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PNG in the News
Sharp Talk PNG --
Milne Bay veterans return to PNG --
Milne Bay historical backgrounder --
Oil Search May Begin Crude Exports --
Marengo secures port area for Yandera mine in PNG --
Recent Amelia Earhart search had wrong island? --
PNG Foreign Minister defends ban on foreign media covering detention camp --
More sightings --
Veteran recalls Battle of Milne Bay --

Misc PNG Links
Air Niugini on Twitter --
Papua New Guinea Holidays --
Buk Bilong Pikinini (Books for Children) --
PNG Football Just Play Program --
International flight specials from Port Moresby --
Grand Papua Hotel --
Moresby Truck and Tractor --
Trade Corp --
Mt Lamington Trekking --
Street Gangs in Port Moresby --
Able Computing --

PNG Blogs
Harlequin Cruising Blog: Alotau rudder fix --
Goroka show on Independence Day --
Lae set to become tuna capital of Pacific --

PNG Images
Port Moresby Ships --
Port Moresby Trip - Day 3 Highlights -- -- Day 4 --
PNG photographs --
Mt Hagen Jokes --

News Items
Air Niugini Freighters
The national airline is set to take delivery of two ATR aircraft in September specifically to cater for the cargo market. The ATRs will be responsible for freight in Port Moresby, Lae, Mount Hagen, Rabaul, Hoskins, Kiunga, Madang, Moro, Wewak, Goroka, Mendi and potential services to Cairns. The aircraft will also transport freight for the mining, oil, gas, agriculture, merchandising, heavy machinery, medical supplies and other industries.

Fun Run
The annual Tru Kai Fun Run is set to see participants running around the streets of Waigani on the 2nd of September. Registration for the event starts from 6am on the 2nd at the Sir John Guise Stadium.

O'Neill Accused of Misusing Govt Funds
The deputy opposition leader, Sam Basil, has accused the Prime Minister Peter O'Neill of using government resources for his party's successful election campaign. Mr Basil says Mr O'Neill had an unfair advantage going into the election because of his position as Prime Minister. He says no public funds were used by the PNG Party led by Opposition leader Belden Namah during the campaign.

Laws to be Repealed
In a recent speech by the Governor-General Sir Michael Ogio outlining the government's agenda for the next five years, he declared the government would repeal the internationally criticised Judicial Conduct Act, which gave parliament the power to effectively suspend judges.
Clerk lauds move on judicial law --

Fly-in, Fly-out
Many people opt to work on a fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) basis in PNG. FIFO is where rather than relocating an employee and their family to a town near the work site, the employee is flown to the work site where they work for a number of weeks and are then flown back to their home town for a number of days or weeks of rest.

Outreach Dentistry
Dentists are few and far between in PNG. Dentist John Philips, who has made many trips to PNG already, has helped to fill the gap in dental care by doing one recent trip on a Youth With A Mission medical ship. John was accompanied on the outreach mission to remote areas of the country by 40 medical volunteers aged 18-25. He performed dental work in the ship's operating theatre on at least 30 people a day.
The medical ship didn't only carry dentists; a team of medical doctors and trainees also travelled to shore each day to administer primary medical care and vaccinations to the local population, including distributing second-hand eye-glasses to those who needed them.

Snooker Titles
BSP has chipped in K15,000 towards the PNG Billiards and Snooker Association's PNG Open Men's Snooker Titles to be held next month. The event will see 40 players taking part in the A grade and 48 in the B Grade competition. B Grade will play from the 6th through to the 9th of September and A Grade from the 13th through to the final on the 16th of September.

Manus Asylum Centre
The cost of repairing and running an Australian Asylum Centre on Manus has been estimated to cost at least $900 million over the next four years. The centre has suffered water and termite damage since last being used many years ago.

Sea Bed Mining
The PNG Opposition believes it is morally and ethically wrong and economically unnecessary and has questioned why the O'Neill caretaker government rushed to approve the controversial sea bed mining in the country immediately after the 2012 general elections. Opposition Leader Belden Namah has said "the marine eco system will be destroyed".
Fears deep sea mining off PNG could jeopardise local fishing industry --
Milne Bay Members of Parliament refuse Seabed Mining --

Pari Mangroves
Pari women with assistance from the Global Green Fund (GGF) planted about 5000 mangroves in 2010 but most of these died due to being planted in the wrong areas. The women are now better equipped to implement their mangrove project having attained the skills and knowledge of building a nursery and planting them the proper way after attending a mangrove nursery and planting training workshop coordinated by the PNG Centre for Locally Managed Areas Inc. (PNGCLMA) earlier this month.

Rugby League
The PNG Kumuls will get a chance to play the South Sydney Rabbitohs at a Redfern pre-season match in early 2013. The Kumuls, who will take on the Australian Prime Minister's XIII in their end of season clash in September, will come to Sydney on the 9th of February to take on the Rabbitohs in what promises to be a day of fun at the footy for Rabbitohs Members and supporters.

