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Welcome to the Sample Papua New Guinea Gossip Newsletter.
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A look at some of the news items (and gossip) from around Papua New Guinea in recent weeks.
One of the two highland girls given away in a compensation payment in Papua New Guinea four weeks ago has fled from the recipients' clan.
For those interested in flying..
Dennis Buchanan is preparing to fly to Lae (Nadzab airport) from Cairns, Australia. Mr Buchanan wants to fly two flights a week but he is now waiting on the authorities to get Nadzab up to an international standard.
Islands Nationair are advertising "Standby Specials" on the Lae-Port Moresby route on the following days - Mon, Wed and Fri - One Way fare is K125 and the Return fare is K250
Air Niugini currently offers a one way fare of K139 but cheaper fares are available if you book early for the POM - LAE sector.. (The return fare is simply double the one way fare)
Air Niugini has also announced the downgrading, from F28 to DH8, of Hoskins due to runway work.
HF Radios have been advertised at K12,500 for 2xBarrett 530HF Transceivers + 30 metre aerial.
The local Toyota dealer, Ela Motors, is celebrating 30 years of Toyota in the South Pacific.
With Central Bank intervention the Kina has managed to move back to 0.40 USD and 0.67 AUD.
The Bank of South Pacific is offering 3.5% interest on Passbook accounts. For term deposit amounts from K500 to less than K100,000 the bank is offering the following interest rates:
1 month to less than 3 months 8.25%
3 months to less than 6 months 8.75%
6 months to less than 12 months 9.75%
and if you are prepared to lock your money away for between 12 months and something less than 24 months they will give you 10.5%
Datanets, a PNG computer company, is selling a Pentium II notebook for K4,999 Computer Spot are selling 233MX systems for K1880 and PII300MX systems for K2640
One of the local newspapers, called the Post Courier, still shows the "Stars" with the following days missing 22 Sep and 22 Oct. This is despite the fact that their own drum had an article a couple of weeks ago highlighting that fact.
The first PNG orchid spectacular will be held on the 29th and the 30th of August at the National Botanical Gardens. For those of you who have been away from PNG for a while the Botanical Gardens have come ahead in leaps and bounds in recent years.
PNG Motors are advertising a Mazda 626 sedan for K39,990 with either a set of golf clubs or a trip for two to Cairns plus K500 spending money.
The Gunman implicated in the shooting of the wife of Sergeant Bernard Jualie was sentenced to 30 years in Jail recently.
This is only a sample of the PNG Gossip Newsletter.