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PNG News Links
Mother dumps conjoined twins in Porgera --
2015 Australia - PNG Emerging Leaders Dialogue: Outcomes Report --
EU doubles aid to drought-hit PNG --
Momis fears Rio is poised to sell BCL equity to PNG government --
Dipping Stocks: Harmony Gold Mining --
InterOil Reaches New 52-Week Low --
Juveniles Still Await Travel Tickets --
Unpaid Public Servant Exit Payments on Hold --
Rural PNG Lacks Financial Literacy --
People in drought affected areas still experiencing food shortage --
Hela votes Agiru out --
Waigani Car Accident --

Misc. Links
Touch Football PNG --
Meri Toksave --
Pacific Eden will open up PNG cruising grounds from Cairns --
PNG Air has released a new schedule on the 9th of December 2015 -- -- Reservations (PNG) 7222 2151
Waterfall near Kimbe, West New Britain --
Cheshire's special programs --
Oil Search Upgrades Disability Centre --
Visiting students end Chimbu hospital stint --
Nature Park Thanks Community --
Aerial view of Madang --

News Items
Happy New Year
To all the readers of the PNG Gossip Newsletter a very Happy New Year to all of you.

NSL Frustrations
Frustrations were brought to the fore in the round five National Soccer League match between PKA Rapatona and Gigira Laitepo, with club owner Kisakiu Posman losing his temper over decisions made by referee David Yareboinen.

2015 Peaceful Heganofi
The member for Heganofi and Police Minister Hon Robert Atiyafa has taken time to wish his people a very merry Christmas and prosperous 2016. He also thanked the people for making this year a peaceful one. He also thanked all the members of the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary, the commissioners and their deputies for their hard work in 2015.

Top-ranked Northern Ireland have won their second Nations Cup in six years beating Papua New Guinea 52 - 41 in the final of the Cup.

Special Care Donation
The special care Nursery at the Port Moresby General Hospital has received advanced infant care equipment to improve maternal and infant mortality rates in the country. The Nursery has recently received an Infant Warmer and Phototherapy unit from PNG Tribal Foundation and General Electric PNG.

POM Water Rationing
Strict water rationing has been introduced in Port Moresby as the city's water supply tries to cope with a severe dry spell. Paul Gore, the general manager of operations at the city's water supplier, Eda Ranu, says the Sirinumu dam is at only 35 percent capacity, and little heavy rain is expected for months.
Water Levels in Fly River Rising --

Small Coffee Growers Association
The Waigani National Court has recognised PNG Small Grower Coffee holder current Chairman Peter Kewa's judicial review application for the establishment of a board. A new board will be established for the Small Coffee Growers Association following the court decision.

Philippines Airlines
Philippines Airlines (PAL) has flown its inaugural Manilla to Port Moresby flight. Flights from Manila to Port Moresby will be three times a week, using an Airbus 320 aircraft. PAL said it would make it easy for Filipinos living and working in PNG to travel home and PNG residents to connect to the airline's 30 domestic and 39 international destinations.

Morobe Elections
The Morobe Provincial Election Steering Committee has signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the PNG Electoral Commission. The agreement is an understanding between the two parties to support the work of elections in Morobe Province. In 2016 the PNG Electoral Commission will focus on preparing for the 2017 elections.

In the war against tuberculosis in PNG, getting patients to take their medicine can be half the battle. Patients need to take a full drug treatment for six months to receive the all clear. TB can become resistant to drugs if a treatment regime is not adhered to strictly. In some cases people start to feel better after two months and then decide to hoard their medication for other family members who might become sick in the future.

Plan to Decentralise Police
A Strategic Plan to decentralise police services within the National Capital District and Central commands will be launched in January 2016. The plan will focus on routine duties and responsibilities on the different areas of operations.

Australia's Foreign Aid Cuts
Australian newspaper The Age has released a powerful new video showing just what Australia is not doing with regards to looking after the health of its closest neighbours in PNG. The video shows a family sick from HIV and tells a sad tale of death and despair as family members pass away from HIV and other illnesses.

Manus Education
The education sector in Manus Province is under pressure to produce quality home-grown students who can continue to other tertiary institutions on the PNG mainland.

