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PNG in the News
PNG commissioner confident election count on track --
Indonesia Asks PNG to Send Graft Convict Djoko Tjandra Packing --
Concerns Over Media Ban in PNG Election Results --
Hilton rejects it's involved in Port Moresby hotel deal --
PNG's flood-ravaged west still without supplies --
People's National Congress moves into Alotau --
Women and the Road to Kerema --
PNG cruise to 7 wicket victory over Hong Kong at the Air Niugini Super Series --
Cancer on the rise in PNG, says doctor --
Easy win as Peter O'Neill tipped to return as PNG prime minister --

Misc PNG
Cardinal Joseph Zen solemnizes Peter ToRot Anniversary in Rabaul --
Air Niugini UK --
Goroka Airport (GKA) Details --
Poverty Drives Child Labour --
DX NBC-Milne Bay, Voice of Kula 3365kHz --

PNG Blogs
Food Security in a Rapidly Urbanising Country --
Port Moresby Housing --
Marengo Appoints PNG Country Manager --
Final stretch to Rabaul --
Street child! Nakan of Madang town --
New & Departing Missionaries --
Ready to leave Rabaul --

PNG Images
Popondetta Sing-sing --
Narapela Sing-sing piksa bilong Popondetta --
Lae Snax Tigers v Rabaul Gurias - YouTube --
Goroka Festival --
Deep Pete Wreck - Kavieng --
Rugby Clinic Lae 2012 --

News Items
Cebu Flights
Air Niugini has launched its new direct route from Port Moresby to the Mactan Cebu International Airport (MCIA), in the Philippines using the newly arrived Boeing B737 aircraft. In his speech after the inaugural direct flight, Dr. Thomas Webster, chairperson of PNG's Independent Public Business Corp. (IPBC), said Cebu is one market Air Niugini can service and promote. Air Niugini chief executive officer Wasantha Kumarasiri said they will fly twice a week to Cebu: every Tuesday and Thursday.
The Philippine Embassy in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (PNG) commemorated the 114th anniversary of the declaration of Philippine Independence on June 12 with a simple yet meaningful celebration at the Embassy grounds with members of the Filipino community. --
Two budget carriers, Cebu Pacific and ZestAir, have asked regulators for seat entitlements to PNG left unused by flag carrier Philippine Airlines (PAL). --

PX Dividend
Air Niugini has made a dividend payment of a cheque for K6.45 million to the Government. This is the first of its kind since it was corporatized in 1996. Three other Public Enterprises have paid dividends this year. They are Eda Ranu, with K3 million, PNG Ports with K15 million, and Water PNG with K500, 000.

16-day Adventure Holiday
A group of students from a prestigious Melbourne grammar school has recently completed a gruelling 16-day PNG adventure holiday. The itinerary included five days on the Kokoda Track, a three-day individual stay in a jungle village, kayaking at Kavieng and mountain bike riding on the east coast of New Ireland. It was a well-orchestrated program.

Nautilus Dispute
A former Australian Chief Justice is to arbitrate on the current Nautilus dispute with PNG. The PNG government and Nautilus minerals have agreed on the appointment of former Australian Chief Justice, Murray Gleeson, to arbitrate a dispute which has seen work delayed on a major deep sea mining project.

Somare's Son Loses His Seat
The son of former Papua New Guinea prime minister Sir Michael Somare has lost his bid for re-election to parliament to serve a fourth term, delivering a final blow to his tumultuous 15-year career at the heart of government. Ludwig Patrick Shulze is the new member for the Angoram Open electorate.
Pikinini blong Somare i lusim sia long PNG paliment --

Senior Somare Regains Seat
Former prime minister, Sir Michael Somare, has won his East Sepik seat in the current elections. Sir Michael, 76, who has held the seat for 44 years, thanked voters and told supporters that it was they the government of Peter O'Neill had acted against when he was dumped from Parliament in September.

Water Turbines
E. B. McDonald Ltd, based in Dunedin, New Zealand recently sent two low head water turbines to Papua New Guinea, to pump water and generate power for a new secondary school. The company supplied turbines to Bougainville in 1998, which eventually spilled water and electricity to a secondary school, having sat in Port Moresby for about three years.

Roadside Assistance
If you are worried about your vehicle breaking down in Port Moresby then it may be worth taking a look at PNG's first and only 24 hour roadside assistance. Within 15 kms of Port Moresby they offer such services as jump starting, towing, retrieving a bogged vehicle, emergency fuel, lockout assistance, changing a flat tyre etc. can be provided at a fee. They can even provide GPS tracking. Phone : 323-1733 Mobile : 71455005

Fair Elections
An international observer delegation supported by the US Department of State has issued a preliminary assessment of the Papua New Guinea election. It found that the election in numerous parts of the country "appeared to be largely free and fair," but also noted "serious irregularities" in other areas notably the Highlands.

