Car Dealers
+ Boroko Motors --
+ Ela Motors --
+ Hertz Hire Cars --
+ Freeway Motors --

Live Aboard Boat
Here is contribution from another reader -- Could you please include
the following web site in your newsletter.
PNG Live aboard Dive and Research Charter vessel M.V. Barbarian II
Rodney Pearce, Niugini Diving

Travel Information Update
The following email notification has been received from The Australian
Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade
The following Travel Advice has changed or been added since our last
update (4th Apr 2005 11:26:41 AEST) :
Papua New Guinea --

Miscellaneous Sites
The PNG Association --
Papua New Guinea Virtual Library --
Papua New Guinea info on PNG research level books, articles on PNG
Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority --
More links to information about Papua New Guinea --
Papua New Guinea Web Ring Homepage --
Papua New Guinea Business Directory and Tourism Information --
Diversion Dive Travel --
The National Disaster Centre can be found at --

Superannuation Funds
The Association of Superannuation Funds PNG (ASFPNG) has a website
located at --
-- ASFPNG is an industry body established in 2002 by interested industry
participants with the common goal to protect superannuants retirement
savings within a regulated environment whilst fostering a competitive

Internet Service Providers
Daltron --
Data Nets --
Datec --
Global Technologies --

Recipe Links
Recipes from Papua New Guinea... Learn to make dishes from Papua New
Guinea featuring coconut, fruit, vegetables, and fish. The first group
of recipes can be located at
More PNG recipes can be found at --
If you are after rice recipes then go to the PNG's Favourite Rice Recipes
web site at --
The following link is not really about PNG recipes but since mangoes
are at the top of the list as being one of the all time favourite foods
I thought I should include this link as well --

News Items
William McGill
John McGill has written to find out if anyone knows anything about
his Uncle Bill (William McGill) who spent twenty years in PNG between
1950 and Independence in 1975. John thinks he worked for the Australian
Commonwealth Department of Works? William lived at Lake Kutubu and Erave
where he built himself a house at both locations. He was later domiciled
in Mt Hagen with his Chinese wife Dorris. John has pieced together much
of the life story for William but has a large hole for the time he was
in PNG. Can anyone help John find out about his uncle?

PNG Tourism Office
Another reader has requested more information regarding the location
of the new PNG Tourism Office in Australia.
"I read in this week's PNG newsletter that the PNG government
is planning on opening a tourism office in Australia. Do you have any
more details on this? Such as where it is going to be, when it is going
to be opened and any contact details. I would appreciate any details
you could give me. Many thanks.
Can any one point us in the correct direction?

Madang Tuna Cannery
Here is an article submitted by a reader.
Catalyst - a PNG journal - has just published a summary of an independent
survey reporting on the social impacts of a major cannery in Madang.
Its findings are alarming, raising significant questions about the hygiene,
safety and conditions of the workers; the actual benefits (if any) for
the landowners; and the environmental costs. Eyewitness reports of a
sex trade operating between workmen and local women, and of ammonia
gas being poured straight into the harbour, were recorded. Other articles
include: an analysis of gender in Enga today, through its proverbs;
an introduction to witchcraft and sorcery in Morobe; a brief history
of West Papua's struggle for independence. Copies available from the
Melanesian Institute, Goroka: -- email:
-- or phone +675 732 1777 (8 kina plus postage).

Miss PNG Red Cross
The Miss PNG Red Cross Charity Quest was launched recently on Lihir
Island in New Ireland Province. The event was planned to coincide with
the World Red Cross Day and Red Crescent Day. This year the quest is
hoping to raise at least K200,000. Last year the quest raised K52,000
and 70 percent of that was used for various Red Cross programmes and
the remaining 30 percent was used on helping to meet the costs of administrating
the Red Cross in PNG.

