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PNG in the News
Transparency International --
Cabinet has okayed the PNG Power restructure --
Angry text messages target Chinese in PNG --
PNG returns to jungle to protect the climate --
US leads split over post-2020 deal: PNG climate negotiator --

PNG Images
PNGBD Photo Gallery --
Mount Hagen --
PNG Images From TrekEarth --
Michael & Lori Johnson's PNG Photo Gallery --
Chris Michel's PNG photos --

PNG Blogs
True North Mark's Blog --
PNG Blogs --
Malum Nalu --
PNG Gossip Newsletter --
The Masalai Blog --

PNG Misc Links
Eagles' Wings High School --
Lihir International School, Londolovit, Lihir Island, NIP --
30-year-old graduates grade 8 --
Things to see and do in Port Moresby - Virgin Australia --
Pryde Furniture --
Back to the jungle to protect the climate --
Information on the PNG Australian development cooperation program --
Bank of Papua New Guinea --
National Statistical Office --
The National AIDS Council of PNG --
Trukai Industries Limited --

News Items
Pik Dok Movement
PDM or Pik Dok Movement is a fun and laughter orientated group that can be found on facebook at --!/groups/146238365465814/ -- Pik Dok Movement is a phrase used to describe bikhet pasin blo yumi ol PNG.

Constitutional Verdict
The PNG Supreme Court recently delayed its decision on whether Prime Minister Peter O'Neill legally took over from Sir Michael Somare, after a last ditch attempt to remove the chief justice. The 3 to 2 decision handed down by the Supreme Court ruled in favour of Sir Michael. Minutes after the decision parliament voted 79 to 0 to elect Peter O'Neill in as PM. In the confusion over whether PNG had one or two PM's extra police, recently flown into the National Capital from across PNG to thwart any unrest over the decision, are patrolling the streets to maintain law and order. Police have been urged not to take sides but it is difficult when announcements have been made over the appointment of two police commissioners by each party claiming to be the legitimate government.
Police flood Port Moresby before court decision --
The saga unfortunately did not end there. The O'Neill faction then sacked the Governor-General appointed their own and had themselves sworn in. It seems that PNG is going two by two. Two GG's, two PM's etc and it is raining in Port Moresby. Where is Noah?

Kerema - Malalaua Upgrade
The 67 km stretch of road between Kerema and Malalaua, in Gulf province, has been ignored for years but is finally nearing an end with the completion of an upgrade to the existing road.

Asset Recovery
A call has been made for PNG to put more effort into trying to recover money and resources shipped overseas by the beneficiaries of corruption. PNG was recently ranked 154th out of a 182 countries on the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index.

Indigenous Languages and Technology (ILAT) discussion list is an open forum for community language specialists, linguists, scholars, and students to discuss issues relating to the uses of technology in language revitalisation efforts.

Kimbe Church Celebrates
The Independent Fundamental Life Baptist Church in Kimbe West New Britain province recently celebrated its 20th anniversary in style witnessed by more than a thousand Christians including pastors and missionaries of the church from around the country.

Southern Region Rugby League
Alotau, who are making a debut in the tournament, have made a good start to the Southern Region rugby league nines tournament with a win over Koupanama at Sir Hubert Murray Stadium at Konedobu in Port Moresby.

Moti to Sue
Australian lawyer, Julian Moti, says he will sue the Australian government after child sex charges against him were dramatically dropped by the High Court. Moti was arrested in Port Moresby in September 2006. He escaped from PNG on a much-publicised early hours flight conducted by the PNG Defence Force to Solomon Islands a month later.
A spokesman for the Australian Attorney-General said the Aust government respected the judgment but it would be inappropriate to comment until it had examined it in more detail. Moti lives in Sydney, Australia where he cares for his elderly parents.

Huge Senta
Just like this newsletter the Post Courier has demonstrated how easily it is to make a stuff up. Read about it at --

Simuku Project
Coppermoly continues to unmask the tonnage potential of the Simuku tenement with assays from drilling returning a substantial intersection of 1,001.9 metres at 0.24% copper, 60 parts per million molybdenum and 2.38 grams per tonne (g/t) silver at the Tobarum Prospect.
Simuku is located 20 kilometres from the deep-water port at the provincial capital of Kimbe in the highly prospective Kulu Awit Copper-Gold Belt.

Coffee Trek
What does it take to get coffee from where it is grown to a place where it can be sold? If you are interested in the answer then read the Post Courier article located at --

Executive Jet For Sale
The Falcon Jet operated by Air Niugini and used by the Government has been officially put on the market. Air Niugini chief Executive Officer has confirmed the Independent Public Business Corporation has given the airline approval to dispose of the plane "as soon as possible". The controversial plane was bought by the previous Government at a cost of K120 million, or was that by the current government?

