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PNG News Links
PNG military warns of round-up if amnesty not heeded --
Trump's Australia Spat Leaves Refugees in Limbo --
PNG's top entertainer crowned by Digicel Play --
IMF Executive Board Concludes 2016 Article IV Consultation with PNG --
InterOil lobbies for proposed Exxon acquisition --
New high-grade gold results in PNG --
Lae Accident Amputee Still Waiting for Compensation Claim from MVIL --

Misc. Links
This WWII Aircrew Risked It All for a Photo --
Petroleum & Energy Summit -- - 28th February - 2nd March 2017
The Irish 'sporting scientists' who found 60 caves in PNG --
Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 2016 --
HIV Drug Resistance Study --
Bougainville Women Protecting Expecting Moms and Babies --
Class ring lost by WWII vet 73 years ago in PNG returned to family --
Retired missionary shares memories of PNG --

News Items
APEC 2018
Australian Federal Police will help their PNG counterparts plan security arrangements for next year's APEC leaders' summit in Port Moresby. Fifty-six officers will take on advisory roles covering personal protection, maritime operations, dog handling, bomb searching, traffic operations, airport control, intelligence and investigations.
SBS Australia --
Australia bankrolls PNG APEC summit costs, stymies China --

How Dangerous is PNG?
PNG is often described as a dangerous country to visit. The Atlas & Boots website has come up with a list of the most dangerous countries to visit for 2016. Having lived in PNG unsurprisingly PNG comes in as being better (less dangerous) than the United States of America. USA is rated at 61 and PNG at 65. Not much difference. Australia is 149 and New Zealand is 160 out of the 163 countries ranked. The worst country, at number one, is Syria followed by South Sudan and Iraq.
Atlas and Boots --

PNG Hunters
Ase Boas has been named as the captain of the SP PNG Hunters for the 2017 season, the announcement was made during the 2017 launching of the SP PNG Hunters season at the SP Brewery recently.
PNG Today --

ABC's Shortwave Cutback
Manus Island MP Ronny Knight estimates 90 percent of his people will be impacted by the ABC chopping its shortwave service to the Pacific. Mr Knight said the local public broadcaster's FM service only covered a tenth of the province and people on remote islands and villages will now probably only get their news when they come into town.
Radio New Zealand --

BBC Correspondent Evacuated
BBC Security Correspondent, Frank Gardner (travelling with Benedict Allen), has had to be evacuated from PNG while filming a BBC documentary after being told he could have developed life-threatening sepsis. The journalist and author said: "I could not believe it when the medical advice came over the radio: you're going to have to be evacuated to Australia.
Radio Times --
Explorer Benedict Allen and wheelchair-bound reporter Frank Gardner hunt for the elusive bird of paradise in PNG --
'A photographer's dream come true': Frank Gardner explores PNG --
Explorer Benedict Allen returns to where he once endured a violent initiation ceremony --

Destinations PNG
Looking for an off-the-beaten-path destination to do some exploring via SUP? Well look no further than the South Pacific's Papua New Guinea. Beautiful lush countryside, clear-blue waters and beautiful beaches make this a dreamy paddling locale without the hordes of people.
Check out scenes from this beautiful island including the Canoe & Kundu Festival and a SUP adventure in Milne Bay.
SUP The Mag --

Lecturers Fail To Turn Up
Lecturers at the University of Papua New Guinea's Waigani campus failed to turn up recently over a pay claim. President of the National Academic Staff Association Emmanuel Gorea said the lecturers were owed a 7.4 percent salary increase in 2014.
Radio New Zealand --

MP's Fraudulent Deal
Serious allegations have been raised against two PNG Cabinet Ministers for their alleged involvement in a fraudulent deal in acquiring a land for the relocation exercise of the PNG Naval Base at Port Moresby.
PNG Today --
PM Peter O'Neill orders corruption investigation --

Schools Must Not Charge Fees
Education Secretary Uke Kombra has warned schools covered by the Tuition Fee Free (TFF) Education Policy not to charge enrolment fees and will be disciplined if they do.
Pacific Islands Report --

Newcrest Mining
Australia's biggest gold producer, Newcrest Mining has revealed that gold production dropped in the last three months of 2016 as the company lowered production at one of its largest operations and sold its stake in the Hidden Valley mine in PNG.
Mining --

Vale Henry Chow
Sir Henry Francis Chow passed away on the 21st of January in Sydney Australia at the age of 84, after suffering a stroke. Hundreds in Port Moresby gathered on Monday, January 30, at the Mary Help of Christian Shrine in the Don Bosco Taurama campus, to celebrate the life of long time businessman, the late Sir Henry Francis Chow.

Manus Refugee Centre is Legal
Parliament heard last week, the operation of the Manus Regional Processing Centre itself is NOT illegal. It was the detention of the person accommodated there that was found to be unconstitutional.
PNG Today --

Polye Slams PM O'Neill
Prime Minister Peter O'Neill and his government have overlooked priority areas of development in the country, Opposition Leader Don Polye told Parliament today (Friday). Mr Polye, who recently drove along the Okuk Highway, said during the Grievance Debate in Parliament that O'Neill and his ministers had lost their bearing on much-needed services across the country.
PNG Today --

Petroleum & Energy Summit
The inaugural PNG Petroleum & Energy Summit is the only strategic event endorsed by the Ministry of Petroleum & Energy and fully backed by the PNG Government.