Australia Helps
At the request of the PNG Government, AusAID has purchased 10,000 medical supply kits, which will provide more than 700 referral hospitals and health centres and 2000 aid posts with one years' supply of essential drugs and medical supplies. Distribution of the kits started in NCD with Port Moresby General Hospital receiving its first delivery of 74 boxes on Wednesday. AusAID Health & HIV Program Director Dr Geoff Clark said that the kits were purchased from the International Dispensary Association which meant that the drugs were quality-assured.

Madang Classrooms
Digicel is helping Ohu Primary School and Danben Elementary School students in Madang by providing double classrooms.

Skulls Returned
National Museum and Art Gallery have recently received five human skulls that were repatriated from Sydney where they were part of an Australian estate.

Moti Sues PNG
Former attorney-general of the Solomon Islands, Julian Moti, has given instructions to his Port Moresby lawyer, Peter Pena, to lodge a substantial claim for compensation against the state of Papua New Guinea within the next few weeks.

Flooding Reports Denied
A disaster official in Morobe Province is rejecting local media reports that flooding in the province has caused widespread damage and left thousands homeless.
PNG's Morobe province ravaged by floods --

Vice Ministers
Twelve Government vice Ministers have been sworn in at Government House. They are:
Labi Amaiu, Minister for Sports and Pacific Games;
Delilah Gore, Minister for Treasury;
Mogerema Wei, Minister for Agriculture and Livestock;
Wera Mori, Minister for Mining;
Gisuwat Siniwin, Minister for Education;
James Lagea, Minister for Health;
Robert Atyafa, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Immigration;
Johnson Tuke, Minister for Public Enterprises and State Investment;
Ronny Knight, Minister for Trade, Commerce and Industry;
Benjamin Philip, Minister for Finance;
Joe Sungi, Minister for Provincial and Local Level Governments and;
De Kewanu, Minister for Works and Implementation.

Works at Jacksons
Work at Jacksons Airport is continuing and visitors to the two terminals have been advised to expect delays. Current work being done include the old terminal car park upgrade for the LNG project, Domestic car park extension, Domestic Apron extension, International domestic terminal upgrade, and the installation of fuel hydrant system at the old domestic and international aprons. The upgrade will see an increased internal area for processing passengers while increased aprons will provide more area to accommodate international aircraft.

Air Niugini
Air Niugini has launched a new amenity kit for incoming Business Class customers on night flights from Singapore, Manila, Hong Kong and Narita. The amenity kit contains comfort items such as an eye-mask, socks, earplugs, comb, tooth paste and tooth brush. The airline also took the opportunity to show case the second phase of its new-look cabin crew uniforms, the result of research carried out following the introduction of the new uniforms in 2010.
Don't forget to follow Air Niugini on Twitter --

Volcano Monitoring
The Rabaul Vulcanological Observatory has sent a team with new equipment to Manam Island to improve the monitoring of Manam volcano.

Gas Powered Electricity
Power interruptions and outages are often a daily occurrence around PNG even in Port Moresby. PNG Ports Corporation Ltd (PNGPCL) has addressed the problem by investing in two gas powered generators at the main shipping port in Port Moresby. The 1 megawatt generators have ensured a stable energy supply to support the 24 hour operation of PNGPCL. The newly installed gas units are currently being powered with propane but will eventually switch over to LNG.

PNG is being represented in athletics by Francis Kompaon and powerlifting by Timothy Harabe in the 2012 Summer Paralympics. The Games are Kompaon's second, having competed at the 2008 Summer Paralympics where he earned his country's first Paralympic medal when he finished second in the 100 metre event. Harabe, only the tenth person ever to represent his country at the Games, is making his Paralympic Games debut.

Dual Citizenship
Since Independence PNG has not allowed dual citizenship for people once they reach 18 or 19 years of age but now dual citizenship is on the agenda for the current O'Neill-Dion Government.

Coming Events
Note: please verify any date mentioned as dates change and events can sometimes get cancelled. Of course I may also put down a wrong date.
Tru Kai Fun Run - 2nd of September
48th PNG Medical Symposium - 3rd to the 7th of September with registration beginning on the 2nd. Gateway Hotel, Port Moresby
Samarai and Milne Bay Reunion - Rydges Oasis Resort, Caloundra, Australia between the 7th and 9th of September 2012 -- --
Imotiva Kokoda 2012, Walk for a Cause - 9th October 2012 --
IOTA tour -- 19th October to the 4th November 2012 -- --
Fifth PNG Games, Kokopo, East New Britain - 17th to 30th November 2012
Rabbitohs to play PNG Kumuls -- 9th of Feb 2013
Pacific Mini Games - Wallis and Futuna 2013
2013 Pacific Netball Series (hosted by Fiji)
Full Pacific Games - PNG 4th July to 18th July 2015 --
Pacific Mini Games - Vanuatu 2017
Do you have an event that you want advertised? - Use the submission form located at --
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