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PNG in the News
PNG Defence Force put on alert for East Sepik dissidents --
Compensation claim in PNG after river pollution --
No vaccines in Lae --
Morobe community upset over PNG assessment of dead marine life --
Visitors ignite passion for footy --

PNG Blogs
PNG Photo Blog --
Geoff's Outrigger --
Namorong Report --
Andrew's Ukarumpa --

PNG Images
Ananias and a male parrot --
Kupiano Jetty Kids --
Stopping land theft in the Ramu --
Goroka Show --
Madang - village life on islands in the lagoon --
Cultural Shows --
Madang --
Goilala --
The Gallery PNG --

Misc PNG Links
Coral Sea Hotels --
Grand Papua Hotel --
Keynote Music --
National Information and Communications Technology Authority --
Mineral Resources Authority --
Tradecorp Shipping Containers --
PNG Customs --

News Items
Tourists Attacked
Several tourists, from the cruise ship Amadea, visiting Port Moresby were recently robbed at two locations around town. In one incident two tourists, their guide and a taxi driver were held up and robbed at the back gate to parliament while another tourist had his camera stolen at Koki market. The Chief Executive Officer of the Tourism Promotion Authority has been quoted as saying it is a poor advertisement for the country.

Survivors Head Home
Some of the survivors of the sunken MV Rabaul have begun returning to their home provinces. The ferry sank on its way to Lae two weeks ago, and it is believed 246 survivors had been kept in care centres there since being plucked out of the water. --
Logistics an issue in PNG ferry sinking inquiry --

NDB Invests
The NDB (National Development Bank) board will spend millions on new capital investment, including completing three offices at Boroko, Madang and Wewak. --

New Opposition Leader
Qld-born Dame Carol has been recognised as PNG's first female opposition leader and only member of the opposition by the speaker of the PNG National Parliament, filling a position that's been vacant since the August parliamentary vote that ended the government of Sir Michael Somare and installed Peter O'Neill as Prime Minister.

Tumbi Landslide
There is growing frustration over the official response to last month's Tumbi landslide in the Southern Highlands province. In its initial assessment report, the National Disaster Centre has identified heavy rainfall as the trigger for the landslide that is believed to have killed at least 25 people.

Australia has reached a deal with PNG to provide defence equipment and assistance during the national elections. The Age newspaper reports that Australia will provide two army helicopters to deploy officials to polling booths, as well as 30 computers to help update the electoral roll.

Doctors Without Borders
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is working on Bougainville Island (again), east of mainland PNG, after a 10-year absence. The comprehensive care project features a maternal health program and a specialized tuberculosis ward. Teams work along side the health authorities to help build the island's local healthcare capacity.

Somare Elections
Former Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare says he is considering whether to contest his East Sepik seat in this year's national elections. The elder statesman had said the 2007 election was his last. But the veteran leader is thinking of running again.
Sir Michael Somare's son Arthur has vowed to continue the legal fight to have the O'Neill government turfed out of office --

Twin Otter Purchase
PNG's OK Tedi Development Corp has purchased two new Twin Otter Series 400 turboprops from Viking Air. The first aircraft for OK Tedi was formally delivered by the Canadian manufacturer at the Singapore Airshow recently, while the second is slated for delivery mid-year. Although there is a fleet of legacy Twin Otters in the country, OK Tedi will be the first PNG company to operate the new variant, which offers many modifications that improved performance over the Series 300. Most notable is the integration of the Honeywell Primus Apex avionics suite, while other changes include upgraded Pratt & Whitney PT-34 engines, a lighter weight interior, LED lighting and optional air conditioning and de-icing equipment.

Liquor Ban
Lae, the capital of Morobe province, has extended a liquor ban for another 12 months. The Morobe Provincial Government previously had a three-month alcohol restriction and has opted to impose further limits on drinking until the end of January 2013.

