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Welcome to the Papua New Guinea Gossip. If you have comments or suggestions to make then please e-mail them to giaman@png-gossip.com
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Remember that this mailing list is mainly meant for people who have an interest and already know a little bit about the people and geography of Papua New Guinea. The PNG Kina, which is mentioned from time to time, is currently worth about 31 - 33 United States cents but varies on a daily basis.
For those who are not so familiar with the geography of Papua New Guinea I suggest taking a look http://maps.google.com
Also remember that the accuracy of the information in this newsletter should not be relied upon - it is, after all, a gossip newsletter.
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The 1999 Port Moresby speedway season is getting underway and this year there will be two females contesting the many events.
Finance Pacific
The executive chairman of Finance Pacific, which is the main holding company for such organisations as the Papua New Guinea Banking Corporation, Motor Vehicle Inusrance Truest Limyted, Pacific MMI and others, has been sacked. Lawyer Rimbink Pato has replaced Peter O'Neill as the executive chairman.
Investment Corp
The top management of the Investment Corporation has been suspended. The Managing Director, Wandi Yamuna, and his Deputy, Lincoln Taru, were served with suspension notices recently.
Sean Dorney
Mr. Dorney is back in town. This time he is moving away from the print media and heading into film. He hopes to film a documentary on PNG. It will be about how PNG has evolved since Independence and should be ready for screening near the 25th anniversary of PNG Independence.
Australian Aid (Aus Aid) to the tune of 14 Million Kina has been earmarked for next years PNG Census. The last census was conducted in 1990.
Police Vehicles
Aus Aid is in the news again. This time it is donating 15 vehicles to the police force for use around the country.
John Wakon, the new police commander has warned people who perpetuate crime to refrain or risk facing the full brunt of the law.
A wage rise of 15% has averted a possible strike by members of the Communication Workers Union. Another 15% will be paid after six months.
Fuel Prices
Here are the current petrol prices for automotive users.
- Port Moresby, Rabaul and Madang K1.35
- Mt Hagen K1.43
- Kavieng and Kimbe K1.38
- Goroka K1.39
Diesel is currently 69.5 toea per litre and kerosene is 69.8 toea per litre.
Ted Diro
The outgoing Governor for Central province has appealed to public servants in the province to respect public property and funds. Mr Diro, the new Minister for Agriculture said this at his handover of the position of Governor to Opa Taureka.
The outgoing Governor of East Sepik Sir Michael Somare has handed over the position of Governor to his son Arthur Somare.
Some of the 700 plus languages spoken in PNG are under threat of becoming extinct. The Summer Institute of Languages has reported that at least six languages have been lost since 1950. Five more have less than five speakers remaining. The major problem appears to be the widespread use of Pidgin.
Moore Business Systems
Moore Business Systems has new owners. This follows a million Kina buyout by the Kula Fund.
Big Rooster
The highly successful Big Rooster fried chicken chain has been bought by the Public Officers Superannuation Fund (POSF).
Business Solutions
Pacific Alliance trading as Business Solutions has gone broke owing clients in excess of K2.1 million with assets worth K85,000.
Pyramid Scheme
Some 200 delegates to a regional women's conference in Samoa were left very disillusioned recently when it was found that trip organisers had "invested" part of the trip funds in one of the many pyramid schemes currently active in PNG.
Mt. Hagen
Once again the Mount Hagen show has proved to be very popular. The main arena was flooded with a variety of traditional dancers and other cultural activities.
Air Niugini
The recently sacked Aircraft Engineers have called on the sacking of the Managing Director of Air Niugini on the grounds that they can not trust his honesty. The union spokesman also said that it would be easier to replace the MD rather than all the engineers. The other unions within Air Niugini are strangely quiet on the matter.
Lae Crime
The Morobe Governor is concerned about the rise of crime in Lae. This follows a spate of fires in the city over the last couple of weeks.
Police Task Force
According to the new police commissioner, John Wakon, the recently disbanded police task force will be re-established to carry on where it left off.
Among the investigations, which were being carried out by the task force, were the alleged fraud case against former Prime Minister Bill Skate and the sex tape scandal involving Western Highlands Governor Robert Lak.
Another Recommended Site...
Royal Papua Yacht Club located at http://www.datec.com.pg/yachtclub/yachtclub.nsf is a site well worth visiting if you are interested in yachting.
PNG newspaper sites
Post Courier
http://www.postcourier.com.pgThe National
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