Enhanced Cooperation Programme
An unidentified Port Moresby businessman has estimated that the PNG
economy will stand to lose about K1.5 million a month with the withdrawal
of Australian personnel who were deployed under the Australian Enhanced
Cooperation Programme. Over 150 personnel have returned to Australia
amongst tears from well wishes at Jackson's Airport. A special plane
was chartered due to the large numbers involved. The K1.5 million estimate
is based on the value of rent, food, other day-to-day expenses and various
operational costs including simple things like petrol for the vast fleet
of vehicles now locked away - off the road. The job security of another
40 or so people working as special advisers in Government agencies is
also in question.

Internet Bandwidth
The rumour about an increase in Internet Bandwidth into and out of
PNG appears to be getting closer. It is possible that the bandwidth
will go from a miserable bottlenecked 8Mbit to double that capacity.
Lets hope this happens so that surfing the web can become a pleasurable
experience for people within the country. Many companies have considered
hosting their web sites overseas because of the inadequate bandwidth
while others have already gone.

Coconuts and Tearooms
This must be the edition for contributions by readers. Here is another.
-- Many Thanks for advertising my book in your PNG gossips but I now
have only about three copies left and some new found relations are after
these. (I'm one of those, very interested in family history.)
I am able to get a few more printed but as the demand has fallen right
away I don't need to "at this point in time".
What a great time I had hearing from so many people at the time of the
book's release (1993)
I am busy writing up my subsequent visit to Rabaul in 1981 but goodness
knows when that will be finished. It's a "don't hold your breath"
situation and it'll just be a supplement, a story of four very eventful
weeks revisiting my birthplace.
The lady in the "Coconuts and Tearooms" story (my Mother)
has just turned 100 years old (2nd February) and is as fit and well
as a lady of that age can be. The best thing is that she has retained
her memory and the family can talk to her on all subjects. She still
remembers New Guinea of the 30s and back to her youth in England. She
was such a great help with the compilation of "C & T".
I am always pleased to find the "Gossip" amongst our e-mails
and thank you from this reader for all the work you must put into it.

International Hotel
One of the larger hotels in town with an international name seems to
be striving hard to drive guests away. One guest had his bag stolen
while it was locked away in the room behind a magnetic locking system.
Reporting the matter to the staff at the front desk did little more
than allow the guest to admire the PNG artefacts on display behind the
front desk. Another guest reported that they had to battle bed bugs
and cigarette burns in the quilt on the main bed in the room. This is
the same hotel that embarrassed a guest by removing the items in the
minibar while they were in the room on another recent trip. By the sound
of it, and in hindsight, they only removed the minibar to stop the drinks
being stolen by unwanted visitors or is that by hotel staff?

The PNG Micro Finance Bank has opened at Koki and it has already signed
over 9000 customers in the four months it has been opened. The bank
can now boast deposits of over K600,000 with loans of K250,000. The
aim of the bank is to help improve the living conditions of people by
providing them with the means to improve their own lives. For many years
the major banks have been turning away or actively discouraging small
depositors from banking with them and the Micro Finance Bank has been
able to help these people.

Operation Open Heart
The annual operation open heart program has been launched by the Prime
Minister, Sir Michael Somare, in Port Moresby at function mainly attended
by business houses and possible sponsors. The program has saved over
360 lives since it started 13 years ago and has been used as a teaching
program for PNG surgeons.

Bougainville Polls
Elections in Bougainville have commenced. Some of the polling will
be straightforward and only take two days but in other areas it is expected
that the poling will take three to five days. Polling in some parts
of Bougainville will not begin until the end of the month. It is hoped
that as many people as possible will have been able to vote due to the
use of the old rolls and the freshly updated rolls. Polling is also
being conducted in other provinces of PNG to allow as many Bougainvilleans
as possible to vote. Many Bougainvilleans fled their province during
the push for Independence / Autonomy.

