Warning: PNG web sites seem to come and go. The fact of life is that
it costs money to host a web site and there is not much return on the
outlay to most businesses in PNG. If you do click on a link and use
the services or even have some comments to make then please contact
the people at the relevant web site and let them know so they at least
know that someone has gained some value from their efforts. If you are
so inclined then mention that you heard about them from this web site.
-- The PNG Gossip Newsletter.

PNG Aviation Site
If any one is interested the PNG Air web site, run by Shane Thomas,
has video of early aviation in PNG available for viewing. A sample of
what is available can be found below but you will need Windows Media
Player installed to view the video --
Around Wau --
For other video titles below please visit --
The Bill Gray Story
Around Port Moresby
Around Lae
Around Salamaua
Flight Salamaua to Port Moresby
Flight to Mt Hagen
Wewak to Bulolo vi Madang
Flight to Highlands
Working Gold
Kokoda Airstrip
Papua New Guinea Natives
Plane Loads and Short Trips
Short Flights and Cargo
If anyone has any other footage concerning Papua New Guinea Aviation,
PNGAir would be more than happy to put it online for all to view and
in turn preserve forever.
Please send a copy of the material that you have to
PO Box 443
Mt Gravatt Plaza
Mt Gravatt, 4122

Since December 2005, Papua New Guinea has been wracked with heavy rains,
plunging four of its regions into floods that have caused much destruction
to its vulnerable communities. In the two severely affected provinces
identified for Federation assistance alone -- Central and Western Highlands
province -- thousands are estimated to have been affected, while some
deaths have been reported. Read the article at --

Misc Sites
Lonely Planet Guide to PNG - General tourism guide. Includes information
on the environment, history, economy culture and events--
The Kokoda Track - Do's and Don'ts --

World War II
Read about B24 Serviceman William Lowery --
-- Six decades after his B-24 went down on the 16th of April, 1944,
somewhere near the coast of what is now PNG, this serviceman's family
will finally lay him to rest.

New Zealand Help
New Zealand has been called on to help in PNG's fight against HIV/AIDS.
PNG's leaders are warning the Aids virus will wipe out its population
and are calling on New Zealand's help --

Great Discovery Tours
Great Discovery Tours is an Inbound Tour Operator in PNG. They have
a web site at --

Recipe Links
Recipes from Papua New Guinea... Learn to make dishes from Papua New
Guinea featuring coconut, fruit, vegetables, and fish. The first group
of recipes last checked to be still active on the 4th of November 2008 can be located at
If you are after rice recipes then go to the PNG's Favourite Rice Recipes
web site at --

News Items
Stolen Treasure
San Francisco's de Young Museum is the latest big-name art centre to
find itself answering embarrassing questions about showcasing looted
treasures. It may be possible that one of the masks in the collection
had been judged a cultural treasure by the PNG government and therefore
should never have left the country. Alarms have been raised over other
items in the collection. For the full story please visit --
-- and --

Port Moresby Water
Eda Ranu, the company responsible for supplying water to Port Moresby
has announced that the city should be able to receive up to 184 million
litres of water a day by July. This is due to the construction of a
new raw water main from Sapphire Creek at 17 mile to the Rouna number
four head pond.

2006 Goldman Environmental Prize
Anne Kajir, 32, from PNG has won one of six 2006 Goldman Environmental
Prizes. Kajir won the award for her efforts in uncovering evidence of
widespread corruption and complicity in the PNG government, which allows
rampant, illegal logging to destroy the largest remaining intact block
of tropical forest in the Asia Pacific region. Kajir is the chief executive
officer of the Environmental Law Centre in Port Moresby. --
The Goldman Environmental Prize was established in 1990 by San Francisco
civic leader and philanthropist Richard Goldman and his late wife, Rhoda
Goldman. So far it has been awarded to 113 people from 67 countries.
Prize winners are selected by an international jury from confidential
nominations submitted by a worldwide network of environmental organizations
and individuals. --

Oil Search
Oil Search has said production from its PNG oil fields during 2006
should average around 60,000 barrels of oil per day, almost double forecasts
made three years ago.

