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PNG in the News
A mobile squad unit will be sent into Milne Bay to help address the growing law and order problems --
New 24-hour hotline for PNG mums --
Royal visit brings spotlight to PNG --
Women today Hotline launched in Milne Bay --
Oil's well for a resources revolutionary --
Michael Somare has expressed disappointment at not being included in the Royal visit program --
Prince enjoys war dance --
Angau doctors to scale down services --
PPL suffer loss --
K100 gold coin presented to Prince of Wales --

PNG Misc.
HiTRON Internet --
Southern region Besta FA Cup challenge --
Archbishop PNG tour -- --
Walking with the heroes at Kokoda --
Kokoda was life-changing for Mitchell Hayes --
New Species of Sea Snake Discovered --
Rabaul --
Anitua is growing its reputation for its breadth of services and ability to provide complete end-to-end solutions, spanning industries as diverse as shipping, hospitality, property development, construction and mining. --
PNG's jungle beauties --
PNG - land of Wigmen, giant butterflies and torrid wartime tales --

PNG Images
New Air Niugini Boeing B737-86Q --
Royal Visit --
Nuli Sapi Bungalows, Logea Island, Milne Bay --
A child patient in Port Moresby General Hospital --
Port Moresby - Wiki Article --
The NSW Rugby League Bulldogs recently travelled to Kavieng - see the video -- --
Goroka Show --
Milne Bay - Mi Yet Mi Go Lukim --
Asia War Graves Photo Group (AWGPG) --
Rabaul (Bita Paka) War Cemetery --

PNG Blogs
Papua New Guinea Earthquake Information --
PNG - Salamaua --
Longest Yacht Delivery Ever? - 1,928nm to be Exact! --
Charles and Camilla get bare-breasted welcome --

News Items
Local Rice
Peter O'Neill wants more locally grown rice to combat the monopoly being enjoyed by Trukai Industries. O'Neill made it clear in parliament last Friday he did not want to encourage a monopoly and instead wanted to see rice grown locally so that ordinary Papua New Guineans "will have a choice of buying rice".

Falling Education Standards
Talk about education to most people in PNG and they will agree that standards have fallen over the years. The PNG Minister for Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology has presented a stark picture of how technical and higher education in PNG is failing the community. --

Failing Healthcare
PNG nurses say the country's health system is failing to attend to basic patient needs. PNG Nurses Association President Emi Kaptigau money," she said. She says the nurses have petitioned PNG's secretary for health about their concerns. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, on a recent visit to PNG also raised concerns about the healthcare system, saying it needed "urgent attention".

Tax Review
Treasury Minister Don Polye has told parliament taxation laws in the country will be reviewed and made less oppressive to its citizens.

New Pilots
Eight young people from PNG have obtained their pilot wings after 18 months of intense theoretical and practical training. Thousands attempt by applying for the cadet training course but only the creme de la creme are successful at even getting that far. When this select group return to PNG they will undergo further training to become first officers on the Dash 8 aircraft.

Pacific Marine Industrial Zone
A court in Madang province has blocked the Pacific Marine Industrial Zone (PMIZ) project until next month after opposition from local landowners. The zone is a proposal for a free-trade area on 217 ha of land at Vidar on the Madang Lagoon. A National Court judge, Justice David Cannings, has ordered all work on the project to halt until the court determines whether it is legal, according to Radio New Zealand International.

New MP
Tony Aimo has been sworn in as member of Ambunti-Dreikikir after he took the oath of loyalty and office. Aimo became the first person to be declared by the court of disputed returns after he challenged the win by Ezekiel Anisi. Anisi's victory was declared void on the grounds that he was under the age of 25 when he was elected the MP.

New NA Leader
Patrick Pruaitch, the Member for Aitape-Lumi, is the new leader of the National Alliance Party. The leadership was handed over to Mr Pruaitch by the East Sepik Governor, Sir Michael Somare.

Citizenship Queried
The granting of PNG citizenship to Djoko Tjandra has been queried by the Opposition. Tjandra reportedly fled Indonesia a day before the nation's supreme court sentenced the now 62 year old in absentia to two years jail. The government says Tjandra enjoys equal rights like any other PNG citizen.

Betelnut Chewing
Lae based Oncologist, Dr John Niblett, has recently revealed that the chewing of betel nut has become the main cause of mouth cancer in PNG. The doctor said many of the mouth cancer patients have come from the Highlands region of the country.
Betelnut and TB not in the mix --

Kundiawa Airport
Plans are underway to relocate the main airport for Chimbu province. Civil Aviation Minister Davis Steven told parliament it was a pressing issue which he would discuss with the provincial government.

