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Welcome to the Sample Papua New Guinea Gossip Newsletter. Another sample is here
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A look at some of the news items (and gossip) from around Papua New Guinea in recent weeks.
Welcome to the Papua New Guinea Gossip. If you have comments or suggestions to make then please e-mail them to giaman@png-gossip.com
Remember that this mailing list is mainly meant for people who have an interest and already know a little bit about the people and geography of Papua New Guinea. The PNG Kina, which is mentioned from time to time, is currently worth about 35 to 40 United States cents but varies on a daily basis.
If a longer URL below appears broken, please manually cut and paste the link into your browser.
PNG Defence Force
Major General Jerry Singirok has been suspended. Colonel Karl Malpo has been appointed as the acting commander. The Prime Minister refused to give reasons for the suspension.
Sir Mekere will look into the recently introduce VAT laws. Members of Parliament have expressed anger and frustration that it was supposed to have helped the consumers but it has gone the other way.
Retrial of soldiers.
On Friday the Supreme Court granted a stay order of the National Court's mutiny retrial of five PNG Defence Force Soldiers.
National Provident Fund
Critics and contributors of the National Provident Fund (NPF) have been assured that the fund's current financial status is being vigorously attended to. There is optimism that outstanding debts will be reduced and future investments will be carefully scrutinised.
NPF chairman Jimmy Maladina said that while many of the drastic measures instituted by the fund remained confidential he was adamant that with the pace and results forthcoming from some of the measures the fund's healthy account would be restored in a few months time.
Air Niugini
The Managing Director, Andrew Ogil, is not under a lucrative contract as claimed by the Aircraft Engineers Association (AEA), said Corporatisation and Privatisation Minister Vincent Auali.
He told parliament that Mr Ogil is not paid K442,000 as claimed because a contract to that effect was not signed and he is still paid on a base salary, which is less than the contracted terms given to previous managing directors.
Mr Auali was answering a series of questions by Chimbu Governor Fr Louis Ambane on the events surrounding Air Niugini's operations and the subsequent sacking of 96 local engineers this week.
Is it true that the remaining 90 + engineers are performing at a better level and that quality has actually improved since the 96 have been sacked? That's incredible that means there are 90 engineers to service 9 planes.
Boat People
Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Sir Michael Somare has given an undertaking to establish talks with the Chinese government to repatriate 60 "boat people".
The 60 Chinese, including three women, illegally entered Papua New Guinea last month and were captured at Gasmata in West New Britain Province.
Where else but in PNG. The National Gambling board is in debt!
This edition of the gossip somehow has turned into a list of recommended sites to visit.
Yet another page about Papua New Guinea can be found at http://www.interknowledge.com/papua-newguinea/index.html
If you want to have a look at some excellent pictures of PNG then take a trip to http://www.n-jcenter.com/97/dec/21/pngpics.htm these are by Sam Cranston
http://www.global.net.pg/atprojects ATprojects is a Goroka-based NGO, which works with communities, other NGOs, and the provincial government in the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea. Its mission is to enable rural people to develop and use skills and technologies that give them more control over their lives and which contribute to the sustainable development of their communities.
If you are interested in listening to the PNG National Anthem then take a wander to any of the four sites mentioned here
and http://www.tufitelita.comEveryone has to drink water and in Port Moresby we rely on Eda Ranu for our drinking water. http://www.edaranu.com.pg
If coffee is more your cup of tea then take a look at PNG Coffee located at http://www.pngcoffee.com Garaina Tea is also located at this site.
Whilst having a drink you might as well try the radio station at http://www.naufm.com.pg especially if your set is configured for sound. The local television station also has a web site, which is located at http://www.emtv.com.pg If the local TV doesn't meet your needs then pay a visit to http://www.hitron.com.pg for a list of approx 29 satellites stations which can be received in PNG.
http://www.datec.com.au/png/maptop.htm This is a mouse sensitive map. If you click your mouse over an area of the map then you will be taken to relevant information regarding that area of the map.
Visit the PNG section of the World Wide Web Virtual Library at the following URL http://coombs.anu.edu.au/SpecialProj/PNG/Index.htm from there you will find a whole lot of information on Papua New Guinea.
http://coombs.anu.edu.au/SpecialProj/PNG/topics/Elnino.htm This is the World Wide Web Virtual Library site dealing with Papua New Guinea (elnino)
Take a visit to http://www.hausporoman.com.pg and enjoy the native charm of a traditional haus with modern conveniences. Lounge by the inviting open fire in the main lodge with owners, staff and fellow travellers. Or find solitude hiking or relaxing in the gardens. Enjoy a traditional mumu dinner or a delicious western style meal.
If you are interested in Papua New Guinea Orchids or Orchids in general then I recommend a visit to http://www.bandisch.com
Visit the Paradise Live site at http://www.paradiselive.org (This is the site of the PNG Tourism Promotion Authority). Be warned though that a large number of the telephone numbers used on the site are no longer valid due to tele number changes in PNG and Australia over the last two years.
http://www.pngtours.com This is the site of Trans Niugini Tours and is well worth a visit. The site is updated on a regular basis so just because you have visited it once doesn't mean you shouldn't visit it again.
Recommended Site for Hash House Harriers http://www.global.net.pg/pomh3/
The Ukarumpa High School alumni have a website at http://www.ecn.net.au/~m_earley
Take a look at DIVErsion Dive Travel and Training in Cairns, Australia at http://www.diversionOZ.com/epngdive.htm as they offer diving in PNG
Another dive site is at http://www.divecentre.com.pg
Royal Papua Yacht Club located at http://www.rpyc.com.pg is a site well worth visiting if you are interested in yachting.
Not too far from the town of Port Moresby is the Island Resort of Loloata. They have a web site at http://www.loloata.com.
Another site worth visiting is http://www.walindi.com and http://www.febrina.com
Mining Websites
Highlands Pacific http://www.highpacific.com.au
Lihir Gold Limited http://www.lihir.com.pg
Oil Search http://www.lihir.com.pg
Ok Tedi http://www.oktedi.com
Orogen http://www.orogen.com.au
Placer Dome Misima http://www.placerdome.com/properties/content/sites/misima.html
Placer Dome Porgera http://www.placerdome.com/properties/content/sites/porgera.htmlAviation Websites
Air Niugini http://www.airniugini.com.pg
AirLink http://www.airlink.com.pg
Balus Program http://www.balus.gov.pg
MBA http://www.apng.com
Of course the above URL's are only a small proportion of websites dealing with Papua New Guinea. Take a look at the sites mentioned below to find more sites.
A steadily growing site, which is devoted to PNG related websites, is the PNG Webring located at http://www.michie.net/pngring
PNG Escape Artist is also a good starting point at http://www.escapeartist.com/papua/papua.htm
PNG Netsearch at http://www.pngnetsearch.com is another excellent site.To find more local PNG sites then pay a visit to some of the PNG Internet Service Providers who host many sites within PNG
Daltron - http://www.daltron.com.pg Datec - http://www.datec.com.pg
Data Nets - http://www.online.net.pg Global Technologies - http://www.global.net.pgAnother computer dealer was Computers and Communications but the name is no longer in use in PNG
Articles for this newsletter
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This is only a sample of the PNG Gossip Newsletter. Please visit Gossip Index for more newsletters