traditional huts that sleep 20 people in dormitory style accommodation. You will not find any better accommodation in Kokoda or the surrounding areas. You don't have to be walking the Kokoda Track to enjoy the hospitality of Orohaven it is only a 25 minute flight from Port Moresby or 3 hours from Popondetta by Public Motor Vehicle. Of course because of the location it is the ideal ending point or starting point for a trek across the Kokoda Track.
See -- -- email -

Orohaven Kokoda Retreat

Policeman Shot
A policeman has been shot dead while escorting a company's payroll in Port Moresby. It has been reported a criminal emptied his pistol while shooting the policeman from Chimbu province.
Full report --

PNG Four Nations Squad
The Papua New Guinea Four Nations squad has been announced with Cronulla hooker Paul Aiton named captain.
Telikom PNG Kumuls Four Nations Squad:
Ryan Tongia (Titans NYC), Michael Mark (Hunslet Hawks), Jessy Joe Parker (Port Moresby Vipers), Larsen Marabe (Agmark Rabaul Gurias), Elijah Riyong (Port Moresby Vipers), Dion Aiye (Agmark Rabaul Gurias), Benjamin John (Parkes Spacemen), George Moni (Agmark Rabaul Gurias), Paul Aiton [c] (Cronulla Sharks), Rodney Pora (Agmark Rabaul Gurias), Rodney Griffin (Northern Pride), Sigfred Gande (Agmark Rabaul Gurias) Glen Nami (Goroka Bintangor Lahanis), Pidi Tongap (Agmark Rabaul Gurias), Joseph Pombo (Canterbury Bulls), Nickson Kolo (Masta Mak Rangers), Johnson Kuike (Masta Mak Rangers), Makali Aizue (Halifax RLFC), Emmanuel Yere (Sheffield Eagles), David Loko (Mioks), Charlie Wabo (Hunslet Hawks), Richard Kembo (Newtown Jets), Desmond Mok (Ipswich Jets), Alex Haija (Rugby Union).

The 2010 AFLPNG Coca-Cola Junior National Championships has wrapped up in Lae with the Highlands Province taking home the coveted Championship Shield.
Overall Champions were as follows:
Under 13 Boys: NGI Stingrays
Under 15 Boys: Highland Raiders
Under 17 BOYS: NGI Stingrays
Under 15 Girls: Northern Thunder
2010 AFLPNG National Championship Shield: Highland Raiders

Coming Events
Buka District Games - 18th - 22nd October
Morobe Agricultural Show - 23rd and 24th October --
PNG Kumuls vs Australia - Sydney - 24th October
Air Niugini will be celebrating its 37 years of operation on the 1st of November.
National Canoe Festival - Alotau, Milne Bay province - 5th to 7th of November
Air Niugini staff reunion will be held on Sat November the 13th, 2010 at the Rydges Oasis, Caloundra, Queensland, Australia --
Pacific Queen Quest - PNG - 21 to 27 November --
11th Mining and Petroleum Investment Conference - 6th to 8th December, 2010 - Hilton Hotel, Sydney --
Arafura Games - 7 - 14th of May 2011 --
Rabaul "Kimawai" -- July 2011
Full Pacific Games - New Caledonia 2011
National Elections - Scheduled for June 2012
2012 PNG Games - Kokopo, East New Britain
Pacific Mini Games - Wallis and Futuna 2013
Full Pacific Games - PNG 2015 --
Do you have an event that you want advertised? - Use the submission form located at -- ../misc/ctc.html.
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