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PNG News Links
Milne Bay coping with several natural disaster issues --
Temporary easing of Port Moresby's betelnut sales ban --
Lae gateway port gets upgraded --
Call for new supplementary budget --
PM opens road link in Middle Ramu --
InterOil Spuds Antelope-5 --
Governor Juffa Slams PNG Government over West Papua --
New Irelanders get eyesight restored thanks to Australian doctors --
Air Niugini's first commercial flight to Aropa airport, Kieta --
Port Moresby Rugby League optimistic for 2015 season --

Misc. Links
Introducing PNG --
Bob Browne --
The News Manual Online --
Good maintenance vital --
Exhilarating encounters in a 'tropical Switzerland' --

News Items
Hanuabada's Flag Bearer
With a push to long-off, Lega Siaka made history. On the 9th of November, he became the first Papua New Guinea batsman to score a one-day international century. Within a few weeks he had been signed by the Melbourne (Australia) Renegades.

Former Detective Reinstated
A senior police detective, Bina Gibiba, who was terminated from the force 4 years ago for misplacing a police issued firearm while on duty has been ordered to be reinstated by the national court.

Treasurer Denies Crisis
PNG's economic minister has rejected growing concerns - shared by Opposition Leader Don Polye and former senior Australian Treasury official Paul Flanagan - that the country faces a budgetary crisis following the oil and gas price collapse.

Chimbu Landslide
A landslide, at Moromaule, 20km south of the provincial capital of Kundiawa, has completely blocked a portion of the 43km Kundiawa/Gumine Road in Chimbu province recently.

Out on Bail
Convicted Gulf Governor Havila Kavo has been granted K5000 bail by the Supreme Court in Waigani. Kavo is serving an 18-month jail term after he was convicted on the 9th of December by the National Court of misappropriating K131,338 of public funds four years ago.

Highlands Law Breakers Warned
People arrested during Christmas and New Year police's operation in the Highlands will be locked up until after January to appear in court.

Mercy Works
Mercy Works, in partnership with other NGOs and the Hagen Kona Kai Town Authority, has gone rural for the first time to celebrate human rights day recently.

Tribalism Tearing PNG Apart
The spirit of unity and nationalism that was once the pride of Sogeri National High School students is no longer present today, the organiser of a reunion said.

Illegal Boats Destroyed
Two PNG registered fishing boats suspected of conducting illegal fishing activities have been blown up by the Indonesian navy in Ambon Bay, Indonesia, recently.
The ships, Century IV and Century VII, were caught on the 7th of December near the sea border of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea,

Rabaraba Jetty
A new K2.7 million jetty has been officially opened by the Prime Minister in the Rabaraba district of Milne Bay. The occasion was significant to the people as it was the first time for a Prime Minister to visit the district.
The jetty will make loading and unloading of copra, coffee, timber building material and other goods easier.

Coming Events
Note: please verify any date mentioned as dates change and events can sometimes be cancelled. Of course, I may also put down a wrong date.
New Year's Day 1 January 2015
MV Ammari to visit PNG in 2015 --
Full Pacific Games - PNG 4 to 18 July 2015 --
Christmas Day - 25 December 2015
Boxing Day - 26 December 2015
Trade Pasifika - 2016 in Port Moresby
Pacific Mini Games - Vanuatu 2017
2018 - APEC summit to be held in Port Moresby.
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PNG Media
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