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PNG in the News
Cholera funds released --
Journey to another time, of waiting and wonder --
PNG's Power Ltd says five million dollars lost a year due to theft --
Momis names caretakers --
Snooker cues off in Alotau --
Ramu nickel a must - PM --
Pilot sorry --
Grand larceny robs PNG of millions --
6000 jobs at new PNG's tuna plant in Lae --

PNG Blogs
'Hear me out,' said Sir Michael -- -- (this is in relation to - PM lashes out --
Depana Nikints --
Who would pay in PNG - not BP! --
Artefacts from the Sepik to sell for K4 million --
Climbing Up the Chimney --
Becky's PNG experiences: Baby Taitus --
Where does the buck stop? --
Pekpek bilong Goroka --
Western Highlands Province: Hard work pays off for Francis Wila --
Today in Lae --
A Day at Little Pigeon --

PNG Images
Rabaul --
Alotau --
Various Video Clips from around Kundiawa --
Kimbe Bay --
Jacksons International Airport (airside) --
Great diving itinerary and photos --
Photos From TrekEarth --
Photos by Chris Michel --

Misc Links about PNG
Skerah Agencies --
Port Moresby - Wikipedia --
Dive site, a diver opens the hatch of a submarine --
Santos - Our Activities in PNG --
Air Niugini, National Airline of PNG --
Airlines of PNG --
PNG Explorer --
TreeHouse EcoResort and Expedition Diving --
Post PNG Stamp Issue Policy --
PNG The Final Frontier? --

News Items
Book Donation
Oxford University Press (OUP) and DHL have delivered two million textbooks to 3,000 primary schools in the country. The first shipment departed from the Yantian China Oxford Hub, sailing through PNG's ports of Lae and Port Moresby to the delivery points at the provincial headquarters. Vice-president of the international supply chain at DHL Global Forwarding Asia Pacific, Garrick Pold, said DHL's extensive global network and logistics capabilities enabled the swift and successful delivery of the textbooks.

In PNG, malaria has been identified as one of the top five health priorities in the country and the leading cause of hospital admissions. Approximately 1.9 million cases of malaria are reported annually at health centres and hospitals, and every year between 600 and 700 Papua New Guineans die from malaria in health care facilities.
read more at --

Warm Hearts
Along the volcanic north coast of New Britain, Greg Lenthen succumbs to an attack of superlatives --

Swamp Ghost
Swamp Ghost lands --
The B-17E Flying Fortress (Swamp Ghost) was returning from an air raid mission to East New Britain when it crash-landed at Agaiembo Lake in Oro province after being damaged by Zero fighters on the 2nd February 1942.
see also --
Recovery pictures --

The Drum
The Post Courier column many people turn before looking at the rest of the paper is called The Drum. Here is a sample of one item in a recent column.
History gone - Destruction of 37 years of tapes recording the history of Chimbu music in front of the Governor, chairman and MD of the NBC should not come as a surprise. A priceless collection was wantonly destroyed just like much of the PNG Film collection which ended up in the Baruni Dump because the powers that be could not keep the aircon running. In addition, this despite offers from overseas museums and film studios to rehabilitate it and return it in digital form.
Just visit the Post Courier web site at -- -- and then click on the link to The Drum for similar news items. A bit like the PNG Gossip not what is reported may not be 100% accurate.

Cannabis Seized
Police in Central province have seized 36 Kilogram of compressed marijuana leaves at Agevairu along the Hiritano Highway and arrested 10 people alleged to be drug traffickers. The drugs were packed into 23 10kg rice bags. Central police, acting on a tip-off, have also recently caught eight people along the highway, on their way to Port Moresby to sell 29 bags of marijuana.

Right Reverend Samson Lowa, the head of the United Church of PNG; public servant, Paul Songo; and real estate developer and Port Moresby identity Dadi Toka have all been knighted in the 2010 Queen's Birthday honours.
An awards list can be found here --

Goroka University
A full independent audit is currently underway at the University of Goroka (UOG). Chancellor Benias Sabumei said the independent audit team has started auditing the university's expenditure from 2007 through to last year. He said the final audit report would be submitted to the auditor-general.
see --
and - Parkop calls for end to crisis culture --
and also --

Porgera Landowners Slam Bill
The Akaili Tange Association at Porgera has condemned the recent amendments to the Environment Act passed in Parliament. Association spokesman Karath Mal said the bill was not in the best interest of the PNG population. "All MPs should wake up before it's too late and revoke the bill," he said.
see also --

SHP Alcohol Ban
Kiburu, Muruk and Ambua lodges will all feel the impact of the enforcement of a province wide alcohol ban beginning in July. The Southern Highlands province has gazetted the ban recently and police have already set up 24 hour a day inspection points at various entry points into the province. Deputy Governor and Member for Mendi Pastor Isaac Joseph said it was important for law and order in the province to be contained as the huge LNG project had commenced and he wanted to encourage investors and visitors to visit the province.