New Helicopter Company
Another company has been successful in obtaining an Air Operators Certificate from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority. to fly in PNG. Heli Solutions, headed by Captain Phil Emeck, Has started the company to take advantage of the number of licences being granted by the Mineral Resources Authority. Heli Solutions currently operate a Bell 407 Helicopter.

Medical Maze
The Melbourne newspaper, The Age, has an interesting article by Trevor Duke highlighting Australia's ability to support the training of doctors from the Pacific and poor countries in Asia. The complex bureaucracy, high costs and personal stress are barriers to low-paid doctors from the Asia-Pacific working in Australia on a short-term contract.

Porgera Supplies Disrupted
Criminals at the Porgera site recently burnt two trucks, heading for the Barrick Porgera Gold Mine, to the ground. The PNG Road Transport Association has condemned the action and called on the Govt to come down hard on the criminals.

Gobe PDL Shut
Landowners have closed the Gobe Petroleum Development Licence #4 operations. They shut the main oil valve after walking into construction sites at Kaiam and Kopi on the Gulf side of the project.

Mt Hagen Hospital
Patients at Mt hagen Hospital have faced a shortage of beds some patients have even been force to use the floor to sleep. An extension to the surgical ward has created a bed shortage of 50% over the last two years.

Madang Star Hotel
Madang has a new hotel with the recent opening of the Madang Star International Hotel. It is located in the heart of Madang on the corner of Regina and Bauhinia Ave. The hotel is part of the Ok Tedi Landowners Royalty Investnment Trust and is operated by the Star Group of Companies. The landowners orignate from the Star Mountains in the Western province.

Sorcery Law
The Constitutional and Law Reform Commission is conducting a public seminar on the review of the law on sorcery and sorcery related killings at the Granville Motel starting on Tuesday the 20th of December at 9am.

PNG Power Workers Attacked
In the last edition of the PNG Gossip there was a report about the newly consecrated Anglican Bishop of Popondotta being robbed less than 24 hours after his consecration. There are now reports that PNG power workers have fallen victim to the rise in crime in Popondetta. Within a 48-hour period staff have been brutally attacked and three vehicles taken from them at gunpoint by thugs.

PNG Elections
It is anticipated that candidates from at least 33 political parties will vie for seats in the coming elections. The Office of the Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates has predicted an increase in the number of political parties before the issue of writs for the 2012 National Elections.
Some of the political parties registered so far include:
Christian Democratic Party
Mapai Levities Party
Melanesian Alliance Party
Melanesian Liberal Party
National Alliance Party
National Conservative Party
National Front Party
New Generation Party
Pan Melanesian Congress Party
Papua & Niugini Union Party (PANGU)
PNG Country Party
PNG First Party
PNG Greens Party
PNG Labour Party
PNG National Party
PNG Party
People's Action Party
Peoples Democratic Movement
Peoples First Party
Peoples Freedom Party
Peoples National Congress Party
Peoples Party
Peoples Progress Party
Peoples Resource Awareness Party
Rural Development Party
Social Democratic Party
Star Alliance Party
Transform PNG Party
True Party
United Party

Earthquake Felt in Moresby
A 7.3 magnitude earthquake near Lae has been felt in Port Moresby. While most of the occupants in a 4 storey building near Jackson's airport evacuated two visitors from Dubai sat through the whole event claiming it was only a small one compared to what they have felt elsewhere. The epicentre of the quake has been reported as being about 20kms from Wau in Morobe province.

Coming Events
Note: please verify any date mentioned as dates change and events can sometimes get cancelled. Of course I may also put down a wrong date.
Christmas Day - 25th December 2011 - oops not the 24th! thanks Gerry Piksaman.
New Year's Eve - 31 Dec 2011
New Year's Day - 1 Jan 2012
Ride the Rivers Enduro - 24 and 25 March 2012
National Elections - Scheduled for June 2012
2012 PNG Games - Kokopo, East New Britain
Olympic boxing qualifying tournament - April 2012
2012 Milne Bay Critter & Adventure Expeditions with Bob Halstead & Graham Abbott
Milne Bay-Critters-Milne Bay: 17th April 2012 to 29th April 2012
Milne Bay-Critters-Milne Bay: 1st May 2012 to 13th May 2012
Alotau-Adventure Diving-Kimbe Bay: 15th May 2012 to 30th May 2012
Mt Hagen Show - 11th and 12th of August 2012
Samarai and Milne Bay Reunion - Rydges Oasis Resort, Caloundra, Australia between the 7th and 9th of September 2012 -- --
Pacific Mini Games - Wallis and Futuna 2013
2013 Pacific Netball Series (hosted by Fiji)
Full Pacific Games - PNG 2015 --
Pacific Mini Games - Vanuatu 2017
Do you have an event that you want advertised? - Use the submission form located at --
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