Rugby League World Cup
Rugby League World Cup 2017 (RLWC2017) has announced Oil Search as the Official Platinum Partner. Andrew Hill, RLWC2017 CEO said: "The Rugby League World Cup 2017 Organising Committee, with the support of the PNG Government and the City of Port Moresby, looks forward to staging the biggest event in the country this year and we are pleased to welcome Oil Search, one of PNG's largest organisations as a tournament Partner."
Voxy NZ --

Next Governor General
Parliament has selected a successor to the outgoing Governor-General. MPs voted for Bob Dadae, a serving MP in the same party as Prime Minister Peter O'Neill. He received 55 votes in the 111-seat parliament, beating former defence force commander Ted Diro and former MP Timothy Bonga. The Governor General elect will remain as a member of parliament until he is officially sworn in.
ABC Australia --

Hekari Banned
The Oceania Football Confederation (OFC) has disqualified 2010 OFC Champions League winners Hekari from participating in the 2017 competition. The OFC says players and officials of clubs participating in the Champions League have a duty not to engage in behaviour that damages the integrity of football and Hekari United FC have contravened this duty.
Radio New Zealand --

Gastro on Cruise Ship
Over 90 passengers on board a luxury cruise ship have been struck down with gastro. The passengers fell ill with the stomach virus while on board a 12-day Sun Princess round cruise from Brisbane to PNG.
UK Daily Mail --

Tuna Canning Industry
PNG tuna which has preferential treatment in the Europe market faces uncertainty given Britain's exit from the European Union.
One PNG --

Internet Access
Over 1.2 million people in the country are expected to have access to the internet at the conclusion of the World Bank rural communications project roll-out in August. The ongoing rural communications project has financed the installation of mobile base stations at 59 sites in remote areas.
PNG Today --

World Bank Assistance Sought
PNG's government is looking to engage more World Bank assistance to deploy equipment for laboratory testing and screening for tuberculosis (TB). PNG has struggled in recent years to overcome its TB epidemic, with tens of thousands of people infected with multi-drug resistant strains of the disease.
Radio New Zealand --

New Deputy Speaker
PNG's parliament has elected Maprik MP John Simon to be the new deputy speaker. He replaces Aide Ganasi who died in November 2016.
Radio New Zealand --

With less than 50 days to the 7th PNG Games, General Manager for Team NCD, Kila Dick, told EMTV Sports that everyone is involved in getting their team over to Kimbe. With 51 days to the 7th PNG Games, General Manager for Team NCD, Kila Dick, told EMTV Sports that everyone is involved in getting their team over to Kimbe.

Rapists Convicted
The Waigani National Court has found three people guilty of having been involved in a rape incident that happened in Port Moresby in 2012.

Sea Park Demolition
Business houses and tenants residing in buildings near the Sea Park and Down Town Central Business District area have expressed disappointment in the last minute notice of the blasting at the old Sea Park's iconic but dilapidated aquarium structure that took place yesterday at Ela Beach.
One PNG --

Goroka Medical Lab
A new medical laboratory currently being constructed in Goroka, Eastern Highlands will be completed mid next year, according to Department of Health medical standards executive manager Dr Goa Tau.
The National --

Illegal Workers
Northern Governor Gary Juffa has tabled documents in Parliament of an alleged syndicate operating in the Department of Labour and Industrial Relations that brought people in illegally. The department went on the defensive and took out newspaper advertisements denying the existence of such a syndicate.
The National --

Manus Refugee in Fiji
Refugee sent to Manus Island as a child seeks asylum in Fiji --
'I know they'll kill me': refugee who fled PNG for Fiji --
PNG PM: Not aware of refugee's move to Fiji --
Sawari is now at Nadi International Airport Departures Area --

Jacksons International Airport
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the PNG National Airports Corporation (NAC) have signed a transaction advisory services agreement to develop a new international passenger terminal at Port Moresby (Jacksons) International Airport through public-private partnership (PPP) on 2 February 2017.
The Financial --

Major Surfing Event
PNG will host a World Surfing Tour event from the 18th through to the 25th of March. The Inaugural World Surf League Men's and Women's Longboard International Event will be hosted in Madang Province at Tupira mira Ulingan Bay in Bogia, Madang province. The event will see a total of 56 surfers, both male and female, from around the world converging on PNG, with an expected TV coverage of the event broadcast to 120 million viewers.
Pasifik News --

Coming Events
Note: please verify any date mentioned as dates change and events can sometimes get cancelled. Of course I may also put down a wrong date.
Petroleum and Energy Summit - The Stanley Hotel, Port Moresby -- - 28th February - 2nd Mar 2017
Men's and Women's Longboard World Championship Tour Tupira Surf Resort, Madang province - 18th - 25th Mar 2017
Good Friday - 14 Apr 2017
Easter Sunday - 16 Apr 2017
Easter Monday - 17 Apr 2017
Queen's Birthday - 12 Jun 2017
National Remembrance Day - 23 Jul 2017
Independence Day - 16 Sep 2017
Pacific Mini Games - Vanuatu 2017
Christmas Day, Monday 25 Dec 2017
Boxing Day, Tuesday 26 Dec 2017
2018 - APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) summit to be held in Port Moresby --
Port Moresby Craft Markets - Laguna Hotel - 1st Saturday of the month (9 am - 2 pm), PNG Arts - 2nd Saturday of the month (9 am - 2 pm), Holiday Inn - 3rd Saturday of the month (9 am - 2 pm), Ela Beach - 4th Saturday of the month (6 am to 12 pm)
Do you have an event that you want advertised? - Use the submission form located at --
PNG Media
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