Juergen & Stella Freund
Award winning photographer and journalists Juergen & Stella Freund are on an 18 months assignment for the WWF to report about the Coral Triangle. They are currently in PNG visiting West New Britain, New Ireland and Manus. To follow up on their travels please visit --

Lam Ultimatum
The coach of the PNG Kumuls has said he will resign as coach if the league hierarchy in PNG does not sort out its internal bickering that has left the game's administration in limbo. Lam has given the league heavies until the end of the June to sort out the current leadership tug-o-war that has ended up in the courts; otherwise he will resign as coach of the national team.
see --

Kapris Given Light Sentence
William Kapris has been given five years for his part in the armed robbery of the Metals Refining Operations (MRO). Three of those years have been suspended and two years were deducted for time already spent in jail. National Court judge Justice Bernard Sakora said the court took into account Kapris' cooperation with the authorities. "He over-cooperated with police and everybody and anyone who wanted to talk with him."
see --
The MRO robbery saw the theft of K78,000 in cash and four gold bars worth more than K2 million by Kapris and several others in 2007.

Bougainville Elections
Autonomous Bougainville Government President John Momis officially took office yesterday. He has already met with his council members to discuss the path for the future of Bougainville. Momis gained 52% of the vote, or around 50,000 votes to outgoing president's James Tanis vote count of about 15,000 votes.
see --
also - Tanis exits as happy man --
Old timers win --

Arson Attempt
An arson attempt has been made on a US$20 million twin-rotor Columbia helicopter located at the Oil Search Ltd (OSL) Nogoli camp in the Southern Highlands. The arsonist managed to cut through the fence and pour kerosene inside the helicopter. Fortunately security guards noticed the smoke and managed to put out the fire before it caused major damage. A suspect has been arrested and taken to the police cells at Moro.
Photo taken near the Nogoli camp --

Mt Ulawun
A stage 2 alert has been downgrade to stage 1 by the provincial administration and disaster committee for Mt Ulawun in West New Britain province after a recent increase and then decrease in seismic activity and ash from the volcano. Mt Ulawun has a four-stage alert warning system which guides the preparedness actions of the local authorities.
see --

Child Mortality Rate
PNG has the highest child mortality rate in the Pacific region. 74 out of every 1,000 children in PNG die annually from preventable and easily treatable diseases, malnutrition and neglect before the age of five. PNG's goal is to see the present statistics drop by 60 per cent by the year 2030.

Air Niugini
From the 1st of July Air Niugini is introducing a new schedule that will see a total of 40 flights to Australian destinations, 16 flights to Asia and four flights to the Pacific each week. People coming in from international destinations will now have a better chance of catching a flight to Goroka with the Port Moresby Goroka flight rescheduled to 3:30pm.
For more details --
see also --

Coming Events
Second National Touch Championships -- 1st to the 4th of July at the Takubar sports field in Kokopo East New Britain province.
PNG Census - 11th to the 17th of July
National Mask Festival, Rabaul - 14th - 18th of July
Malagan Show - 14th - 27th of July
Remembrance Day - 23rd July
Mt Hagen Show -- 13th - 15th of August
2010 Medical Symposium 29th of August to the 3rd of September. (Wewak)
19th Pacific History Conference, Pacific at the crossroads - University of Goroka - 12th to 16th of September
Independence Day - 16th September
Goroka Show -- 17th to the 19th of September --
Morobe Agricultural Show - 23rd & 24th October --
11th Mining and Petroleum Investment Conference - 6th to 8th December, 2010 - Hilton Hotel, Sydney --
Full Pacific Games - New Caledonia 2011
National Elections - Scheduled for June 2012
2012 PNG Games -- Kokopo, East New Britain
Pacific Mini Games - Wallis and Futuna 2013
Full Pacific Games - PNG 2015
Do you have an event that you want advertised? - Use the submission form located at -- ../misc/ctc.html.
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