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PNG in the News
O'Neill to visit Maprik --
Yama: People must elect PM --
Inquiry into PNG ferry sinking hears from survivors in Kimbe --
PNG farewells a great dame --
Oil Search gets strong bids for PNG stakes --
Lawyer Henao calls for judges to resign --
Sir Michael Somare nominates for East Sepik regional seat --

Misc PNG Links
Hyundai Forklifts PNG --
PNG Sustainable Development Program --
IT Job Training Centre --
Deputy PM Belden Namah could be Gold Coast Titans white knight --
Mt Hagen Trekking Tours --
Rare orchid from Papua New Guinea has flowers that open around 10 pm and close early the next morning --
Australia you are not a good friend --

PNG Images
Sunset over Wewak --
Port Moresby --

News Items
Chief Justice Arrested
In an attempt to arrest the nation's top judge, Sir Salamo Injia on sedition charges, police recently stormed the Supreme Court in Port Moresby, in response to the courts ruling that Prime Minister O'Neill held power illegally and should step down. Deputy Prime Minister, Belden Namah, led the police. The nation's Deputy Police Commissioner Tom Eluh said Chief Justice Sir Salamo would be arrested after a tense standoff with police and the army. Mr Eluh said Sir Salamo would be "formally charged with sedition".

Around 4,000 hopefuls are out campaigning for the vote of the people in their electorates. Overall, out of the 7 million people in the country, there are 4.6 million people eligible to vote. The streets of major towns are clogged with PMV's carrying supporters and the ear drums of many are already aching from what seems to be the ever constant hopeful trying to gain the all important vote an all this without megaphones. Election fever has hit the nation full force and it is difficult to find anything in the daily newspapers apart from election related articles.

Church Health Services
Church Health Services (CHS) caters for up to 50 percent of health services an over 80 percent of rural health services in PNG. CHS provides much needed health services to the rural majority in the country especially where the government does not venture.

Girl Guide Donation
KK Kingston has assisted the Girl Guides of Port Moresby with the donation of 10 patrol boxes. The boxes will be distributed to the 10 Girl Guide branches around the country and will be used by the girls to store their sewing, cooking and fist aid kits.

Rising Sea Levels
Sea level rise near PNG is estimated at seven millimetres per year, double the global annual average of 2.8-3.6 mm. In a bottom-up approach to fighting climate change, the indigenous use of mangroves is now leading local and national plans to stem the destruction of land and communities by coastal flooding and erosion.
Mangroves Lead Battle Against Rising Seas --

Modilon Hospital
A new pay system has been implemented at the Modilon General Hospital in Madang in an attempt to speed up the processing of pay variations and overtime claims. Previously claims were processed in Port Moresby causing lengthy delays to overtime payments. The new system has already been rolled out at three other hospitals in the country.

Bougainville HIV Testing
A mass HIV Testing Rollout Program has been launched in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. The program is currently covering four districts of Buka Island. In 2011 4,826 tests were carried out and 588 of those were reactive to the tests with 94 cases being confirmed as positive HIV cases.
HIV Programs Manager, Dr Nick Dala, has described mass testing as totally against the HIV Prevention and Management Act that protects confidentiality.

Probe Missing Scientists
Another call has been made to investigate the disappearance of the five missing scientists from the Goroka based PNG Institute of Medical Research (IMR). The sister of one of the missing said the Internal Security Minister, John Boito, had promised funds for a renewed police investigation but so far nothing has happened.

BSP Profit
Nationally owned PNG bank, Bank of South Pacific, has recorded an after tax profit of K356 million. This is a 26 percent increase over the profit reported in 2010. The bank has total assets valued at K11.7 billion. Net growth has seen customer deposits increase from K2,261 million to K9,446 million.

Eco-damage From Nickel Mine
The controversial Ramu nickel mine near Madang has come under fire for new claims of environmental damage. The mine has been the subject of a long-running battle with locals over plans to pump 100 million tonnes of waste into Basamuk Bay over 20 years. The dumping threatens the pristine ecosystem of the area as well as the livelihoods of local people.

Antiretroviral Drugs
PNG has run out of two of the antiretroviral (ARV) drugs used to treat people living with HIV/AIDS in the country. PNG's Health Department program manager, Dr Nick Dala says new ARV drugs have already been procured and they should arrive from Denmark in about a month's time.

Reading Program
The World Bank has provided funding of $US19.2 million to fund an education reading project in the country. The main aim of the project is to improve the reading skills of elementary and primary school children. The money is being spent over a three-year period and will be completed in 2013. The money will be use to improve classroom libraries and provide other educational materials as well as helping fund related training for teachers.