Dynamite Fishing
A National Fisheries liaison officer has said that using poisonous
substances and dynamite to catch fish and other marine life is illegal
and is not safe for the environment. The poison can also be hazardous
to the health of the person eating the fish. Fishermen caught using
poisonous substances or dynamite are liable to prosecution under the

Kokoda Track Charity Walk
A group of New South Wales (Australia) police officers are conducting
a 10-day charity walk on the infamous Kokoda Track. Twenty-four serving
policemen and women are taking part in the challenging experience. The
trip has the support of NSW Police Commissioner Ken Moroney, who is
the patron of Police Legacy. Most of the officers participating in the
walk have direct links to Kokoda through their fathers and grandfathers
having served or died on the track.

Aussie Travel Advice
The following Australian Travel Advice has changed or been added since
their last update (10 Mar 2006 11:39:50 AEDT) for PNG --

Kokopo Eco-Wildlife
A new eco-wildlife park is being built in Kokopo, East New Britain
at the cost of K400,000 The major sponsor of the park is Cosmos Oil
Company of Japan.

Who was the first recipient of the Alkan Tololo fellowship award?
It was Brian Kakini from the University of Technology in April 2006.
The award is similar to a Fullbright Scholarship and is equally contested
by students from all tertiary institutions in PNG.
What is the antimalarial drug ARCO made up of?
It is a combination of two existing malarial drugs - artemisnin and
For an ever growing list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) about
PNG visit --
-- If you find an incorrect answer and know the correct answer please
let the maintainer of the web site know. The FAQ database is growing
almost daily but it needs help to keep it accurate and growing. Place
you name on the list of volunteers or submit a question with an answer.
All contributions will be acknowledged.

Wantok Radio
Wantok Radio has recently installed repeater stations in Mendi, Wabag,
and Mt. Hagen, adding to our other repeater sites in Ialibu, Kainantu,
Lae, Rabaul, and Goroka. These repeaters are all repeating our signal
from our studio in Port Moresby. With these nine stations we are effectively
covering 2/3rds of the population of PNG. In addition to these FM sites
we are also broadcasting on shortwave at 7120KHz, which covers the entire
nation with our broadcast, but with the limitations of shortwave signal
The Port Moresby station is operating on a frequency of 93.9MHz, but
all their other stations are operating on 105.9MHz. Also, their Port
Moresby station is transmitting at 2000 watts, where all the other stations
are transmitting at either 250 watts or 500 watts.
They are currently working on installations in Wewak, Vanimo, Madang,
and Alotau for this year and they hope to have them installed by the
end of May. They have other sites are planned but will not be added
until funding and equipment is available for these installations.

Fleeing Chinese
Due to the ongoing tension over the election of a new Prime Minister
in the Solomon Islands many ethnic Chinese have been evacuated to Port
Moresby. It is expected that many of the Chinese will be evacuated to
Hong Kong from Port Moresby.

Coconut Production
PNG could become the world's leading coconut producer. This is because
the country has the right climate, land space, fertile soil, good coconut
varieties and people who are willing to work hard. Many countries in
the region are overpopulated and do not have spare, fertile land to
produce coconuts. As a result the relatively scarce land has had fertiliser
used on it making it less attractive to buyers. Most of the coconuts
currently growing in PNG are grown organically in naturally fertile
soil without the use of fertilisers.

POSF Profit
The Public Officers Superannuation Fund has recorded a profit of K286.5
for 2005. The POSF is the country's biggest superannuation fund. The
profit will allow the fund to deliver 20% interest to fund members.
The profit represents a net return of 32% on the average member's balance.

Malaria Drug Trial
A new malarial drug treatment has recently been launched in PNG. The
Chinese manufactured drug, ARCO, was launched by the Prime Minister
at the down town Port Moresby Crowne Plaza. Further tests will now have
to be carried out before it will be approved by the Department of Health
for procurement and distribution to health facilities around the country.
The drug is seen as an alternative to existing drugs, such as chloroquine,
that are becoming resistant to the malaria germ.

ANZAC day was celebrated in Port Moresby with a dawn service being
held at the Bomana War Cemetery. The dawn service was delayed slightly
while waiting for the PNG Governor General to arrive but it was still
conducted in darkness until the wreath laying ceremony when it was just
starting to get light. The Aussies and Kiwis are a bit upset because
they are not legally allowed to play two up --
-- in PNG whereas it is legal in Australia but only on ANZAC Day. Last
year ANZAC day was a holiday but this year it was cancelled and the
23rd of July declared as the day to remember. Some people say it is
because the PNG Prime Minister had to take his sandals off to get through
a metal detector in Brisbane recently and the moving of the holiday
is pay back!
How to play Two Up --
ANZAC day dawn service at the end of the Kokoda Track --,5744,18922808%255E29277,00.html

Army Numbers
Two former Defence Force Commanders have called on the government to
halt the current downsizing of the PNG Defence Force. They have said
that the army should be allowed to keep its numeric strength at 5500
men to maintain national security, protect resources, protect external
sovereignty and meet international obligations.