People Road Power
The people of the South Wahgi in the Western Highlands Province are
building a 12 kilometre road using local labour. People from the area
usually walk to Gumine in the Chimbu Province to catch a Public Motor
Vehicle back to Mount Hagen the provincial capital of the Western Highlands.
The road will follow the waling track and will cut out hours of walking.

Arafura Games
Weightlifter, Dika Toua won the first Gold Medal for PNG at the Arafura
Games in Darwin, Australia. Toua is ranked number one in the 53 kg class
in the Commonwealth. PNG shooters have done well. In the 25 metre rapid
fire event PNG managed to win Gold, Silver and Bronze. The PNG women's
hockey team was defeated 10 - 0 when they played the Australian Country

Drug Shortage
The management of the Port Moresby General Hospital have denied that
they have a shortage of drugs. This is because they say an emergency
supply of drugs has been flown in to help bridge the gap until the drugs
ordered by the Health Department for the whole country turn up sometime
next month.
It has been reported that a patient in the Buka Hospital has died due
to a shortage of drugs. The hospital like other hospitals around PNG
is short of critical drugs. The situation is so bad that local pharmacies
have also run out as patients resort to paying full commercial prices
for necessary drugs. Hospitals that have supplies of drugs are sending
what they can to other hospitals hoping to meet the shortfall.

White Ant Infested Parliament
It has been reported that Parliament House is infested with termites
or white ants that are eating their way through the building. It has
been claimed that a professional inspection carried out four years ago
revealed the problem but no action to remedy the problem has been taken
to date. Usually, with termites, if you see them then the infestation
is well advanced. The report stated that up to 75 percent of parliament
has been affected by the insects. The building was treated for termites
when it was built but no more has been down since the building was built.

Back Issues
Did you know that back issues of this news letter are available online
at --
-- and mirrored at --

Fly The Flag
Another request from a reader -- PNG Gossip Newsletter of 6th May 2005
carried this article "Fly the Flag"; a plea by Sir Peter Barter
for PNGean's to "Fly the Flag' so as to garner up 'pride and patriotism'
on the occasion of the 30th I-Day celebrations as a birth of our country.
I am a true and through blue PNGean (living and working abroad), and
would cherish the moment hereon to fly my country's flag! Any chance
of you (PNGGossip) putting me in contact with the National Events Council,
so that I can get ONE ONLY beautiful flag of my county and let it proudly
flutter higher and higher in a foreign land (Switzerland)? I am willing
to bear costs of transportation and handling - from Port Moresby to
Geneva, Switzerland.
Thanks for your assistance.
At Wama
Geneva, Switzerland
Fax: (41 22) 917 0509

Hiri Moale Festival
The Hiri Moale Festival will coincide with the 30th Anniversary Independence
Celebrations this year. The Festival is not only about the traditional
trade routes but it also expounds on the roots and indigenous identity
of the Motuan people. The major sponsors of the event are the South
Pacific Brewery and the British American Tobacco Company. Sir Peter
Barter, the Inter-Government Relations Minister, is the patron of the
2006 festival.

Coming Events
Golf - The 36 hole 17th West New Britain Open will be held on the 18th
and 19th of June at the Mosa Golf Course.
East New Britain Warwagira and Mask Festival. The Warwagira will be
held on the 6th to the 12th of July followed by the Mask Festival on
the 13th to the 16th of July. Both events will be held at the Queen
Elizabeth Park.
Squash - The K50,000 Steel Industries PNG Squash International has
been set to be held between the 16th and 21st of August in Port Moresby.
The event is part of the official Men's World Tour and is being run
under the supervision of the Professional Squash Association - the world
governing body for Men's Squash. The main event will be held at the
Holiday Inn Sports Plus Club at Waigani.
PNG 30th Independence Day Celebrations -- 16th September 2005.
Hiri Moale Festival -- the week leading up to Independence Day
Goroka Show -- Independence Weekend
The Milne Bay Canoe festival is to be held near the end of October.
PNG Media
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