Recovering Soldiers Trek Kokoda
Thirty former and serving Australian soldiers who recently served in Afghanistan have headed out on the Kokoda track to commemorate those who have lost their lives. Former Australian defence chief Angus Houston will greet them at the end of the track.

Poultry Uproar
Poultry producers in PNG are cutting back production, as they deal with the dumping of Australian chicken products.

Nambawan Meri
Dellilah Gore is the first women to win her seat in this round of parliament. She will represent the Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party and the people of Sohe Open, in the Ijivitari District of Oro Province.
Dame Carol Kidu has given a vote of confidence to the two women who have so far won seats in this year's elections --
Activist and singer Loujaya Toni has been declared the second female candidate to win a seat in Papua New Guinea's general elections. --

Smoky Wins Honour
Rescued from an abandoned foxhole in the middle of a PNG jungle, Smoky went on to be a symbol of hope for the fighting men of WWII and their injured mates. The 1.8kg dog, who was originally purchased from a pet store in 1943, was posthumously honoured for her military achievements and work as a therapy dog during a recent special ceremony at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital. It was for Smoky's service in Australian hospitals, including the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, that Smoky was awarded her latest medal.

Underage Voting
The front page of the Post Courier has recently shown images of what appears to be underage children voting at a remote station in the Momase Region. The images have been forwarded to the PNG Electoral Commission.

Sea Ambulance
AusAID has supplied a sea ambulance to the Milne Bay Provincial Health Authority. The ambulance will help to ensure the timely and safe distribution of medical drugs and improve patients' transfers from aid posts to health centres and to the Alotau General Hospital. Many mothers currently from the outer islands in the province die during child birth as there is often no emergency transport available for a dash to health facilities.
In 2012 Australia will provide K160 million to help strengthen PNG's health services across the country.

Youth Against Corruption
Raymond Chin of Chin H Meen has provided a Kumul Electronic Keyboard as one of the prizes for the 2012 Youth Against Corruption Association Song writing contest. The song writing contest is supported by Chin H Meen, Keynote Music House and Transparency International PNG.

Olympic Uniform
PNG participants in the 2012 Olympics commencing tomorrow (27th July) will be wearing a "stunningly vibrant" walkout uniform at the opening ceremony. The uniform will showcase the national colours of red, black and gold together with the Bird of Paradise national emblem. The women will wear a meri blouse top and skirt with the men wearing a PNG tropical shirt with sulu. Along with the walkout uniform participants will also wear relevant tracksuits, wind breakers, polo shirts, shorts, t-shirts, shoes and sandals where appropriate.

Writs Deadline
The date for the return of writs may be extended beyond tomorrow (27th July). Counting in many electorates is dragging on and an extension to the date is a likely scenario.

Fibre-optic Gateway
After almost two years of delay, Port Moresby is preparing for its imminent connection to PNG's 10 gigabyte per second (GBps) fibre-optic gateway in Madang. Connected via a 750-km cable that will piggyback the ExxonMobil liquefied natural gas (LNG) pipeline, the new connection is expected to drastically reduce internet rates, thus serving as a catalyst for wholesale market change across the telecommunications sector. The forthcoming cable means that PNG's mobile service providers stand to take advantage of cheaper gateway rates, passing the savings onto its customers.

Coming Events
Note: please verify any date mentioned as dates change and events can sometimes get cancelled. Of course I may also put down a wrong date.
Mt Hagen Show - 11th and 12th of August 2012
48th PNG Medical Symposium - 2nd to the 7th of September. Gateway Hotel, Port Moresby
Samarai and Milne Bay Reunion - Rydges Oasis Resort, Caloundra, Australia between the 7th and 9th of September 2012 -- --
Imotiva Kokoda 2012, Walk for a Cause - 9th October 2012 --
IOTA tour -- 19th October to the 4th November 2012 -- --
Fifth PNG Games, Kokopo, East New Britain - 17th to 30th November 2012
Pacific Mini Games - Wallis and Futuna 2013
2013 Pacific Netball Series (hosted by Fiji)
Full Pacific Games - PNG 4th July to 18th July 2015 --
Pacific Mini Games - Vanuatu 2017
Do you have an event that you want advertised? - Use the submission form located at --
PNG Media
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