Wowo Nickel
Resource Mining Corporation has been granted a renewal of the tenement covering its Wowo Gap Nickel-Cobalt Project in the country for a further two years. Wowo Gap has a significant nickel and cobalt deposit near surface which lends itself to open cut mining.

Landowner Threats
Landowners said they would shut down water to the nation's capital, Port Moresby, and blockade the city's airport when Prince Charles arrives. The landowners are claiming 4.5 million kina in compensation for land they lost when the airport was built. A spokesman for Prime Minister Peter O'Neill said he did not think the landowners would follow through with their threat.
The only fireworks for Prince Charles was a 21 gun salute on arrival at Jackson's. --

Royal Tour
Thousands have turned up in Port Moresby to welcome the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall to PNG. The royal couple visited an orchid garden where Camilla was shown a hybrid orchid named in her honour. Charles delighted locals with a brief address in pidgin after inspecting a military parade on Sunday,
Royal ute for Charles and Camilla --

PNG Workers in Australia
Workers from PNG have gained a good reputation and are getting promoted faster than their Australian counterparts. Latest estimates suggest up to 3000 skilled Papua New Guineans have moved to Australia.

Aussie Visa Restriction
The Australian government has said it will no longer issue visas to PNG citizens who are alleged to have bought properties or invested in Australia using money gained through corrupt means. The PNG Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill, says this demonstrates Australia's commitment to helping his government tackle the theft of public funds, which would otherwise be spent on infrastructure, health and education services in PNG.

Standard & Poor's
PNG has been given a vote of confidence by ratings service Standard & Poor's, when it recently upgraded the country's long-term sovereign debt credit outlook to stable from negative, citing the Pacific state's greater political stability following the recent elections. S&P also said that PNG has moderate fiscal deficits, low government debt, a modest net external liability position and strong potential for the minerals and allied sectors to boost economic growth.

Road Safety
Nelson Terema, the Executive Director of the National Road Safety Council, has raised concerns that, despite the many road safety awareness campaigns that the council has been conducting, drivers and passengers throughout the country are still ignoring simple elementary traffic rules.

Corruption Investigation
The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has been urged to investigate the possible power abuse and misappropriation of fund by the Kedah government-owned company Kedah Corporation Berhad (KCB) in its logging and plantation project in Papua New Guinea (PNG).

Fifth PNG Games
Preparations for the fifth PNG Games in Kokopo are on track with all provinces confirmed to attend.

Vanimo Hospital
Australia has provided a K7.8m grant through the PNG-Australia Incentive Fund for the construction of a two-storey administration building, a 36-room building for female accommodation, 12 two-bedroom units and a social support service building for the Vanimo General Hospital.
The Incentive Fund rewards high-performing organisations such as the Vanimo Hospital which have a proven track record in contributing to PNG's development.

Media Bashing Condemned
The bashing of Post-Courier correspondent Michael Koma has been condemned by regional media monitoring body the Pacific Freedom Forum, PFF.

Maternal Hotline
A free-call hotline has been made available under the Childbirth Emergency Phone project in Milne Bay Province. The hotline is the first of its kind in PNG and will provide health workers mainly in rural and remote areas with a direct link to a trained health worker in the Alotau Hospital labour ward, 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Solar mobile phone chargers and books on maternal health will also be provided to rural health centres in the province.

Coming Events
Note: please verify any date mentioned as dates change and events can sometimes get cancelled. Of course I may also put down a wrong date.
Institute of Bankers & Business Management Annual Event 9th November, Sir Wilson Kamit Hall
PNG Australia Alumni Association (PNGAAA) Annual Dinner 23rd November 2012 Dynasty Seafood Restaurant, Port Moresby
Fifth PNG Games, Kokopo, East New Britain - 17th to 30th November 2012
12th PNG Mining and Petroleum Investment Conference, Sydney Hilton Hotel - 3rd to 5th December 2012
Christmas Day - 25th December 2012
New Year's Day -- 1st January 2013
Rabbitohs to play PNG Kumuls -- 9th of Feb 2013
Pacific Mini Games - Wallis and Futuna 2013
2013 Pacific Netball Series (hosted by Fiji)
Goroka Show 2013 --
Full Pacific Games - PNG 4th July to 18th July 2015 --
Pacific Mini Games - Vanuatu 2017
Do you have an event that you want advertised? - Use the submission form located at --
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