Oil Search
Oil Search Limited advises that, effective Monday, 21 December 2015, the address of its Papua New Guinea Registered Office has changed to: Ground Floor
Harbour Side East Building
Stanley Esplanade
National Capital District
Port Moresby
Papua New Guinea
Other contact details remain unchanged, as follows
Postal Address:
PO Box 842
Port Moresby NCD 121
Papua New Guinea
Telephone: +675 322 5599
Facsimile: +675 322 5566

Air Niugini
Chief Executive Officer, Simon Foo, has revealed Air Niugini is planning to extend its international flight services to New Zealand.
Air Niugini has paid a K20 Million Dividend to the State --

Website Hosting
Select where to run your web site/s with PNG Web Hosting - a cheap CLOUD hosting solutions company with almost a decade of experience in the industry. Linux web hosting data centres in USA, UK, Sweden & Australia. A drag and drop Control Panel. Plans starting from just under USD 5.00 per month. Depending on Exchange Rate conversion that could be around AUD 6.85 per month but please remember the Exchange Rate changes on a daily basis.

Legal Year Closed
The PNG Legal Year has officially closed. Chief Justice, Sir Salamo Injia, and members of the bench, lawyers, office bearers as well as relatives of residential judges from around the country turned up to witness the occasion.

Madang Airport Misses Out
Former cabinet minister and resort owner, Sir Peter Barter, says Madang has been promised a major airport for more than 40 years but continues to be overlooked. Sir Peter says there have been plans to develop a major airport at Madang since before the Australian colonial era ended.

Christmas Tree Burns
The Christmas Tree at Port Moresby's busy shopping centre Vision city caught on fire and burnt down on Sunday. People panicked and ran everywhere creating a chaotic situation at the shopping centre.

Gympie Children Help
Children from Gympie in Australia are helping children in PNG. Hamish, Oscar and Scarlett McVey now call Papua New Guinea home and are settling into their new surroundings by reaching out to buy presents for some 140 sick children. The three have teamed up with Arllyiah, Carla and Conrad Priest, from New Zealand, to form a kids' club called the Little Rascals.

General Elections
With 2017 General Elections looming, Deputy Opposition Leader Sam Basil has urged Papua New Guineans to refrain from 'being lured by politicians to trade their votes with money.
Screen current politicians says Kikori MP Mark Maipakai --

New Konedobu Store
A new grocery and department store has opened in Lawes Road at Konedobu. This is the third store in Port Moresby for Desh Besh Enterprises.

Women: Heartbeat of Developing Economies
In the developed world women are struggling to be equally represented in the economy across senior executive roles, retirement savings or political influence. But in some parts of the developing world, the story is different.
Papua New Guinea women are very representative of this central role. Despite different traditions, customs and beliefs it has always been there - they have always been the managers of wealth for their family, village and community.

New Judges
The National Judicial Services has welcomed 4 new judges to the bench of the Supreme and National Courts of Justice in PNG.

Christian Academy Expands
The Institute of Christian Academy is reaching new heights with the choice of relocating its next intake of students to the newly built campus in 2016 at Moitaka's Kennedy estates in Port Moresby. The relocation will have students from grade six up to grade 12 enjoy the openness of the environment away from the noise of the city.

Policeman Sentenced
National Court Judge Justice, Fraser Pitpit has sentenced the policeman who shot 22 year-old, Late Moana Pisimi, in the morning of January 1st this year to imprisonment for 30 years.

PNG Tourism Figures
With PNG tourism lagging far behind what it could be in terms of visitor numbers and economic benefits, industry figures indicate a more concerted national effort is needed if PNG tourism hopes to tap more into the mass markets in the longer term.

Coming Events
Note: please verify any date mentioned as dates change and events can sometimes get cancelled. Of course I may also put down a wrong date.
New Year's Day - 1st January 2016
Trade Pasifika - 2016 in Port Moresby
2016 8th FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup tournament (Port Moresby) --
12th Festival of Pacific Arts 22 May to 4 June 2016 (Hagatna, Guam)
Christmas Day - 25 December 2016
Boxing Day - 26 December 2016
New Year's Day - 1st January 2017
Pacific Mini Games - Vanuatu 2017
2018 - APEC summit to be held in Port Moresby --
Do you have an event that you want advertised? - Use the submission form located at --
PNG Media
Interested in having your own Web Site? Worried about the cost? It may be cheaper than you think. Take a look at pricing at the PNG Web Hosting site. Sites with space for unlimited data storage and data transfer per month start from less than US$5.00 per month. -- DOT COM Domains from US$9.00 per year. All plans come with 24 hour a day / 7 day a week ticket / phone support
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