LNG Pipeline
50 percent of the welding required for the 292 Kilometre onshore LNG pipeline has been completed. The welding of the pipeline commenced in April 2011 and will transport gas from Hides Gas Conditioning Plant to Omati where it will be connected to the offshore pipeline.

Limbless Swim
A twenty-kilometre swim by limbless Frenchman, Philippe Croizon, has seen him leave PNG and arrive in Indonesia on the first stretch of a swim that will take him between five continents.

Aussie Rules
Nine players from PNG have been named in the South Pacific team that will play in the 2012 NAB AFL under-16 championship to be held in Australia beginning on the 7th of July. Other members of the team will come from Vanuatu, Nauru, Fiji, Samoa and Tonga. The team will arrive in Australia on the 4th of July.

Poll Helicopters
Three new helicopters for the PNG Defence Force will be the centre of the Combined Joint Task Force. The rotary wing aircraft have been leased by the Commonwealth of Australia and funded under the PNG-Australia Defence Cooperation Program. The helicopters will be leased for a period of two years.

Liquor Bans
Provinces around the country are considering bans on the sale of liquor during the election period. Madang has already imposed a ban to begin on the 4th of June and will stop in July after the declaration of the seven seats in the province.

Jiwaka Flag Hoisted
The Western Highlands provincial flag was lowered for the last time on the 17th of May and the new Jiwaka flag raised in its declaring Jiwaka a new province. Two young girls dressed in Jiwaka attire lowered the flag and Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill, then handed the old Western Highlands flag to women leader Paula Mek.

Sewerage Project
A US$100 million sewerage project in the National Capital will be funded by Japan. The multi-million kina project will transform the sewerage system in Port Moresby over the next few years. The Japanese government has recently completed 15 high-tech bridges in Bougainville valued at US$90 million.

Who is PM?
The PNG Supreme Court has determined that the Prime Minister should be Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare. With elections just around the corner it will be interesting to see how the voting public sees this decision. Sir Michael already had a 3-2 decision Supreme Court ruling in his favour on the 12th of December.
Police prevent Somare from entering Government House --
PNG's O'Neill says Supreme Court ruling illegal --

The NEC (National Executive Council) has given approval for the rehabilitation and upgrade of the power equipment at Yonki. The project will be carried out in three stages. Stage 1 - refurbishment of Ramu 1 Power Station. Stage 2 - Completion and commissioning of the Toe of Dam generation system. Stage 3 - construction of the new Ramu 2 powerhouse.
Also a new market, worth K500,000, has been opened recently a kilometre away from the existing Yonki Dam. The Akamore Market boasts 3 sheds, a water supply, floodlights and a security fence.

Basil Confident
National Planning Minister and Bulolo MP Sam Basil is confident of retaining his seat and will work to complete all local level government capacity building impact projects initiated within the first term in office.

Angau Crumbling
The Angau Hospital in Lae, Morobe province, has been attacked by termites and needs to be rebuilt. The new buildings will be constructed from steel and concrete. Money has been allocated and a contract is waiting on final approval and the announcement of a successful bidder by the Central Supplies and Tenders Board.

Walk Against Corruption
The Sir Anthony Siaguru Walk Against Corruption is on again. Date: Sunday 27th May at the Jack Pidik Park 5 Mile. 5:30am arrival for a 6:30am start. The route will be from Jack Pidik Park - Boroko Drive - Kaubebe St - Bisini Parade - Lahara Avenue - Hubert Murray Highway - turn at 2 Mile Roundabout - Hubert Murray Highway and back to Jack Pidik Park. The Walk will also be held in Kokopo, Kimbe, Madang, Alotau and also on Lihir Island. --

Coming Events
Note: please verify any date mentioned as dates change and events can sometimes get cancelled. Of course I may also put down a wrong date.
Walk Against Corruption -- 27th May 2012
National Elections - Scheduled for June 2012
Queen's Birthday - 11th June
11th Festival of Pacific Arts -- -- from 1st to 14th July 2012
Remembrance Day - 23rd July 2012
Mt Hagen Show - 11th and 12th of August 2012
48th PNG Medical Symposium - 2nd to the 7th of September. Gateway Hotel, Port Moresby
Samarai and Milne Bay Reunion - Rydges Oasis Resort, Caloundra, Australia between the 7th and 9th of September 2012 -- --
Imotiva Kokoda 2012, Walk for a Cause - 9th October 2012 --
Fifth PNG Games, Kokopo, East New Britain - 17th to 30th November 2012
Pacific Mini Games - Wallis and Futuna 2013
2013 Pacific Netball Series (hosted by Fiji)
Full Pacific Games - PNG 4th July to 18 July 2015 --
Pacific Mini Games - Vanuatu 2017
Do you have an event that you want advertised? - Use the submission form located at --
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