The acting governor of Enga in PNG has reportedly declared the province
a "fighting zone" following a number of deadly tribal battles
in recent weeks. Five people have reportedly been killed in the bloodiest
fighting to take place at Kandep where tribesmen are said to have been
fighting for several weeks. Another violent tribal fight is also said
to be going on in the Kompiam district of Enga with the number of fatalities
unknown as police have not been able to access the area due to poor
road conditions.

BDI Mining
BDI Mining is creeping closer to the magic million-ounce mark at its
Woodlark Island gold project in Papua New Guinea after adding a further
225,000 ounces to the resource base.

Air Niugini
The problems keep happening. The flag ship of the fleet, the Boeing
B767, suffered a tail strike on landing in Port Moresby the other day
causing minor scuff marks on the tail end of the aircraft. Passengers
on board did not notice anything unusual in the landing. However, the
plane is expected to be out of operation for at least five days while
it is thoroughly checked out in Brisbane. In the meantime Air Niugini
is using a Malaysian aircraft on the sectors normally operated by the
Boeing. See also --

Bishop David Hand
The funeral service went well in Popondetta for the late Bishop until
it came time to do the actual burial. It seems that the diggers forgot
to measure how long the coffin was and the end result was the coffin
did not fit. Diggers were found and the hole enlarged so the burial
could be finished.

Old Bougainville Expat
I have received the following request for help --
I subscribe to your e-news service and love getting the info on current happenings in PNG.
I have a Sydney based security services firm that also operates in Qld and eventually, we hope to provide risk services into and throughout PNG.
The reason is simply that I used to live on Bougainville island when my dad was working for BCL.
I was there from April 1974 to about September 1979 and I loved it. The people, the island, the excitement of seccession (what seccession?) etc etc. as a young teenager, I couldn’t have led a more interesting adolescence.
I was wondering if you could maybe post a cheerio from me to the readers of your e-mail gossip with an open invitation to any folks who may recall me or my family on Bougainville from that time to contact me
My email is (although I get your e-mag sent to my work email address)
On the island, I was known as Andrew Ryan due to taking my stepfather’s surname although at boarding school I was called Andrew Hodson - Ryan to satisfy my relative’s communications issues.
I went to Arawa High in 1974 and 1975 before being packed off to board at Brisbane Boys College in Toowong ( what a s&^#hole !!) then off to Trinity Grammar School for 1978 and 1979. But of course, like all the other mining kids, we made the pilgrimage back to the island for every holiday.
My stepdad was Frank Ryan and he headed up the refrigeration / air conditioning services unit in Arawa from 1973 to 1980.
My mom was Audrey Ryan.
I would love to hear from any of the kids I knew back then to find out how they have gotten on in life etc.
Could you help ?
Andy Hodson

Coming Events
MV. Pacific Princess visits Rabaul on Thursday the 4th of May 2006.
PNG Coffee Festival -- 4, 5 and 6th of May. Venue - Raun Raun Theatre,
Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province
24th to the 27th of May, 2006 -- Morobe Biang Ngayan Cultural Festival
-- Biang and Ngayan are words in two Morobe languages for "good".
Morobe has the second largest number of languages in the country with
around 90 - second only to Madang with over 100 languages.
22nd Australia Papua New Guinea Business Forum --
-- The Forum is the major annual bilateral business meeting between
Australia and PNG. It will be held at the Novotel Palm Cove Resort in
Cairns, Australia from the 14th to 16th of May, 2006 --
Lukim PNG Nau Exposition -- Port Moresby from the 16th to the 18th
of May.
Africa, Pacific and Caribbean nations and European Union Conference
-- from the 27th of May to the 3rd of June
Tufi Cultural Show -- Tufi from the 9th to the 11th of June
PNG 31st Independence Anniversary - 16th September 2006
PNG Media
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