Tertiary Institutions for Bougainville
Radio New Zealand International has reported the president of Bougainville, John Momis, as saying a number of key tertiary institutions are to set up in the autonomous province of Bougainville. Bougainville has no tertiary facilities, forcing students to travel to the mainland. Dozens of young Bougainvilleans, many of them students, were on the MV Rabaul Queen when it sank off the Morobe coast earlier this month - about 44 are believed to have drowned.

PNG Ports
PNG Ports will soon release a list of declared and non-declared port facilities around the country. This is a pioneer publication outlining essential information about the infrastructure, operators and service providers of ports. The release of the publication will become an annual event and will be used as a guide by maritime and shipping stakeholders.

Foreigner Flees Moresby
A foreign worker at a health centre in Port Moresby has fled the country after being threatened by a group of people led by a senior minister. The women, threatened with deportation, flew out a day after she was threatened.

Cinema Opens
Paradise Cinema at Vision City in Port Moresby has finally opened. One of the first movies shown on the big screen was "Journey to Mystery Island "starring wrestler The Rock.

PNG Tourism in UK
Lee Travel Consulting has been awarded the contract to establish a regional office in London for the PNG Tourism Promotion Authority (PNGTPA). Lee Travel Consulting won the contract against tough competition from over 20 marketing agencies that presented their strategies to the PNG team last November. Papua New Guinea is now more easily accessible from Europe via the Far East and Australasia. Air Niugini operate regular services from Hong Kong, Singapore, Jakarta, Manila, Tokyo, Brisbane, Sydney and Cairns.

Central HQ
Central province Headquarters, currently located at Konedobu, Port Moresby, will move to a 2400 hectare area of land at Ilimo just outside Port Moresby.

Juvenile Justice Centre
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of PNG and the Department of Justice are looking at reviving the church run Juvenile Justice Centre. Previously the centre was used to house juvenile remandees waiting to appear in court.

BSP Competition
The Bank South Pacific (BSP) is inviting everyone to enter a "say no to plastic bags" competition. The task is to create a traditional woven bilum or basket made with natural fibre with a twist. The bag must be made with the BSP lime green logo or the BSP lime green colour or the text "BSP Go Green". It must be original and creative and woven traditionally. The competition starts on the 20th of Feb and goes through to the 30th of April. Each week 10 winners will receive K100 each and there will be 10 major winners who will receive K2000 each plus a beach umbrella at the end of the competition. Visit the BSP web site for more details and terms and conditions --

State Owned Enterprises
All of the state owned enterprises (SOE's) except for PNG Ports have been put on notice to perform and pay dividends to the government. They are -
Air Niugini
PNG Power
Telikom PNG
Post PNG
Eda Ranu
Water PNG
Motor Vehicle Insurance Limited
PNG Ports recently paid K15 million to the government.

Coming Events
Note: please verify any date mentioned as dates change and events can sometimes get cancelled. Of course I may also put down a wrong date.
Ride the Rivers Enduro - 24 and 25 March 2012
Olympic boxing qualifying tournament - April 2012
2012 Milne Bay Critter & Adventure Expeditions with Bob Halstead & Graham Abbott
Milne Bay-Critters-Milne Bay: 17th April 2012 to 29th April 2012
Milne Bay-Critters-Milne Bay: 1st May 2012 to 13th May 2012
Alotau-Adventure Diving-Kimbe Bay: 15th May 2012 to 30th May 2012
South Pacific Export PNG Golf Open - May 2012?
National Elections - Scheduled for June 2012
Solomon Islands welcomes you to the 11th Festival of Pacific Arts --
From 1 to 14 July 2012,
Mt Hagen Show - 11th and 12th of August 2012
Samarai and Milne Bay Reunion - Rydges Oasis Resort, Caloundra, Australia between the 7th and 9th of September 2012 -- --
Fifth PNG Games, Kokopo, East New Britain - 17th to 30th November 2012
Pacific Mini Games - Wallis and Futuna 2013
2013 Pacific Netball Series (hosted by Fiji)
Full Pacific Games - PNG 2015 --
Pacific Mini Games - Vanuatu 2017
Do you have an event that you want advertised? - Use the submission form located at --
PNG Media
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